Monday, September 28, 2009

3 Movies Are Better Than One!

Good Morning!!! Its been a while, but this weekend I was finally able to watch only a couple classics...still recovering from the long week! I had plans of watching at least like 5 movies, just cranking them out, but I fell short!! Managed 2 classics and 1 new movie. I have to say 1 outta the 2 classics were great and the other not so much! My new new movie was so cute and fun, but I am such a sucker for those movies. So let's proceed to talk about them!!

After sleeping in until 2pm on Saturday, I finally woke up, cleaned around the house and eventually laid up and watched Steel Magnolias. I was really excited about this one because it was a tearjerker, feel-good kinda movie with amazing actors!! And that it was! Such a great movie, I didn't cry immediately when tragedy struck, but I certainly cried once Sally Field gave her speech! I thought Dolly Parton was just a delight and Julia Roberts did a phenomenal job. I would love to have this movie in my collection. What's funny is I expected Tom Cruise to pop up at anytime, until I went inside my brain and realized he was in Magnolia, not Steel Magnolias. Haha! Silly me...

Now to the not so great "true classic..." A Streetcar Named Desire was not that great. I was very excited about this movie since I am getting used to the old films with the dramatic porcelain looking actresses that are always in distress and the hot, young white male there to inject their manpower...well I got all of that, just not in a good way! I thought Marlon Brando was great, hot and did I, but the lead actress was soooooooooo annoying. She irritated me and I was kinda lost. Like was she mental? Did doctors come to pick her up in the end? Was she a prostitute? It all kinda didn't make sense to me and I had the volume on about 50, which I never ever go that high because they were all kinda hard to understand. So that was my first bomb. Its ok, I can't possibly like them all right?

Lastly, which I actually stayed up late Saturday night watching was 17 Again. Of course I loved it. It was cute, very predictable and humorous, all the things I actually love in a family/teenage movie. Zac Efron did not disappoint and the good thing about it, I thought it was a totally different movie, but the actual plot was better then what I thought it to be if that makes any sense? It does to me, it always does! So thanks Mom, it was a great buy!!

So that was part of my weekend. In the next couple days, since September is almost over I have to compile my October list of movies and see how many I watched this month! Any suggestions? Well I know I have been gone for a while, but baby I am back!!! TTFN!!

"I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got. "
-A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
-Steel Magnolias (1989)

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