Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi ladies and Gents...lend me your ears...ok that was kinda lame, but I have always enjoyed that kinda sorta quote from Julius Ceasar (its a lil botched)...well, well, well I bet you all thought I would never do the whole blog thing...or many of you prolly thought I already one..NOPE!!
So I am for sure so new to this stuff, but I hope to continue this and keep it flowing and make it Markisha Style (funny and animated and totally random), well that's what I think of myself, don't know about my audience... and I am tall but I can't exactly make this tall. Wow, serious tangent.
Neways, here is the purpose and sole focus of my blog... Somehow I was convinced by Geinel that seeing Julie and Julia would be a good idea last Sunday and I am always down for a movie, however I am all about the popular actor or actress, blockbuster, hard -hittin, top box office kinda movies...none of this Indie or Independent films madness; I leave those possibly for Netflix, but they never get around to getting viewed..oh well another day, another blog. Ok, yeah so we were at The Grove and I decided to see this film and can I say..AWFUL movie...I mean it was just a snore and a bore and anything else that rhymes with that. Meryl Streep was fun and quirky, but Amy Adams (aggghhh)!!! Her life was so boring. So after all that, I was actually a little inspired to start a blog and I rememeber whispering to Geinel, like "Oh I wanna start a blog" and she said "on what?" With a slight chuckle, I said, "work." Haha...well that idea soon turned into this....
I know its long, but I gotta get all my thoughts out. So last yr sometime around June, Sky (my dearest friend) sent me an all- time guru list (cause I was all into the AFI Top 100), tailored to my interest of the classics and must see movies in order to recieve my Movie Guru Certificate, I mean I own over 560 movies and had never seen some of the classics that shall not be named, cause I was a lil embarrassed, but have no fear I am doing an amazing job of watching those.
Now If I can figure out how to attach my movie list then I will. So (taking a breathe)...I am now making a committed effort to complete that list before my 25th birthday (September 22, 2010). Its going be hard, but it will be accomplished!!
So now I must leave you with this first blog and come join me on my incredible journey! TTFN!!
"[Readers], I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
-Casablanca, 1942



  1. Very good blog. Success for you.

  2. Your September movie list has some great flicks. Enjoy. Can't wait to hear what you think. Love the blog.
