Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Back...

So yesterday was November 1st and Daylight Savings Time! I love that time of the year, esp in the fall because we get an extra hour of sleep and fun! I actually had a fun-filled Sunday and a fun-filled October! Threw a birthday/Housewarming Party that was a success, had a few game nights and watched 2 1/2 scary/thriller type movies on Halloween night! Now that it is November, I get to do my October summary of films, but before that, lets talk about the last 3 films I saw...
On Halloween night, my goal was to have a scary movie marathon, not slasher movies scary, more like older movies on my list. So I cuddled up with Sky and we got through Poltergeist and The Thing. Started on Psycho, but fell asleep and finished it on Sunday. Poltergeist was scary good. I am pretty sure I saw very little of that when I was younger, because I remember the short old lady that still freaks me out a lil. I felt the little girl was super creepy, with her long blond hair and that voice, but it was a damn good movie!!
The Thing, that was Sky's choice and I have to say..not a good one! I didn't enjoy it, thought it was gory and gross and a tad bit confusing. There were too many characters to keep up with and all the guessing just grew tired. So those sci-fi/horror ones...not really my thing!
Lastly, Psycho! Sooo good! I am really enjoying these black and white films. I totally called the killer though, but it was still a good movie. I am so glad I finally get to understand the references to Norman Bates and the Bates hotel. So 2 out of 3 were really good.
Well, I guess watching those confirmed that I could stomach certain films that I had no clue I could! I definitely want to see more Hitchcock, so he will be on the list for November. TTFN.

"They're Here"
-Poltergeist (1982)

"We all go a little mad sometimes."
-Psycho (1960)

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