Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I never read a book...

Good Morning everybody and I would like to thank those that are following me right now, I am so excited and really looking forward to this challenge!! Last night, I was going over and over in my head how I was going to accomplish this and not get too overwhelmed or lose interest and I think I can accomplish it. I have over 280 movies on my list (which I have no clue how to attach to this blog), and I have watched about, I am gettin there!!

So last movie I watched..."Final Destination 3-D" it was pretty awesome! I have never seen a movie in 3-D and it totally trips you out, as if the objects are coming at you. During the movie my friend was thinking how awesome it would be as a writer to sit around and think of ways for people to die because they are so creative! The acting was horrible, but that is expected, just guts and glory!!

Watching this movie reminded me of a great memory I had of seeing "Final Destination 2"... I was in my Sr. year of high school and me and my best friend decided to ditch that day, go to IHOP and see the movie afterward. Well going to an IHOP and movie by campus wasn't the best idea since we saw the school Librarian after we ate. We ducked in the car, but I am pretty sure she saw us because we later found out she told on us!!! Needless to say I never checked out a book after that and resorted to watching movies...TTFN!!
"[picking up phone and shouting] Stop breaking the law, asshole!
-Liar, Liar (1997)

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