Tuesday, September 15, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

First off I would like to take a moment of silence to remember the late great Patrick Swayze...
He will truly be missed, but his legacy will forever live on through his movies. Man, I was so sad yesterday when I heard the news because it made me think of all the greats we have lost this year. I will definitely watch Ghost this week in memory of him!

So last night after watching the season premiere of One Tree Hill, I also wanted to watch the premiere of Gossip Girl even though I didn't finish the last season. So I watched the recap and realized that I wanted to finish last season and then catch the premiere online. After making that decision, it motivated me to really watch State Of Play. I love movies like that with murder, conspiracy, infidelity, twist and turns and great actors. Between Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, and Jason Bateman the movie was very successful. Not my favorite of those types, but fully enjoyable. Its definitely a movie that you must pay attention to every single detail. Its about time Ben did a good film.

So that was the last of my non-classic movies for a while, I have slacked off long enough and besides I have 3 more discs of Gossip Girl I need to finish. Let the challenge continue...TTFN

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"
-Dirty Dancing (1987)

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