Monday, December 21, 2009

The Way You Make Me Feel December!

Hi everybody! I like to think that I am doing pretty well in December with my movie watching, but I am not so sure of that. I feel like I have watched a lot of films, but after looking at my list I am not so sure. I would like to knock out 2 from "The list" today to start my Christmas movie marathon, so hopefully that is achieved. This is my last day of work until the New Year, so my blog promptness may not be up to par, but I will try! I have to watch every movie I set out to watch on this December list and I have 7 more left...
This weekend I laid down 3 different times to watch The Natural. It was a great feel good sports movie, most sport movies are, although Bang the Drum Slowly wasn't that great, however I really enjoyed this one. Robert Redford was hot as usual and Glenn Close did a fine job. I definitely liked her role in Fatal Attraction a lot more, but she played a wholesome character in The Natural. I was just so happy that it had a happy ending, because I was worried there for a bit.
So far, what I noticed about the movies I picked for December, not one of them has really hit me like, OMG I loved that movie or that was such a great freakin movie! I haven't that feeling yet, except for maybe Officer and a Gentlemen, that was the only one so far, but even that didn't affect me like other months did where there were so many to choose from that it was hard to pick a fav, but don't worry I have like 7 more films to maybe I will get that tingling sensation. Well TTFN and we will meet again after Christmas and hopefully before the New Year, but If I don't talk to you again...

"Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight"
-Truman Show (1998)

Friday, December 18, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I know u guys missed me, well Sky and Marques because I am sure you are the only 2 people that actually still follow me! I think the world should follow me cause I got some stuff to say and I love movies, yes I do!! So much that I watched 2 last nite, (on a school nite..I know) and I watched one the other night, just haven't been able to discuss it because my computer was getting that good ole' Microsoft 7 upgrade! Now I am back and ready to chat...
The other night, I received a very nice present from a new friend (a bed frame) and decided to attack it alone for about 3 hours then watch On the Waterfront. I have had this movie for about a week and a half and I guess just looking for the right time to watch it, don't know why this day was ,but it happened and still not so sure about the movie. I again loved Marlon Brando, but the movie was a little better than OK, but not amazing and wonderful and all the other adjectives I have used. So I chalked that one up as " I was too tired to enjoy it type of movie."
Well that very same night, I guess somewhere I decided that I was no longer tired, although I was really tired, but maybe after On the Waterfront it was like 9pm and in my mind that was too early, so I attempted to watch Say Anything, especially because it was only an hr and 36 mins so I figured I would be in the bed before midnight. Anyways, I never got through the movie because the DVD kept skipping. That sucks huh? Yeah I got to the 18 min. mark and it skipped, so I fast forward about 5 mins, attempted to watch it, got through it, and skipped again like 4 times. I later cut it off and the next day reported a problem to Netflix, they shipped another copy and I finished watching it last night!
Say Anything was a good film, I loved John Cusack as a younger actor, although I think he is a lot cuter now. It was also cool seeing Joan Cusack play his sister in the movie, I just love her! I thought it was a really well made film, kinda your typical 80"s film too, but from beginning to end i fully enjoyed it. what was cool too was that it actually wasn't that predictable and the ending was fun!
Lastly, after Say Anything I finally watched National Lampoon's Vacation. That movie was a long time coming because for so much of my childhood I heard references to that movie from my parents. Parts like the stirring of the Kool-Aid and Walley World. So of course that movie was good and super funny. I loved it and I was so close to watching National Lampoon's Christmas, but was too tired! Next week for sure.
Speaking of next week, I am taking a few days off to relax and have a 2 day Christmas movie marathon. I have over 15 Christmas movies that I need to crack open, if I can I will start this Sunday!! I love movies and I love Christmas and putting them together...well I can't think of a better pastime. TTFN!

"You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am"
-On the Waterfront (1954)

Monday, December 14, 2009

On My Way!!

What a weekend, not the best, but hey I dealt with it! Finished Brothers and Sisters, that made me sad because I love that show, but I guess now I can continue to focus on the prize...200+ movies before my 25th birthday, I am on my way though!
So after a 3 hr long clean-up session, I had to get my home in order because it was a hot mess, I finally took a load off and watched An Officer and a Gentleman. Such a great film from beginning to end. I don't know if you guys know this but I can be a lil obsessed with time. Its very hard for me to watch a film without knowing the running time and sometimes thats how I decide what film I am going to watch and this movie pretty much won because it was the longest, so I figured watching it on Sunday would make sense right? So anyways, I normally glance at the time on the DVD player whenever watching a movie, however, with this movie the first time I glanced at the DVD player was at an hr and 21 mins, isn't that pretty cool. That just goes to show you how much I loved the film!!
Richard Gere was stellar and this was the second time I have seen Debra Winger and I think she was awesome and so cute, even though I still loved her better in Terms of Endearment. The ending was the best and this film had all the right stuff; drama, love, tears, laughter and just that overall good feeling. This is a true classic in my book. TTFN!!

"Don't you do it! Don't! You... I got nowhere else to go! I got nowhere else to g... I got nothin' else."
-An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Its a Boy..No its a Girl!!

So last night, I came home pretty wiped out, chilled a bit, watched Housewives of ATL: Lost Footage, then I went back and forth deciding if I wanted to watch the new episode of Housewives of Orange County, since I missed last week...then as I was talking on the phone I proceeded to watch it, and it was good. After that I was starved so I made a lil din-din and then opened up the 3 latest movies I got from Netflix, having 2 already there and decided on an exciting film last night.
Well, now I bet you are wondering what that exciting film was...Fatal Attraction!! Oh now that was a thriller! It was so good, and it was amazing to see Glenn Close in that role because I have only seen in her in older roles, kinda like Meryl Streep until I saw Sophie's Choice. I loved this film, it was funny because when I read who was in it, I thought to myself isn't Demi Moore in this, then a friend showed me the way and told me she is in Indecent Proposal, so I was getting those two films mixed up, same director though. What I loved about this film is that it was the catalyst for many newer films that adopted some of the same plots or bathtub-I- am-still-alive or let my wife shoot you scene. I just loved it from beginning to end!!
Now lets get to the part of the film that I was so hung up on and confused about...yes the fact that their daughter looked like a straight up boy. She has no girlie features. Nope. None at all, I was trippin cause I was like did they have a boy play this role and if so, why wasn't it their son. So during my shock and awe that the kid's name was Ellen and not Allen, I was talkin to Sky and he did a lil research, basically saying the girl was picked out of 1000's because of her tomboy look, and then I read the same thing. Don't get me wrong, she was a good lil actress, just through me for a loop.
Well, I have 4 more films at home I cannot wait to sink my teeth into, so hopefully I can knock them out this wknd when I get back from rainy Magic Mtn...wish me luck! TTFN!!

"We were attracted to each other at the party, that was obvious! You're on your own for the night, that's also obvious... we're two adults."
-Fatal Attraction (1987)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Que Sera, Sera!

So I seriously had a very nice Sunday of movies!! On Saturday afternoon I saw New Moon and wanted to take a nap and watch one or 2 movies when I got home, but instead I gabbed on the phone all day and all night and didn't really do anything productive, so I made a vow to watch a film or 2 on Sunday and I managed to watch 3 amazing films and 6 episodes of Brothers & Sisters.
The first movie I watched was The Apartment. OMG, what a film!! I absolutely loved this one, it was great from beginning to end. Although I have watched quite a few black and white films, I still have issues with watching them and immediately clam up the minute I see one, but Oh man...I should not have doubted this film. Jack Lemmon was extraordinary and I love Shirley Mc Claine, especially because this is the first role I have seen in her younger days, she was and still is so beautiful and elegant. I guess that's why this won the 1960 Best Picture Oscar...Two thumbs way up!!!
After that movie I watched the movie Heathers, but before I discuss that one, I will jump to my last movie that was hilarious and just as good as the first:Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. All I can say is hilarious!! Ben Stiller had his crew of crack-ups and it made for a fun, cute, and great film. That is definitely on the must have list for my DVD collection.
Next I decided to switch it up with a lil with a teen flick called Heathers. What a movie! I had no clue what to expect, it was like Natural Born Killers meets Bonnie and Clyde in high school. It was such a dark, yet great film. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, although crazy, were at the top of their game. I wish everybody would watch this film.
During the film I found a new song that I loved and downloaded called Que Sera, Sera (whatever will be, will be). I have heard this before, but for some reason, it really hit me when I heard it this time, as if the song was talking to me. I decided that was gonna be my motto, especially in the new year...whatever is supposed to happen in my life will happen...not to get all personal since this is a movie blog, but the last couple months of my life has surprised me a bit, in a good way. Old friends are coming up, things I wish and pray for are happening all around me. I don't question it, I do not know how it will end, but I know I am going to just ride it out and Que Sera, Sera. TTFN!
"That's the way it crumbles... cookie-wise."
The Apartment (1960)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh the 70's

So after 2 days of attempting to finish one movie, I finally did and ehhh...
On Monday I started to watch Bang the Drum Slowly and slowly is drummed on and on of fast talking baseball players. I didn't really care for it, Robert De Niro did a fine job, but I expected more. It was listed as a tearjerker in the Sports genre, but I didn't tear up at all. I only wish it would have explained Hodgkin's disease more and if it did, they were so fast talkin all over the place that I really didn't understand it. Also, I have noticed that it is very hit or miss with me for the 1970 movies, I either love em or hate em (Monty Python...hated it...One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...loved it)
Yeah, so that's my first movie of December...24 more to go! TTFN!

Bruce Pearson: Everybody'd be nice to you if they knew you were dying.
Henry Wiggen: Everybody knows everybody is dying; that's why people are as good as they are.
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

OMG, my favorite month is here, seriously this is the best month ever. Its just such a great time for family, friends, laughter and happiness. Its like nothing can go wrong in the Christmas spirit just makes everything OK. When you go outside, everything just seems a littler brighter and the world seems a little nicer!! I love this month. I love the holidays and I love movies!! And since I love movies, this month my goal is to watch 25 and I think that is possible!! Maybe not 25 from the "The List" but overall 25 movies, esp because its the holidays, so I will have more days off...I gotta watch some Blockbuster hits in the theaters and classic Christmas 25 is realistic don't ya think? Well, you will be happy to know that November so far what my strongest month of movies!! I watched a total of 19 films/TV DVD's, 13 of which were from "The List." They are as follows: Chinatown, Dirty Harry, Do the Right Thing, Jacob's Ladder, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, October Sky, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, Terms of Endearment, The Princess Bride, The Silence of the Lambs, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
And the other films and or TV on DVD were lots of Brothers & Sisters, The Mentalist Precious, The Ugly Truth, GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra and Star Trek.
What a month right? I wanted to watch 18 just off "The List", but sometimes that is just not possible, I mean with my addiction of Brothers & Sisters and The Mentalist it makes it a tad bit impossible. Luckily for me I only have 3 more discs of Brothers & Sisters and Season 1 of Private Practice only has 9 episodes, after that all my time will be devoted to films.
Speaking of films, I have decided to watch 2 films from half the genres including 1 from the Yahoo movie section on my list (so 7/14 genres+1 Yahoo=15 films minimum) Possibly more from the Family genre because it is December and a minimum of 2 of those overall films have to Best Picture Academy Award winners. Intense, I know, but of course nothing is set in stone; that is just my goal and it sounds good in my head! Yeah, I know that's deep, but I do well with structure and it makes it easier for me to reach my goals instead of super random picking. So you can see my updated list on the right-hand side; right where I left it!
Also, this month is open season where I am allowed some changes, such as taking films off and if I add one, a movie must be taken off, I cannot possibly add anymore without taking some away, so if you have any suggestions I can email my list upon request...the deadline is December 31st 11:59pm.
And the results are in:80/273...December here I come...go hard or go home!!! TTFN!
***(Editors note: Before starting this blog, I checked off that I have seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs..since that was when I was super young, I decided that it should not be included, therefore my numbers were off in the beginning and the 80/273 movies watched are correct.)

November Favorite: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Terms of Endearment.
November Non List Favorite: G.I.Joe and Precious.
November least favorite: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

November Favorite Quote:
"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not!
You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Last time I cried!

Alright, so last night was my last attempt to watch another November movie! My next post will have my summary of November and my December plan of attack, but before that lets discuss my last movie of November...
Since I was so determined to watch one or two more films(almost got through 2)...I decided on Terms Of Endearment!! OMG, this maybe one of my favorite films and yes...I cried!! Sure did, the ending was so sad, but man that was such an amazing film. The relationship between Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger it was had me in tears, my mom is one of my best friends so I could relate! And a mother should never had to bury their child (sorry for those who never seen it), but seriously, that is one of the hardest things to do. I just loved their relationship! I swear on everything I have seen like 5 mins. of that movie before, but I see why it won the Academy Awards in 1983...stellar performances, stellar story line and just so touching. A true classic and tearjerker! And how could you not love Jack in this movie!!!
So...bye, bye November and Hello December!! TTFN!

"Don't worship me until I've earned it."
Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment (1983)
"I know you like me. I know it. For the last year or two, you've been pretending like you hate me. I love you very much. I love you as much as I love anybody, as much as I love myself. And in a few years when I haven't been around to be on your tail about something or irritating you, you could... remember that time that I bought you the baseball glove when you thought we were too broke. You know? Or when I read you those stories? Or when I let you goof off instead of mowing the lawn? Lots of things like that. And you're gonna realize that you love me. And maybe you're gonna feel badly, because you never told me. But don't - I know that you love me. So don't ever do that to yourself, all right?"
Debra Winger in Terms of Endearment (1983)
**Too good for just one quote

Monday, November 30, 2009


Good morning and Happy post Turkey day!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, as did I...So during this holiday long weekend, I planned to watch a lot of movies, but did not get around to it, however I did watch 2 very good movies.
After work, I came home, ate and cuddled up to watch Jacob's Ladder. It was a trip, good movie, good concept. I enjoyed the acting and how it just kept me on my toes. Tim Robbins was a delight to watch in a role like this.
And on Sunday I watched the mother of all classics...Schindler's List. What a powerful movie. I took 3+ hours out of my Sunday afternoon to really sit and watch such an epic film. I hated, hated, hated Ralph Fiennes in this movie, killing was such a sport to him and it disgusted me. Liam Neeson was amazing and what he did for the Jews...priceless. I must say, I wish I would have paid more attention in school learning about The Holocaust, because I think ultimately this is a film I must re-watch again so I could understand a bit more. I didn't cry, which I thought for sure I was going to, I guess for movies like this I need to just be totally in that mindset to cry, like very emotional. I normally cry during a movie when something just hits me or its an emotional time. Gosh, this was such a sad film, but I am so happy I finally watched it. There was no way I could have ever watched this at any other age but now.
So tonite, the end of November I must watch another film, I wish I had it in me to watch 2 more...but there is no way and plus Gossip Girl is on tonite and I am addicted to Brothers and Sisters, I mean that is what set me back from watching more films...TTFN!!

"It's Hebrew, it's from the Talmud. It says, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."
Schindler's List (1993)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks!

Every year, around this time is a very special holiday. Its a time for food, fun, laughter, happiness, joy, family and most importantly giving thanks. I would like to take this time to talk about a very special film I saw this month that moved and touched me in more ways than I can ever express. Its the kinda film that you give thanks for all the things you take for granted. Its the kinda film that makes you love your mother even more for all the love and sacrifice she has given to give you the best possible life; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that makes you love your daddy so much and always want to be a young and innocent little girl that was able to sit in their dad's lap and have him protect you from harm; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that allows you to appreciate the neighborhood that you grew up in. Appreciate the toys you would open up on Christmas. The friends you had, the friends you have, and the friends you lost; you give thanks for that. The film I am talking about that I give thanks for the ability to watch films everyday, to fantasize about the fairy tales and give a sigh of relief for films that are not a true story. Because you think how could a mother or father do that to their own child. Their own flesh and blood. Those are the films I am thankful for my sight and sound. I am thankful for my mind and intelligence that allows me separate the good from that bad. The happiness from the sad. This film is Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire.
Precious, just a simple independent film did all that for me. It was raw, gritty, dark, and heartfelt. I left that film in awe, I couldn't believe that life could ever be that dark for someone, although it didn't say "Based on a True story..." i believe that is a true story somewhere for some girl. Although I could never relate in the least bit to any part of that film, I certainly sympathize and know that I am thankful for my life and the journey I am on to continue to live a solid and healthy one. Lets all give thanks! TTFN

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious."
Precious (2009)


Oh Re-runs...

So last night all my shows were re-runs, therefore I decided to knock out two films and boy that was a bust! I mean you call these 2 films classic, well they went classically wrong for me. Without making this a long trashing blog, let me just lay down the facts.
Well, I finally watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail because I heard so many people love this film, and its a classic and its so funny and all these wonderful things..NOT!! It was crazy and ridiculous, however, I talked to a few colleagues and we all agreed that British humor is so different from normal humor. I think for this movie you have to dig really deep to get that roaring laughter..well I guess I just didn't dig deep enough.
Now to top it off, I tried to finish a film that I previously feel asleep on, well I guess I should have just stayed asleep. I have no intention of being some film critic with this blog, just what went on in my brain while watching Chinatown. Yes, Chinatown, man I was looking forward to this one too and it just didn't do it for me. I also realized that I am not into Noir type Crime-Drama films. I love Crime-Drama, just not that type.
And the best part of my night, I decided to put in a film I knew and liked, so I went through all my DVD's and picked out Broken Arrow. Turned off the lights, got under my covers, got about 5 mins. into the movie and realized I didn't remember any of the movie, especially because I thought Christian Slater was the bad guy, not Travolta...even though he plays one hell of a bad guy. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie...I just didn't remember any of it! LOL!!
As you can see my night was a bust, well not a complete bust because I knocked out 2 more films off "The List"...but geez, I was hoping for 2 good films, but like I always say...they all can't be good! TTFN.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
-Chinatown (1975)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Almost There...

So this wknd, I did a little catching up! Between this weekend and Monday I saw 3 movies..I know just three, but I also watched 3 shows on DVD which translates into 11 episodes which translates into about 91/2-10 hrs of time I could have been watching some more DVD's...oh well! I still have complete confidence that I will achieve me goal...
So first off, I finally watched Sophie's Choice. Good film, bu didn't make me cry. I actually fell asleep in the last 20 mins., then had to wake up when I heard someone screaming and good thing I did because that was the best part of the whole film. That was the part when Sophie had to "choose." Definitely sad, but I was ready to cry, I mean like grab a tissue type of crying because it was listed as a tearjerker and I feel like so many people cry after watching this film. Since I was a tad bit confused, esp when it jumped to her past, thats probably why I wasn't filled with so much emotion. Meryl Streep was stellar!
Next, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!! Soooo good, well of course, I have seen it when I was younger, but there were so many parts I didn't remember. I have to say it was much sadder than I remember. I mean I know she ends up living in the end, but the fact that there was a funeral and all made me so sad. I was like, wow...Snow White is a deep and sad film, but loved it and is a true classic!
Lastly, on Monday I decided to play a lil hooky and I watched The Princess Bride! That was such a cute film that had all the elements of a classic. Good actors, humor, happy ending and true love. Who doesn't want true love right? It was so much fun seeing Mandy Patinkin from Criminal Minds as a Spaniard fighter avenging his father's death...that was classic! I love feel good films and that was definitely one!!
I have to say I saw a good lil run of films and have about 3 more coming this week, hopefully before the 30th I can knock out more than last month..I was supposed to watch 18 this month, but I highly doubt that will happen!!
I will probably not watch another film before Thanksgiving, but tomorrow expect an extra special blog!! TTFN!!
-The Princess Bride (1987)

Friday, November 20, 2009

This One's For You!

Hi Marques! Yes I am talkin to u since I think ur the only that still follows my blog and keeps me on my toes!!! So this blog is for
Well last night I purchased a new TV that I have been wanting for some time and I decided that since I wake up 5 days a week and have been dealing with 10-12 students a day for the past month or so and not to mention walk-in Fridays have been out of control, that I should reward myself with a new I DID and I decided to break it in with my first love..A MOVIE!!!
So after playing around with all the fun features I popped in The Ugly Truth, I was waiting for a few friends before I watched it, but that never last night was the perfect time. It was such a great movie, I compared it to The Proposal only because that was the latest movie that could relate to it the most, you know with 2 costars in which the movie is only going to work if there is chemistry on the screen and this movie was full of it and hot guys!! I was so excited to see the Gay Priest from Brothers and Sisters, he screams hot! And since I don't watch Grey's Anatomy I am still able to be a fan of Katherine Heigel (cause I hear most people aren't anymore). It was a cute film, kinda predictable..but nowadays what isn't? I loved it though!!
On another note, I did watch a few films last wknd that I never blogged about, I guess because neither one was a film off "The List" but good films indeed, so I guess I will do another for those two!
So I bet ur wondering what do I have in store for this wknd...well quite a few things! I have 3 discs of 3 different TV shows (Brothers and Sisters, Criminal minds and The Mentalist) I plan to knock those out and I rented one "List" film..Sophie's Choice. I am excited for that; never seen it, but heard it was a true classic. I own or borrowed a few other classics, so hopefully I get through a couple of those because I am a little behind!! Anyways, on top of that, I am really going all out and will try to have a themed day where I watch either Disney movies or action movies, Haven't decided yet...but its gonna happen. So Lil ya go!! TTFN!!
"Here's Looking at you Kid"
-Casablanca (1942)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 classics...check!

So I literally have not found 5-1o mins out of my day to even share my wonderful weekend of movies with you. I hope before reading this you have read my last post about my current favorite movie, I had a lil fun with that one and that night!! This weekend was a little different, I saw 3 very different, yet touching classic movies..lets discuss them!
The first one I saw was The Silence of The Lambs on Saturday night. What a great film! Of course, over my 24 years of living I have heard so much about this film, just never had the guts to actually watch it and in October I really wanted to, just never found the time ya know, but now I did! It was a true classic and Anthony one could have played a better Hannibal Lector than that guy! Oh and seeing Ted Levine as a serial killer-tranie-psycho who tucked his goods in to look like a woman, now that just took me by surprsie, esp. cause I love him at Detective Stottlemeyer on Monk.
Next film was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's that was one of my favorite films. So sad, but so deep and amazing and just touches your heart and soul. Jack hell of an actor!!! I mean I love him as The Joker and in The Shining, but this film..I was speechless. I was forewarned that it was sad, I just didn't realize how sad. Those guys looked up and admired him. I fell in love with Danny Devito...Oh man, he was a riot!!! He was so little and played mental really well, esp. when they would play cards and bet a dime. My favorite scene, well I had a lot, was when "Chief" was playin basketball, and he was supposedly deaf, dumb, and mute, which I am glad he really wasn't...that was so funny!
Lastly, I really got to thinking after seeing Do the Right Thing. What a powerful film and had so many deep messages. My mom claims I saw it when I was younger, but I don't remember at all. I have to say watching the film I definitely remember hearing references to different characters, like Radio Raheem...I have heard someone mention him at some point in my life. It was so funny cause during the film I was texting my brother about scenes I thought were funny cause I know he has seen it and he was reciting a few lines, so I was like "Oh seems like you are very familiar" and he was like, "Yeah I have seen that film since I was 5, so I have 20 years of familiarity." Then I said back, "Well I guess that makes me 20 years behind!" It was so true though, cause films like that I took zero interest in when I was younger and I am so proud of myself every time I watch one of these classics, I feel like I have accomplished if I am living life now.
I think my 2 favorite scenes in Do the Right Thing were all the racial slurs they had for every race. The other one was towards the end when Mookie comes to get his money from Sal, it was so powerful, because despite all that happened the night before with the murder and rioting and a family losing there life so to speak, here comes a young kid that needs to support himself and family comes to ask for his money. Well at that very moment you get upset cause its like WTF... then the scene soon progresses and you realize he is just about his money. He needed to get paid for hours he worked, nothing more and nothing less. I mean I could go on about that scene and people can interpret it any way they wish, but it was very powerful. And of course, the ending with Smiley...priceless!
What I really loved or enjoyed about all these films, was watching actors that I have seen in more recent roles, I have talked about this before, but these 3 films were perfect examples of seeing older actors in there debut roles or first major role. Its just an exciting thing. I love movies! LOL!!
So that was my weekend of fun, I told you in November I wanted to watch movies that affected me in some sort of way or were true classics. I am determined to get a lot of films watched this I am on my way! TTFN
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
-The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not!
You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

"Hey, Sal, how come they ain't no brothas on the wall?"
-Do The Right thing (1989)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

In this case the V was for the "Vulcan salute" instead of "Victory!"

You know what? Its great to be a Trojan and you want to know why? Because we got to see free movies at the new Regal Cinemas at LA. Live! Yes, if you are a USC student,last Thursday night Eric and I saw 2 great flicks. All summer I wanted to see G.I. Joe, but then the summer just flew by and besides Eric went off to vaca and we just never got around to seeing it, then of course, of all days that I decide to take a lil stroll around campus they are advertising USC free Movie Night!! Well my P.I.C. was gonna be outta town that day and besides she really didn't wanna see G.I. Joe anyways, so I dial up my other summer moviegoer P.I.C (partner in Crime) and guess what... he was totally down!
So anyways, it was a great night, we thought we could only see one movie, bu then when we realized that there were later times, we were so sneaky, I put my hair down,he threw on his hood and we high-jacked another ticket to see Star Trek. Well, I am pretty sure the guy recognized us, but we didn't care. And BTW lets not leave out the fact that it was ridiculously crazy at LA. Live. There was a Kings game and R.Kelly concert and this movie premiere. It was bananas, I even said to Eric after the concert let out, it was like a Ghetto Convention in town. That was OK for me to say right... since I am black? He cracked up so hard, but couldn't believe I even said that, I mean come was stilettos, pumps, outfits like they left the club, pimps and hoes, crackheads, ok not crackheads, but fresh perms and press-on nails, finger waves and weaves, and the skankiest outfits. I'm just sayin...R.Kelly knows how to attract a crowd.
Now to the movies...G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra was sooooooooooooo freakin amazing. I am almost certain its one of my favorite movies right now, if I would have seen it over the summer that and The Hangover and The Proposal would have been my favs. By a landslide. The whole time I was thinking about Transformers and decided I actually liked G.I. Joe better. Yep, didn't think that was possible, but it was!! And come on, you know how much I love Channing Tatum...he definitely didn't dissapoint! Marlon Wayans was funny, sorry Brandi, but he did a fine job. I just love all the action and the fact that it was surprise after surprise. There was no predictability. I give it an A+ and I was so happy I got to see it on the big screen.
Now Star Trek...great film. As we all can guess, I am no Star Trek fan,but I thought it was a fine film. Great story line, great actors. Although I hate "Sylar" from Heroes, he played a wonderful and perfect Spock. Don't get me wrong, somehow I know all the characters, just never watched it. I do remember being younger and at a hotel for whatever reason. It was late at night and there was nothing on at all and I came across Whoppi Goldberg on the tube and ended up watching whatever she was in, come to find out it was an episode of Star Trek, so that and prolly like one other one I have seen in my entire life.
So yeah, that was my Thursday night and I paid for it on Friday. All day, after seeing a trillion students I felt hungover and I didn't even have a sip of alcohol. But, needless to say, after 2 great FREE films,1 dollar popcorn and drinks, a great Yardhouse dinner,good company, good laughs and getting home at was all worth it and I would do it over again. TTFN.
"Vulcan Salute:Live Long and Prosper"
-Star Trek (2009)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feelin Lucky?

So last night I knocked out two films on my list!! OH yess!!!
I watched October Sky and Dirty Harry, Both were very different films, yet very good films!! October Sky made me tear up a bit and Dirty Harry, well its Dirty Harry right? I am excited about my future films to come, this looks like its going to be a very successful month of films. That's pretty much all I have to say, solid films, none of my best but glad I watched! Clint Eastwood was pretty hot I must say and he had some classic lines. So headed home, got some TV to watch and maybe another film, if I am feeling lucky! TTFN.

"I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
-Dirty Harry (1971)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye October...Welcome November!

So when I was thinking of my films for October, I thought about the holiday surrounding October and that was Halloween so nothing was more fitting than scary movies right? Now November is a month of family and giving thanks because of Thanksgiving, therefore I am going to dabble in a little bit of everything related to feeling good and making one appreciate life..therefore I want to watch mostly family movies, a few comedies and tear-jerkers. I didn't get through all of my October list, so I may borrow a few from there such as October Sky, Chinatown, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Silence of the Lambs, in addition to that I will have a few others that you can check out on my Monthly list located on the right hand side of my blog page.
As far as October, I think I watched more movies than I did in September... I watched 7 from my list and 6 others for a total of 13 films. This month I manged to improve by watching 9 films from my list such as: The Sound Of Music, Twelve Monkeys, Se7en, Psycho, Stand by Me, The Thing, Poltergeist, The Shining, and Peggy Sue Got Married. In addition to those films, I also saw a couple discs of Brothers and Sisters, The Mentalist, Law Abiding Citizen, Observe and Report, Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D, The Proposal, Obsessed and a Lifetime Film: Sorority Wars (which I loved)! I saw soooo many great films, that it was really hard to choose a favorite!
So that puts my total for October at 18 films including the discs of Brothers and Sisters and The Mentalist.
And the Results are in:68/273 films watched! I really would like that to be at 100 by the end of 2009, which means I would have to watch 38 films in 2 months...wish me luck! TTFN!

October Favorite: Se7en and The Shining. (The Proposal: "non-list" film favorite)
October Least Favorite: The Thing.
"Build it and They Will Come"
-Field of Dreams (1989)

Fall Back...

So yesterday was November 1st and Daylight Savings Time! I love that time of the year, esp in the fall because we get an extra hour of sleep and fun! I actually had a fun-filled Sunday and a fun-filled October! Threw a birthday/Housewarming Party that was a success, had a few game nights and watched 2 1/2 scary/thriller type movies on Halloween night! Now that it is November, I get to do my October summary of films, but before that, lets talk about the last 3 films I saw...
On Halloween night, my goal was to have a scary movie marathon, not slasher movies scary, more like older movies on my list. So I cuddled up with Sky and we got through Poltergeist and The Thing. Started on Psycho, but fell asleep and finished it on Sunday. Poltergeist was scary good. I am pretty sure I saw very little of that when I was younger, because I remember the short old lady that still freaks me out a lil. I felt the little girl was super creepy, with her long blond hair and that voice, but it was a damn good movie!!
The Thing, that was Sky's choice and I have to say..not a good one! I didn't enjoy it, thought it was gory and gross and a tad bit confusing. There were too many characters to keep up with and all the guessing just grew tired. So those sci-fi/horror ones...not really my thing!
Lastly, Psycho! Sooo good! I am really enjoying these black and white films. I totally called the killer though, but it was still a good movie. I am so glad I finally get to understand the references to Norman Bates and the Bates hotel. So 2 out of 3 were really good.
Well, I guess watching those confirmed that I could stomach certain films that I had no clue I could! I definitely want to see more Hitchcock, so he will be on the list for November. TTFN.

"They're Here"
-Poltergeist (1982)

"We all go a little mad sometimes."
-Psycho (1960)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


All I have to say is I FINALLY saw The Shining last night for the first time...CREEPYY!!! So good and so scary, but I see why it is a top movie! I love Jack Nicholson and I can officially handle scary movies after seeing that one. There were scary parts, which I think the music made it way scarier. I think my favorite scene is when he straight cusses his wife out for interrupting his typing! I was cracking up. The son was so crazy, his "little" friend creeped me out."REDRUM," I was saying that all night! I am so happy I didn't have nightmares! LOL.
Man, I have seen so many great movies this month its going to be hard to decide on my favorite! Time to pass out candy to my trick or treaters at The Orsini and have a jolly good time! TTFN.
"Here's Johnny!"
-The Shining (1980)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

They Grow up So Fast!

I know it has been a while and no I have not been slacking, just haven't had the proper time to devote to movies, I feel like I get home late, gotta watch my shows and then I am exhausted! NO EXCUSES!! I love movies and I need to watch more, but I also love TV and have gotten sucked into watching these TV shows on DVD, its so addicting!! Where I could be watching 3 movies, I watch The Mentalist and Brothers and Sisters on good!
However, in that time, I managed to squeeze in a film or 2, could have squeezed in more, but I had another engagement. Instead of being home alone on a Friday night I actually went out to dinner and a movie, unfortunately not with a boy, but it was definitely a good time! LOL. I saw Law Abiding Citizen, which was a good movie. Some things I was a bit mortified about, however, I think it was a good movie. It had all the great elements of vengeance, murder, mystery, and sadness. Jamie Foxx was awesome...oh yeah it made me laugh a lil too!
As far as my movie from "The List"...Stand By Me was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! I love that movie, the actors were amazing and it was just a great film. Seeing Jerry O'Connell as a fat lil kid was fun and River Phoenix gave a superb performance, I wish he was still around to make movies. I put that on the top of my list! And of course singing to "Stand by Me" at the end of the film was priceless.
So I have a few more I need to watch before Nov 1st and tonite I am looking forward to The Shining at The Orsini Movie Theater...wish me luck! TTFN!!

"It happens sometimes. Friends come in and out of our lives, like busboys in a restaurant."
-Stand By Me (1986)

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a Weekend!

Why Hello! So before we start I would like to say that I didn't accomplish my goal of watching 6 movies this weekend, I tried, but there just wasn't enough time in my days. USC football pretty much dominated my Saturday, along with cleaning and cooking. Then I had to watch Sorority Wars on Lifetime which was so good and I guess I can say I watched 4 movies if u include that. Then on Sunday, shopping and cooking took over. So next time I wanna watch 6 movies, I should order pizza.
So, the 3 movies I watched were all good in its own way. Lets start with Saturday: The Proposal and Twelve Monkeys were on the menu. The Proposal was soooooooooo freaking amazing. Seriously my favorite movies right now. It made me laugh and cry and laugh and cry some more (all in a good way). You think its predictable, but then it isn't, but then it is. I mean when you think that's going to happen and its the end, its not, then what you really wanted or thought was going to happen does, but in a very unpredictable way! Basically, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds were one hell of a team! I have not seen chemistry like this since Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook! So yeah, that is a must see! Sandra is back!!

Twelve Monkeys...what can I say..not really my kinda film. I thought Brad Pitt did an amazing job and Sky told me he would, so I was very impressed with him in that role. It was a role I could never see him play. But the movie itself...1 thumb up and 1 thumb down. The thumb up because of the concept and Brad Pitt. The thumb down for how the plot was executed, it was confusing and the ending left u like....hmmmm...So I don't quite recommend this movie unless u wanna see Brad Pitt in a non-Brad Pitt role!

Lastly....Observe and Report. Pretty funny, had very funny parts, but overall kinda funny. Seth Rogen was crazy as usual, but my favorite characters were "Raaaaaaaandy" and Danny McBride as a crackhead! There were a few super funny scenes that had me cracking up, but definitely not my favorite Seth Rogen role!

So this week I have to make up some ground and watch at least 3 movies during the week!! I will keep you posted...TTFN!
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay."
Twelve Monkeys (1995)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fight On!

Hey, Hey!! So I haven't quite watched anything since my last posting and thats OK right? I mean I think I will be on track and during the week it is somewhat hard sometimes...but no excuses. I just wanted to let you know that I plan and hope to watch like 6 movies this weekend, 4 from "the list" and 2 new ones! You think I can? I have no plans except to watch USC beat the Irish and shopping Sunday afternoon...6 sounds possible.
My weekend movies: The Proposal, Observe and Report, 12 Monkeys, Princess Bride, Chinatown, Raiders of the Lost Ark or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!! Good selections right? I hope so, but I am looking forward to this weekend challenge...TTFN!

"So you're telling me there's a chance..."
Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Monday, October 12, 2009

On a Softer Note...

OK so enough of the serial killing mayhem of extraordinary films. I mean isn't this why I am watching these films on "The List" because they are supposed to be great films. They are supposed to be films that become a conversation piece. They are the type of films that leave you with a range of emotions. Emotions of comfort, happiness, astonishment, discontent, disbelief, sadness, laughter, tears and fears. I am not sure if those are quite emotions, but they are feelings. They are actions. They are reactions. They are the very reason we see films. I saw 2 completely different films this weekend. One film that allowed me to be surprised, astonished, sad, and content. Another that made me feel comforted, happy, joyous, and content. Both films, although different had that feeling of content because they were two wonderful films. After watching Se7en on Saturday, I had to liven it up a little, cuddle up on a Sunday afternoon and watch the lovely Sound of Music.
What is there really to say about The Sound Of Music that the world doesn't already know. It is such a feel good movie. Julie Andrews takes your breath away. The children are so adorable, especially little Gretl. The movie was a timeless classic. It was funny because I am almost certain I have never seen the movie in my 24 years and it would be ridiculous if my mom told me I saw it when I was younger because that movie was a legit 2 hours and 54 minutes, and I know my hyper self would have never sat there long enough to watch it. While I love the movie, I only wished it had stopped at the wedding. The political side, I could have done without. But the music and the lightheartedness made up for the 2 hrs and 54 mins I was taking out of my life to watch this film!! TTFN!!

Favorite Song: Sixteen Going on Seventeen

[singing] "The hills are alive with the sound of music / With songs they have sung for a thousand years. / The hills fill my heart with the sound of music. / My heart wants to sing every song it hears."
"The Von Trapp children don't play. They march."
-The Sound of Music (1965)

Favorite Scene from Se7en

Was too long to put in the blog, but this was my favorite scene. It was towards the end of the film where Detective Mills and Somerset were driving John Doe to the last 2 bodies. There was conversation exchanged between Detective Mills and John Doe that was just so captivating. The acting of John Doe was something to be remembered in this scene...

David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people.
John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets!
David Mills: Murderers?
John Doe: A woman...
David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself?
John Doe: [interrupts] A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.


Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Pride

So I think I found my favorite movie on "The List" so far, I mean I do not know why I have never seen this film before because I love films like this. This weekend I was determined to watch like 4 movies, however I only got to 2, and 2 great films I might add. I watched another disc of The Mentalist and did a spur of the moment activity with an old friend Saturday night. So...
On Saturday I woke up around 11am, cleaned up around the house, put some chicken in the Crock-pot to make dinner, did some laundry, then opened up the blinds to let the cool air in so I could snuggle up under my covers and watch Se7en. What a movie! I mean where was I in 1995...oh yeah just turned 10 years old, at the mall getting my second ear pierced, crying at my birthday dinner because my ears were hurting so bad and not old and mature enough to enjoy and watch a movie like this (yes this actually came out on my birthday). And I guess once I became that older and wiser person, other movies came out and this one was never caught on a Saturday afternoon, in the hotel, after practice on TNT, USA or TBS!
Se7en was just one of those movies that had it all. Thriller, suspense, element of surprise and unpredictability. It wasn't one of those serial killer films where you suspected it was one of the detectives on the case; you knew the killer would just emerge on its own. There was no guessing game involved and the ending was the ultimate of endings. I mean to kill people based on the 7 deadly sins was genius. This was a great role for all 3 of the heavy-hitting Hollywood actors...Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt (yummy!) and The Killer (don't wanna give it away unless you haven't seen it cause they don't even list him in the opening credits). But yeah, the ending was probably the saddest, yet most amazing part of the entire film. I was wondering the whole time how The Killer was going to accomplish Envy and Wrath...beyond my wildest dreams he pulled it of; obviously in a sad way, but such a creative and unexpected way.
So as you can see, I love that movie and it should be on every body's list. Oh what else does October bring!! TTFN!!

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a homicide."
Se7en (1995)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Back In the Day...

Last night was seriously one of the best nights because it took me back to my childhood, 14 years ago...
14 years ago, 1995, when I was 10 years old, one of the best Disney Movies came out and I had the chance to see it again, on the big screen last night. Toy Story and Toy Story 2 was just as good as it was when it first came out, maybe even better. I do not have to tell you how I feel about this movie, if anybody knows me, you know I love it. I love Disney movies. I love Cartoons. I love movies that just make you feel good. I love family movies. I love to laugh and be happy and that it was Toy Story did for me.
So many people tell me I am such a little kid at hard because I love things like this. I love Barbies and toys and playing games. I have a feeling I am going to be a great parent someday because I will be able to relate to them and will always be down to play with them; I loved my childhood. I never heard the word no, I got everything I ever wanted and asked for...even without shedding a tear... just got it. The thought of the Toy Story(s) in 3-D wasn't even what attracted me to see this movie, it was the fact that at 24 years old, I am excited to see the movie on the big screen again. I will never forget how sad I was that I never saw A Little Mermaid on the big screen when it came back out, there was not reason or excuse as to why I missed it...I just did.
So if anybody wants to find their inner child, have some good laughs, reminisce about parts you remember or don't remember...Go see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D. TTFN!!!

"To Infinity, and Beyond"
-Toy Story (1995)

"I'm Tour Guide Barbie! Please keep your hands, arms, and accessories in the car, and no flash photography. Thank you. "
-Toy Story 2 (1999)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1+1 actually =1 good movie!

Why Hello!!! I know, I have been MIA for a while, but I warned you...and besides I needed a lil recovery right? Ok, So I actually watched 2 movies within 3 days, 1 classic and 1 non-classic...2 very average, yet different movies.

First off, on Sunday, during my recovery I decided to watch some Netflix rentals... I watched the first disc of The Mentalist, which is an amazing show, so I am looking forward to more of those discs. Also, at 11pm I decided I wasn't really tired since I slept in all morning to finish watching Obsessed. Lets discuss Obsessed. OK movie, OK actors, Predictable story line. I really enjoyed Ali Larter's acting as a crazy obsessed woman, kinda Fatal Attraction and The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, even though its been forever since I have seen those and not really sure that I have even seen Fatal Attraction, but I know about it. Neways, the worst was Beyonce. She just does not do it for me with the acting...singing...ok, yes i will giver her that! (I mean according to Kanye her video was one of the best of all times right? Too bad he couldn't be at the Academy Awards to promote Obsessed as one of the greatest movies of all time!!!) Sorry for the side note, I just give credit to Beyonce when she does films that involve singing and acting, I kinda forget the bad acting. Its just that I could have seen so many better women in this role. I am just happy she really wasn't in it ALL that much.

Now...Peggy Sue Got Married. First off...what a damn good cast. OMG, good actor, after good actor kept coming out. Kathleen Turner, Nicolas Cage, Helen Hunt, Jim Carrey (my favorite), and Joan Allen...I mean WOW! oh and it was cool to see the Mom from 7th Heaven. Now to the movie..not so great. it was OK, the concept was OK, I actually think there should be some sorta remake now and Kathleen Turner and Nicolas Cage should play the parents of a new"Peggy Sue." I just thought it was going to be a little more exciting, something was going to change in the future. Like if the characters were going to be like Oh Peggy Sue was right or was the nerd going to be different because she befriended him. And I hated, hated, hated Nicolas Cage's acting. That voice, those teeth, his character was so lame. So yeah, but again it was an OK, cute movie. I am about to be all over IMDB to see if that was any of those wonderful actor's first films.

So hopefully I can get in a few more films because we are already a wk into October and I have seen one..shame on me!! TTFN!

"The best thing about being a dentist. Pure pharmaceutical grade. Couple of lines of this, I could drill my own teeth."
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
(I only picked this cause Jim Carrey said it!)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Don't Be Tardy for the Pardy!!!

Ok, so I will be outta commission for a few days since I am hosting a Housewarming/Birthday Party!! I expect all my followers to be there so I can have a few stories to share on Monday! Have a good weekend and watch some movies for me!!!

"If I don't see you again, Good afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight!"
-The Truman Show (1998)

"P-A-R-T-Y? Cause I gotta!"
-The Mask (1994)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summer Ends and Fall Begins..What Does October Bring...

OK, so as we all know, its October 1st, therefore I need a new list of films for the month. Realistically I thought I could watch at least 12 films this month, and I am pretty sure I did that, maybe even more but all of those films were not classics. It was a mix of films on my list, newer films and TV on DVD. I cannot say I have failed or slacked this month, all I can say that September was a trial and error month. I see what I can accomplish and that this goal is still in fact very possible. According to my calculations I watched 7 films off my list: The Graduate, Reservoir Dogs, The Untouchables, Risky Business, Steel Magnolias, A Streetcar Named Desire and Raising Arizona. In addition to those films, I also watched 7 discs of Gossip Girl, Milk, 17 Again, State of Play, All About Steve, Final Destination 3, and I Love You, Man.

So between trying to crank out a whole season of Gossip Girl, my Birthday celebrations, and just starting this I think I did pretty well! So as far as October goes, since it is Halloween this month, I have decided to make it a themed movie month! I will most likely watch Thrillers, Suspense or Sci-Fi films, including Alfred Hitchcock! So let the fright fest begin!! any suggestions? Look for my new list on the right hand side!
The Results are in and I am at:59/273...TTFN

Favorite movie of September: The Untouchables or Reservoir Dogs
Least Favorite Movie of September: A Streetcar Named Desire

"I'm going to make him a offer he can't refuse."
-The Godfather (1972)

Wake up, Get Up..its the First of the Month!

Happy first of October everyone!!! Well I have been so busy getting ready for this party that I haven't had time to watch a good flick... until last night I sucked it up, got disciplined, and got one in. I was so ridiculously tired, but had to do it and it was a success. At about 9:45pm I told myself I could watch a movie that's about 90 mins and be in the bed by 11:30...midnight tops in case I got any distractions, which of course I did.

So at 10pm, I glanced at the top of my TV, where my borrowed flicks sit and wait to be watched and I decided that most comedies are about 90 mins, so why not watch Raising Arizona. Man this was a great film! I have to say I haven't really watched too many Coen Brothers flicks, such as The Big Lebowski or Fargo, but I loved O'Brother Where Art Thou!! Nicolas cage and Holly Hunter were a riot, all they wanted was a baby and thought the Arizonas had too many. So why not steal one, its that easy right? And lets talk about how adorable those babies were?? OMG I was so in love with them, they stole Nathan Jr. and continued to call him Jr...that was hilarious too! It was just a great and fun movie! Not my favorite Nicolas Cage film, but definitely up there. I see now why my parents love this film!!! TTFN

Ed McDonnough: I love him so much!
H.I.: I know you do, honey.
Ed McDonnough: I love him so much!
H.I.: I know you do.
-Raising Arizona (1987)

Monday, September 28, 2009

3 Movies Are Better Than One!

Good Morning!!! Its been a while, but this weekend I was finally able to watch only a couple classics...still recovering from the long week! I had plans of watching at least like 5 movies, just cranking them out, but I fell short!! Managed 2 classics and 1 new movie. I have to say 1 outta the 2 classics were great and the other not so much! My new new movie was so cute and fun, but I am such a sucker for those movies. So let's proceed to talk about them!!

After sleeping in until 2pm on Saturday, I finally woke up, cleaned around the house and eventually laid up and watched Steel Magnolias. I was really excited about this one because it was a tearjerker, feel-good kinda movie with amazing actors!! And that it was! Such a great movie, I didn't cry immediately when tragedy struck, but I certainly cried once Sally Field gave her speech! I thought Dolly Parton was just a delight and Julia Roberts did a phenomenal job. I would love to have this movie in my collection. What's funny is I expected Tom Cruise to pop up at anytime, until I went inside my brain and realized he was in Magnolia, not Steel Magnolias. Haha! Silly me...

Now to the not so great "true classic..." A Streetcar Named Desire was not that great. I was very excited about this movie since I am getting used to the old films with the dramatic porcelain looking actresses that are always in distress and the hot, young white male there to inject their manpower...well I got all of that, just not in a good way! I thought Marlon Brando was great, hot and did I, but the lead actress was soooooooooo annoying. She irritated me and I was kinda lost. Like was she mental? Did doctors come to pick her up in the end? Was she a prostitute? It all kinda didn't make sense to me and I had the volume on about 50, which I never ever go that high because they were all kinda hard to understand. So that was my first bomb. Its ok, I can't possibly like them all right?

Lastly, which I actually stayed up late Saturday night watching was 17 Again. Of course I loved it. It was cute, very predictable and humorous, all the things I actually love in a family/teenage movie. Zac Efron did not disappoint and the good thing about it, I thought it was a totally different movie, but the actual plot was better then what I thought it to be if that makes any sense? It does to me, it always does! So thanks Mom, it was a great buy!!

So that was part of my weekend. In the next couple days, since September is almost over I have to compile my October list of movies and see how many I watched this month! Any suggestions? Well I know I have been gone for a while, but baby I am back!!! TTFN!!

"I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got. "
-A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
-Steel Magnolias (1989)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How it Feels to be a Year older...

Good freaking morning everybody!!! Wow, what a wild 5 days full of birthday frenzy!! Yes that's right, I had a birthday! I am sure the whole world knew it was my birthday and that I celebrate all month long...if u think its over, ur sadly mistaken!! So the word belated, doesn't fit in my vocabulary,according to me you can still wish me a Happy Birthday!!

So as you probably guessed I am a little behind on life, I mean when its my birthday everything else stops. LOL... including my movie and TV watching. However, I do have good news, actually 2 things...I saw a movie this weekend I can blog about and secondly, my parents went shopping at home and gave me about 10-13 movies on my list that I will be watching in the next few weeks to get the ball rolling, especially if I just chillax this weekend!!

Neways, so this weekend we saw All About Steve in Arizona. Wasn't impressed. It was definitely cute, but fell short. The previews made it seem a lot more funnier than what it really was and I felt like the actors were very limited, its like they couldn't really go there, to their full potential. Bradley Cooper was yummy to look at, but other than that...BOMB!!

Well my birthday never ends cause I am going to see Britney Spears again tonite!!! Yayy!! Its gonna be so awesome and esp. with a true, die hard Britney fan! So no movie tonight, but don't worry I will make up for it this weekend, I promise u that!! TTFN

"This Pinky nucca , I gotta pee pee"
-The Friday After Next (2002)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Get the Party Started!

TGIF!!! Good morning! So I am dead tired, but usually that always just gives me more energy because I tend to get all hyper. Besides, I have no reason to be tired because me and my great friends leave for AZ tonite to attend a Pink and Ting Tings concert on Sunday and I get to my best friend!! I am super excited to see my brother! So good news...I finally finished Season 2 of Gossip Girl and it was amazing. So much drama and swagger and power and sex and AWESOMENESS!! I absolutely love that show and I plan to watch the season premiere today before we start on our journey.

This season of Gossip Girl kept me on the edge of my seat every episode, I hated some characters and fell in love with others. One of my favorite scenes that didn't involve scandal or sex or drama...just realness was this: Ok so... the other night, there was a scene where Blair had just learned her fate of not getting into Yale. After this news broke she seeks comfort in her first love Nate Archibald. They were sitting in an empty room and she talks about how her life should have not turned out like that especially because she planned her whole life out. Then Nate asked her, "Why is it that you watch you favorite movie over and over again?" And Blair answered with, "Because I always like knowing how it ends." After hearing that I remember telling myself that was such a powerful scene and it made me think about my love for movies and how it relates to life.

I love movies because you can escape into another world. Comedies allow you to laugh so hard that you head hurts and you start to cry. It brings such a bright spot to your life. Family movies allow your heart to melt. They are life comfort food because after you watch it, you know its going to make you feel good and full of life. Thrillers/suspense allows to imagine the impossible and takes you on a ride. It allows you to imagine there is life on another planet or that every suspicious person in you life probably works for the CIA. Chick flicks/Romance allows you to love. It allows you to dream that one day, you can have the love like Rose and Jack (The Titanic) or Noah and Allie (The Notebook). Scary movies allow you to scream and let it all out. They may give you nightmares, but the thrill of thinking Jason is going to murder you, then you sleep with all the lights on and eventually it makes for a great reason enough to watch. Dramas allow you to be real. Those films touch your heart and warm your soul. They makes you cry more than they make you laugh. They make you think about your life and relate to the characters in so many ways. All of these genres allow you to go deeper than you ever thought you could.

Without movies who would we be? Where would we go? What would we strive for or dream about? Who would we love and hate? Who would we root for? I too watch movies over and over again because I love knowing how it ends, but sometimes I never really know how its going to end... TTFN

You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
-Sunset Blvd. (1950)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Hey Guys! So again no new movie, I am still finishing up Gossip Girl; got 2 more discs, so after the weekend and my birthday I will be back on track!

Last night, falling asleep I thought about my blog and was disappointed that I would have nothing to report. During my thought process I realized I had something to blog about: my night routine that always involves a movie! OK, so in order for me to fall asleep at night I need the TV or music on and since my Ipod is broken, the TV is my only option. Well, after Gossip Girl I got up, prepared it for a Netflix return, and put in my nightly movie. For the past few weeks that movie has been Harriet the Spy. Yes, I absolutely love that movie. It just makes me so happy falling asleep and I realized I only have 5 movies that I rotate between...Hook, Any Given Sunday, Harriet the Spy, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and A Little Princess.

So why those movies? Because they are comfort movies and I have probably seen them a 100 times. BTW, I am so intense with this that I even have
"rules" for movies I am able to fall asleep to...Never a cartoon..they are too bright for the screen. Never a comedy...they are too funny (exception:Ace Ventura:Pet Detective). Never a movie I haven't seen...Don't ever wanna wake up on the wrong part. Never a scary movie...possible nightmares. Never a suspense or thriller...too loud or again, possible nightmares of murder and violence. I already have intense, realistic dreams, I do not need some movie adding to that. therefore, only non-cartoon kid/family movies, sports movies, or slower dramas. Pretty legit right?

So if u ever sleep over; don't expect a wild ride! TTFN.

Ole Golly: The time has come, the walrus said...
Harriet M. Welsch: To talk of many things...
Ole Golly: Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax...
Harriet M. Welsch: Of cabbages and kings...
Ole Golly: And why the sea is boiling hot...
Harriet M. Welsch: And whether pigs have wings!
Ole Golly: Do you have any wings?
-Harriet the Spy (1996)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

First off I would like to take a moment of silence to remember the late great Patrick Swayze...
He will truly be missed, but his legacy will forever live on through his movies. Man, I was so sad yesterday when I heard the news because it made me think of all the greats we have lost this year. I will definitely watch Ghost this week in memory of him!

So last night after watching the season premiere of One Tree Hill, I also wanted to watch the premiere of Gossip Girl even though I didn't finish the last season. So I watched the recap and realized that I wanted to finish last season and then catch the premiere online. After making that decision, it motivated me to really watch State Of Play. I love movies like that with murder, conspiracy, infidelity, twist and turns and great actors. Between Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, and Jason Bateman the movie was very successful. Not my favorite of those types, but fully enjoyable. Its definitely a movie that you must pay attention to every single detail. Its about time Ben did a good film.

So that was the last of my non-classic movies for a while, I have slacked off long enough and besides I have 3 more discs of Gossip Girl I need to finish. Let the challenge continue...TTFN

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"
-Dirty Dancing (1987)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Big F's...

Good morning readers!! Have u missed me cause I have missed me?? Haha...kidding! Well I really have no movie to blog about cause I spent the weekend getting spoiled by the big F's...Family, Food and Football! So movies didn't quite fit in there; however, I did get to watch Superbad, one of my ultimate favs. I attempted to watch State Of Play, but I was too busy and will probably catch it in its entirety this week, after I finish last season's Gossip Girl... of course!! OMG, its so addicting!
So that was the shorten version of my weekend, I plan to catch up on some more flicks this week, especially because my Dad let me borrow some Clint Eastwood Classics! Have a wonderful Monday and TTFN!!

Jules: You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours.
Seth: Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.
-Superbad (2007)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So talk about dedication on my part...I was out all nite shopping, came home and ate some yummy Chipotle, like it was so freakin good, but too good cause I woke up with a tummy ache and tryin real hard to get through the day. Neways, so yeah after that and trying on all my lovely clothes; tryin to decide if I really need everything I bought and I came to the conclusion that I did. Well except one thing, but it was the least expensive thing and because of that I convinced myself that it looked good, when in fact it didn't. So in the midst of all that I watched the new episode of Top Chef and was sad that I missed the premieres of Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and America's Next Top Model, but its was worth it! So back to the dedication part of this whole thing, after all that I should have gone to bed since it was past midnight, but I didn't!! I stayed up to watch Risky Business! Yep, I sure did, and you want to know why? Because I told you guys I would watch it last nite and I am trying to be committed to this and keep my word...and I did!!!! Yes I would like Scooby snack, Thank You!

So lets talk about this movie...I really don't know how I felt about it, I mean there were parts that were good. A young Tom Cruise is never a bad thing!! I guess it just felt random. Like the whole basis of the movie and I think parts should have jumped off earlier, for example, Tom Cruise should have become a "business man" way earlier in the film. I think my favorite part was when her pimp stole all the stuff outta the house and then sold it back to him. Oh and for sure the famous underwear dance scene.

I am totally enjoying watching older movies because I get to see actors I enjoy now or see in newer films kinda in their prime. while watching the movies, I get that moment like...."oh they are in this movie?" So another film down...sadly, I will prolly take a couple days break with films on "The List" and watch a newer movie and catch up on season 2 of Gossip Girl! TTFN!

"Say "WTF."... If you can't say it, you can't do it."
-Risky Business (1983)