Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wake up, Get Up..its the First of the Month!

Happy first of October everyone!!! Well I have been so busy getting ready for this party that I haven't had time to watch a good flick... until last night I sucked it up, got disciplined, and got one in. I was so ridiculously tired, but had to do it and it was a success. At about 9:45pm I told myself I could watch a movie that's about 90 mins and be in the bed by 11:30...midnight tops in case I got any distractions, which of course I did.

So at 10pm, I glanced at the top of my TV, where my borrowed flicks sit and wait to be watched and I decided that most comedies are about 90 mins, so why not watch Raising Arizona. Man this was a great film! I have to say I haven't really watched too many Coen Brothers flicks, such as The Big Lebowski or Fargo, but I loved O'Brother Where Art Thou!! Nicolas cage and Holly Hunter were a riot, all they wanted was a baby and thought the Arizonas had too many. So why not steal one, its that easy right? And lets talk about how adorable those babies were?? OMG I was so in love with them, they stole Nathan Jr. and continued to call him Jr...that was hilarious too! It was just a great and fun movie! Not my favorite Nicolas Cage film, but definitely up there. I see now why my parents love this film!!! TTFN

Ed McDonnough: I love him so much!
H.I.: I know you do, honey.
Ed McDonnough: I love him so much!
H.I.: I know you do.
-Raising Arizona (1987)

1 comment:

  1. tha part with tha toliet tissue had me rollin lol
