Friday, October 9, 2009

Back In the Day...

Last night was seriously one of the best nights because it took me back to my childhood, 14 years ago...
14 years ago, 1995, when I was 10 years old, one of the best Disney Movies came out and I had the chance to see it again, on the big screen last night. Toy Story and Toy Story 2 was just as good as it was when it first came out, maybe even better. I do not have to tell you how I feel about this movie, if anybody knows me, you know I love it. I love Disney movies. I love Cartoons. I love movies that just make you feel good. I love family movies. I love to laugh and be happy and that it was Toy Story did for me.
So many people tell me I am such a little kid at hard because I love things like this. I love Barbies and toys and playing games. I have a feeling I am going to be a great parent someday because I will be able to relate to them and will always be down to play with them; I loved my childhood. I never heard the word no, I got everything I ever wanted and asked for...even without shedding a tear... just got it. The thought of the Toy Story(s) in 3-D wasn't even what attracted me to see this movie, it was the fact that at 24 years old, I am excited to see the movie on the big screen again. I will never forget how sad I was that I never saw A Little Mermaid on the big screen when it came back out, there was not reason or excuse as to why I missed it...I just did.
So if anybody wants to find their inner child, have some good laughs, reminisce about parts you remember or don't remember...Go see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D. TTFN!!!

"To Infinity, and Beyond"
-Toy Story (1995)

"I'm Tour Guide Barbie! Please keep your hands, arms, and accessories in the car, and no flash photography. Thank you. "
-Toy Story 2 (1999)

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