Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks!

Every year, around this time is a very special holiday. Its a time for food, fun, laughter, happiness, joy, family and most importantly giving thanks. I would like to take this time to talk about a very special film I saw this month that moved and touched me in more ways than I can ever express. Its the kinda film that you give thanks for all the things you take for granted. Its the kinda film that makes you love your mother even more for all the love and sacrifice she has given to give you the best possible life; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that makes you love your daddy so much and always want to be a young and innocent little girl that was able to sit in their dad's lap and have him protect you from harm; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that allows you to appreciate the neighborhood that you grew up in. Appreciate the toys you would open up on Christmas. The friends you had, the friends you have, and the friends you lost; you give thanks for that. The film I am talking about that I give thanks for the ability to watch films everyday, to fantasize about the fairy tales and give a sigh of relief for films that are not a true story. Because you think how could a mother or father do that to their own child. Their own flesh and blood. Those are the films I am thankful for my sight and sound. I am thankful for my mind and intelligence that allows me separate the good from that bad. The happiness from the sad. This film is Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire.
Precious, just a simple independent film did all that for me. It was raw, gritty, dark, and heartfelt. I left that film in awe, I couldn't believe that life could ever be that dark for someone, although it didn't say "Based on a True story..." i believe that is a true story somewhere for some girl. Although I could never relate in the least bit to any part of that film, I certainly sympathize and know that I am thankful for my life and the journey I am on to continue to live a solid and healthy one. Lets all give thanks! TTFN

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious."
Precious (2009)


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