Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1+1 actually =1 good movie!

Why Hello!!! I know, I have been MIA for a while, but I warned you...and besides I needed a lil recovery right? Ok, So I actually watched 2 movies within 3 days, 1 classic and 1 non-classic...2 very average, yet different movies.

First off, on Sunday, during my recovery I decided to watch some Netflix rentals... I watched the first disc of The Mentalist, which is an amazing show, so I am looking forward to more of those discs. Also, at 11pm I decided I wasn't really tired since I slept in all morning to finish watching Obsessed. Lets discuss Obsessed. OK movie, OK actors, Predictable story line. I really enjoyed Ali Larter's acting as a crazy obsessed woman, kinda Fatal Attraction and The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, even though its been forever since I have seen those and not really sure that I have even seen Fatal Attraction, but I know about it. Neways, the worst was Beyonce. She just does not do it for me with the acting...singing...ok, yes i will giver her that! (I mean according to Kanye her video was one of the best of all times right? Too bad he couldn't be at the Academy Awards to promote Obsessed as one of the greatest movies of all time!!!) Sorry for the side note, I just give credit to Beyonce when she does films that involve singing and acting, I kinda forget the bad acting. Its just that I could have seen so many better women in this role. I am just happy she really wasn't in it ALL that much.

Now...Peggy Sue Got Married. First off...what a damn good cast. OMG, good actor, after good actor kept coming out. Kathleen Turner, Nicolas Cage, Helen Hunt, Jim Carrey (my favorite), and Joan Allen...I mean WOW! oh and it was cool to see the Mom from 7th Heaven. Now to the movie..not so great. it was OK, the concept was OK, I actually think there should be some sorta remake now and Kathleen Turner and Nicolas Cage should play the parents of a new"Peggy Sue." I just thought it was going to be a little more exciting, something was going to change in the future. Like if the characters were going to be like Oh Peggy Sue was right or was the nerd going to be different because she befriended him. And I hated, hated, hated Nicolas Cage's acting. That voice, those teeth, his character was so lame. So yeah, but again it was an OK, cute movie. I am about to be all over IMDB to see if that was any of those wonderful actor's first films.

So hopefully I can get in a few more films because we are already a wk into October and I have seen one..shame on me!! TTFN!

"The best thing about being a dentist. Pure pharmaceutical grade. Couple of lines of this, I could drill my own teeth."
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
(I only picked this cause Jim Carrey said it!)

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