Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh Re-runs...

So last night all my shows were re-runs, therefore I decided to knock out two films and boy that was a bust! I mean you call these 2 films classic, well they went classically wrong for me. Without making this a long trashing blog, let me just lay down the facts.
Well, I finally watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail because I heard so many people love this film, and its a classic and its so funny and all these wonderful things..NOT!! It was crazy and ridiculous, however, I talked to a few colleagues and we all agreed that British humor is so different from normal humor. I think for this movie you have to dig really deep to get that roaring laughter..well I guess I just didn't dig deep enough.
Now to top it off, I tried to finish a film that I previously feel asleep on, well I guess I should have just stayed asleep. I have no intention of being some film critic with this blog, just what went on in my brain while watching Chinatown. Yes, Chinatown, man I was looking forward to this one too and it just didn't do it for me. I also realized that I am not into Noir type Crime-Drama films. I love Crime-Drama, just not that type.
And the best part of my night, I decided to put in a film I knew and liked, so I went through all my DVD's and picked out Broken Arrow. Turned off the lights, got under my covers, got about 5 mins. into the movie and realized I didn't remember any of the movie, especially because I thought Christian Slater was the bad guy, not Travolta...even though he plays one hell of a bad guy. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie...I just didn't remember any of it! LOL!!
As you can see my night was a bust, well not a complete bust because I knocked out 2 more films off "The List"...but geez, I was hoping for 2 good films, but like I always say...they all can't be good! TTFN.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
-Chinatown (1975)

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