Friday, September 4, 2009

48/258...Gotta Challenge on My Hands!!

I know... 2 postings in one day...its just an update because I know you guys are dying to know just how many movies are on this "list" (man I wish I could attach it), if you would like me to email you a copy just leave a comment!
So I finally looked and there are 258 movies on my list and I have seen 48 so far, a few I would like to re-watch...if I have time. So I have 210 movies to watch in 383 days!! I can totally do it.
Also, I have this "100 Movies to Watch Before You Die" list by Yahoo, but I didn't include those movies yet, however I think in the next few hrs I will see how many are on both list and see if its possible to combine the ones that are not...whatcha think? Ok TTFN!!

"I don't care about what anything was DESIGNED to do, I care about what it CAN do."
-Apollo 13 (1995)

**Footnote: There are about 45 movies on the Yahoo lists that are not on my other list, however I have decided to only add the following to my list...
2001:Space Odyssey (1968)
All About Eve (1950)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Bridge on River Kwai (1957)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Enter the Dragon (1964)
The French Connection (1971)
Goldfinger (1964)
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
The Lady Eve (1941)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Star Wars (1977) I know!
The World of Apu (1959)



  1. I would've added those to your list, but I was going easy on you at first and playing to your interests. I'd say those are all great additions to your list. FYI, Enter the Dragon was released in the U.S. in 1973. Sadly, Bruce Lee died only one month after his best film took America by storm and caused a huge sensation and obssession with Bruce Lee.

    Favorite quote-
    Ohara: Silently snaps a board in half, with his fist, then stares Bruce Lee down.
    Lee: (confidently) "Boards don't hit back"

  2. Apocalypse Now in class ova a few days senior year. as u prolly already know, that movie has tha classic quote, "i love the smell of napalm in the morning" hahah. pretty good movie
