Sunday, September 6, 2009

California Love

Alright last blog of the night, and btw let me know if you like the way I am doing this. I mean would you rather have one long blog that summarized each movie or each individual blog, wait...I like each individual one, so your advice is kinda lost on me. Neways...The last movie I watched was yet another great one starring some of the best,I mean the best of the best. These 3 actors are "The Untouchables of Hollywood!!" Kevin Costner, Robert DeNiro and Sean Connery invented swag. Yes, they were portraying the real characters such as Elliot Ness and Al Capone,however, they sure did a fine job. As I stated before I am not here to be a movie critic only to share what goes on in my head while watching these films and you will never guess what went on in my head during this one.

So I was just laying in my bed watching the film and realized I recognized the name Elliot Ness. I was like,"hmmm that sounds so familiar." Then I started mumbling a song verse in my head. I knew it was a rap song or something, but all I could make out in my head was "Untouchable like ElliotNess, drum through your eardrums like through your chest, no joke it sounded like that, all mumble, jumbled in my head and coming outta my mouth. I said it over a few times, until I finally found the rhythm and then the chorus. It turned out to be Tupac's "California Love." After I googled the lyrics I realized I have been singing that song for years and really had no clue who or what they were talking about. Yes, Elliot Ness, Kevin Costner in The Untouchables.

Well I have to say by far the best scene was in the train station with the baby and Andy Garcia just popping a cap in this guy's head...1,[BANG, BANG]... 2!! I would love to end this with a quote from the movie, however I have found a much better one! TTFN!!!!

"Yaaah, ha-ha! I stole the baby, I stole the baby, ha-ha! Yah!
-Willow (1988)


  1. krazzy ass scene. great movie. loved when they changed tha jury during tha case. insane

  2. my heart always drops while watching that scene. Must admit an amazing movie...
