Monday, October 19, 2009

What a Weekend!

Why Hello! So before we start I would like to say that I didn't accomplish my goal of watching 6 movies this weekend, I tried, but there just wasn't enough time in my days. USC football pretty much dominated my Saturday, along with cleaning and cooking. Then I had to watch Sorority Wars on Lifetime which was so good and I guess I can say I watched 4 movies if u include that. Then on Sunday, shopping and cooking took over. So next time I wanna watch 6 movies, I should order pizza.
So, the 3 movies I watched were all good in its own way. Lets start with Saturday: The Proposal and Twelve Monkeys were on the menu. The Proposal was soooooooooo freaking amazing. Seriously my favorite movies right now. It made me laugh and cry and laugh and cry some more (all in a good way). You think its predictable, but then it isn't, but then it is. I mean when you think that's going to happen and its the end, its not, then what you really wanted or thought was going to happen does, but in a very unpredictable way! Basically, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds were one hell of a team! I have not seen chemistry like this since Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook! So yeah, that is a must see! Sandra is back!!

Twelve Monkeys...what can I say..not really my kinda film. I thought Brad Pitt did an amazing job and Sky told me he would, so I was very impressed with him in that role. It was a role I could never see him play. But the movie itself...1 thumb up and 1 thumb down. The thumb up because of the concept and Brad Pitt. The thumb down for how the plot was executed, it was confusing and the ending left u like....hmmmm...So I don't quite recommend this movie unless u wanna see Brad Pitt in a non-Brad Pitt role!

Lastly....Observe and Report. Pretty funny, had very funny parts, but overall kinda funny. Seth Rogen was crazy as usual, but my favorite characters were "Raaaaaaaandy" and Danny McBride as a crackhead! There were a few super funny scenes that had me cracking up, but definitely not my favorite Seth Rogen role!

So this week I have to make up some ground and watch at least 3 movies during the week!! I will keep you posted...TTFN!
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay."
Twelve Monkeys (1995)

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