Friday, September 18, 2009

Get the Party Started!

TGIF!!! Good morning! So I am dead tired, but usually that always just gives me more energy because I tend to get all hyper. Besides, I have no reason to be tired because me and my great friends leave for AZ tonite to attend a Pink and Ting Tings concert on Sunday and I get to my best friend!! I am super excited to see my brother! So good news...I finally finished Season 2 of Gossip Girl and it was amazing. So much drama and swagger and power and sex and AWESOMENESS!! I absolutely love that show and I plan to watch the season premiere today before we start on our journey.

This season of Gossip Girl kept me on the edge of my seat every episode, I hated some characters and fell in love with others. One of my favorite scenes that didn't involve scandal or sex or drama...just realness was this: Ok so... the other night, there was a scene where Blair had just learned her fate of not getting into Yale. After this news broke she seeks comfort in her first love Nate Archibald. They were sitting in an empty room and she talks about how her life should have not turned out like that especially because she planned her whole life out. Then Nate asked her, "Why is it that you watch you favorite movie over and over again?" And Blair answered with, "Because I always like knowing how it ends." After hearing that I remember telling myself that was such a powerful scene and it made me think about my love for movies and how it relates to life.

I love movies because you can escape into another world. Comedies allow you to laugh so hard that you head hurts and you start to cry. It brings such a bright spot to your life. Family movies allow your heart to melt. They are life comfort food because after you watch it, you know its going to make you feel good and full of life. Thrillers/suspense allows to imagine the impossible and takes you on a ride. It allows you to imagine there is life on another planet or that every suspicious person in you life probably works for the CIA. Chick flicks/Romance allows you to love. It allows you to dream that one day, you can have the love like Rose and Jack (The Titanic) or Noah and Allie (The Notebook). Scary movies allow you to scream and let it all out. They may give you nightmares, but the thrill of thinking Jason is going to murder you, then you sleep with all the lights on and eventually it makes for a great reason enough to watch. Dramas allow you to be real. Those films touch your heart and warm your soul. They makes you cry more than they make you laugh. They make you think about your life and relate to the characters in so many ways. All of these genres allow you to go deeper than you ever thought you could.

Without movies who would we be? Where would we go? What would we strive for or dream about? Who would we love and hate? Who would we root for? I too watch movies over and over again because I love knowing how it ends, but sometimes I never really know how its going to end... TTFN

You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
-Sunset Blvd. (1950)

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