Sunday, September 6, 2009

Got Milk...

Before I started this whole blog thing a few months ago I decided I wanted to watch all the 2008 Oscar nominated films for Best Picture, Actor and Actress because there was so much talk and hype over this year's films...well after watching Milk I definitely saw why it was a winner. Sean Penn was an amazing actor; and watching He and James Franco kiss seemed to be a lot better than Jake and Heath..sorry Brokeback, you didn't deserve it that yr! I was actually rooting for Scott and Harvey.

I just love it when I can watch a movie and relate to it, for me it was enjoyable and also saddening to watch because I knew the history of Harvey Milk. During my senior year of college my American Studies advisor and once a colleague of mine suggested I take a special topics 499 class. I figured ok, since it substituted my 498Sr. Seminar class (such a snore). Well, the topic happened to be "Queer Studies." Yep, USC was a school that offered all kinds of classes from The Beatles to Stage Makeup to Wheel-throwing to Queer Studies. There was only 6 of us in the class and we were all females. It turned out to be one of the best and most interesting classes I have ever taken and Harvey Milk was a Iconic figure to all; gay or straight! I am so honored to have had the pleasure of learning about him and later seeing a film that portrayed him in a beautiful light.
An the Best actor goes to...SEAN PENN AS HARVEY MILK!! TTFN!!

"How do you teach Homosexuality? Is it like French?
-Milk (2008)

1 comment:

  1. Really good movie. Harvey Milk was a great activist and a dedicated, charismatic leader. The movie was a little tough for a totally hetero guy to watch. All that lovey dovey, cuddling, making out and romance between naked guys is fine for them, but it's not exactly thing. I saw it on a midweek, 9 pm showing about 2 months after it's release. The only people in the theater were myself and a gay male couple, who held hands, kissed and giggled at the playful romantic scenes. As hard as it is to imagine, I think I actually got a little shorter, as I sank into my seat. I felt like a little kid, half covering my eyes during the sex scenes. I thought, man I must be a real film fanantic. Sean Penn is one of the truly great actors of our time. He literally became another person in that movie. But I think one viewing is enough for me. I prefer my gay make out scenes to be girl on girl. Ha ha! Maybe I'm not as culturally sophisticated and advanced as I thought I was. But basically, I still enjoyed the movie and appreciated the acting and the man that Harvey Milk was. I think Dan White was a major closet case like the guy in the movie American Beauty.
