Thursday, September 10, 2009


So talk about dedication on my part...I was out all nite shopping, came home and ate some yummy Chipotle, like it was so freakin good, but too good cause I woke up with a tummy ache and tryin real hard to get through the day. Neways, so yeah after that and trying on all my lovely clothes; tryin to decide if I really need everything I bought and I came to the conclusion that I did. Well except one thing, but it was the least expensive thing and because of that I convinced myself that it looked good, when in fact it didn't. So in the midst of all that I watched the new episode of Top Chef and was sad that I missed the premieres of Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and America's Next Top Model, but its was worth it! So back to the dedication part of this whole thing, after all that I should have gone to bed since it was past midnight, but I didn't!! I stayed up to watch Risky Business! Yep, I sure did, and you want to know why? Because I told you guys I would watch it last nite and I am trying to be committed to this and keep my word...and I did!!!! Yes I would like Scooby snack, Thank You!

So lets talk about this movie...I really don't know how I felt about it, I mean there were parts that were good. A young Tom Cruise is never a bad thing!! I guess it just felt random. Like the whole basis of the movie and I think parts should have jumped off earlier, for example, Tom Cruise should have become a "business man" way earlier in the film. I think my favorite part was when her pimp stole all the stuff outta the house and then sold it back to him. Oh and for sure the famous underwear dance scene.

I am totally enjoying watching older movies because I get to see actors I enjoy now or see in newer films kinda in their prime. while watching the movies, I get that moment like...."oh they are in this movie?" So another film down...sadly, I will prolly take a couple days break with films on "The List" and watch a newer movie and catch up on season 2 of Gossip Girl! TTFN!

"Say "WTF."... If you can't say it, you can't do it."
-Risky Business (1983)

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