Monday, November 30, 2009


Good morning and Happy post Turkey day!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, as did I...So during this holiday long weekend, I planned to watch a lot of movies, but did not get around to it, however I did watch 2 very good movies.
After work, I came home, ate and cuddled up to watch Jacob's Ladder. It was a trip, good movie, good concept. I enjoyed the acting and how it just kept me on my toes. Tim Robbins was a delight to watch in a role like this.
And on Sunday I watched the mother of all classics...Schindler's List. What a powerful movie. I took 3+ hours out of my Sunday afternoon to really sit and watch such an epic film. I hated, hated, hated Ralph Fiennes in this movie, killing was such a sport to him and it disgusted me. Liam Neeson was amazing and what he did for the Jews...priceless. I must say, I wish I would have paid more attention in school learning about The Holocaust, because I think ultimately this is a film I must re-watch again so I could understand a bit more. I didn't cry, which I thought for sure I was going to, I guess for movies like this I need to just be totally in that mindset to cry, like very emotional. I normally cry during a movie when something just hits me or its an emotional time. Gosh, this was such a sad film, but I am so happy I finally watched it. There was no way I could have ever watched this at any other age but now.
So tonite, the end of November I must watch another film, I wish I had it in me to watch 2 more...but there is no way and plus Gossip Girl is on tonite and I am addicted to Brothers and Sisters, I mean that is what set me back from watching more films...TTFN!!

"It's Hebrew, it's from the Talmud. It says, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."
Schindler's List (1993)

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