Monday, October 12, 2009

Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Pride

So I think I found my favorite movie on "The List" so far, I mean I do not know why I have never seen this film before because I love films like this. This weekend I was determined to watch like 4 movies, however I only got to 2, and 2 great films I might add. I watched another disc of The Mentalist and did a spur of the moment activity with an old friend Saturday night. So...
On Saturday I woke up around 11am, cleaned up around the house, put some chicken in the Crock-pot to make dinner, did some laundry, then opened up the blinds to let the cool air in so I could snuggle up under my covers and watch Se7en. What a movie! I mean where was I in 1995...oh yeah just turned 10 years old, at the mall getting my second ear pierced, crying at my birthday dinner because my ears were hurting so bad and not old and mature enough to enjoy and watch a movie like this (yes this actually came out on my birthday). And I guess once I became that older and wiser person, other movies came out and this one was never caught on a Saturday afternoon, in the hotel, after practice on TNT, USA or TBS!
Se7en was just one of those movies that had it all. Thriller, suspense, element of surprise and unpredictability. It wasn't one of those serial killer films where you suspected it was one of the detectives on the case; you knew the killer would just emerge on its own. There was no guessing game involved and the ending was the ultimate of endings. I mean to kill people based on the 7 deadly sins was genius. This was a great role for all 3 of the heavy-hitting Hollywood actors...Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt (yummy!) and The Killer (don't wanna give it away unless you haven't seen it cause they don't even list him in the opening credits). But yeah, the ending was probably the saddest, yet most amazing part of the entire film. I was wondering the whole time how The Killer was going to accomplish Envy and Wrath...beyond my wildest dreams he pulled it of; obviously in a sad way, but such a creative and unexpected way.
So as you can see, I love that movie and it should be on every body's list. Oh what else does October bring!! TTFN!!

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a homicide."
Se7en (1995)

1 comment:

  1. o shyt this movie was INSANE!!! 1 of the most unexpected turns to a movie in my opinion. great setup and simply insane lol
