Monday, October 12, 2009

On a Softer Note...

OK so enough of the serial killing mayhem of extraordinary films. I mean isn't this why I am watching these films on "The List" because they are supposed to be great films. They are supposed to be films that become a conversation piece. They are the type of films that leave you with a range of emotions. Emotions of comfort, happiness, astonishment, discontent, disbelief, sadness, laughter, tears and fears. I am not sure if those are quite emotions, but they are feelings. They are actions. They are reactions. They are the very reason we see films. I saw 2 completely different films this weekend. One film that allowed me to be surprised, astonished, sad, and content. Another that made me feel comforted, happy, joyous, and content. Both films, although different had that feeling of content because they were two wonderful films. After watching Se7en on Saturday, I had to liven it up a little, cuddle up on a Sunday afternoon and watch the lovely Sound of Music.
What is there really to say about The Sound Of Music that the world doesn't already know. It is such a feel good movie. Julie Andrews takes your breath away. The children are so adorable, especially little Gretl. The movie was a timeless classic. It was funny because I am almost certain I have never seen the movie in my 24 years and it would be ridiculous if my mom told me I saw it when I was younger because that movie was a legit 2 hours and 54 minutes, and I know my hyper self would have never sat there long enough to watch it. While I love the movie, I only wished it had stopped at the wedding. The political side, I could have done without. But the music and the lightheartedness made up for the 2 hrs and 54 mins I was taking out of my life to watch this film!! TTFN!!

Favorite Song: Sixteen Going on Seventeen

[singing] "The hills are alive with the sound of music / With songs they have sung for a thousand years. / The hills fill my heart with the sound of music. / My heart wants to sing every song it hears."
"The Von Trapp children don't play. They march."
-The Sound of Music (1965)

1 comment:

  1. I liked the song Edelweiss. I've known at least three guitar players who knew this song and played it well. I had a one very close friend who played it as a hymn at this little corner church I went to. He changed the words to "Jesus Christ" and added different lyrics. His version actually worked pretty well. I searched high and low on Youtube and I only found one guy who played it nearly as well as my friends did. It sounds nice when done as an instrumental on guitar.
