Sunday, November 8, 2009

In this case the V was for the "Vulcan salute" instead of "Victory!"

You know what? Its great to be a Trojan and you want to know why? Because we got to see free movies at the new Regal Cinemas at LA. Live! Yes, if you are a USC student,last Thursday night Eric and I saw 2 great flicks. All summer I wanted to see G.I. Joe, but then the summer just flew by and besides Eric went off to vaca and we just never got around to seeing it, then of course, of all days that I decide to take a lil stroll around campus they are advertising USC free Movie Night!! Well my P.I.C. was gonna be outta town that day and besides she really didn't wanna see G.I. Joe anyways, so I dial up my other summer moviegoer P.I.C (partner in Crime) and guess what... he was totally down!
So anyways, it was a great night, we thought we could only see one movie, bu then when we realized that there were later times, we were so sneaky, I put my hair down,he threw on his hood and we high-jacked another ticket to see Star Trek. Well, I am pretty sure the guy recognized us, but we didn't care. And BTW lets not leave out the fact that it was ridiculously crazy at LA. Live. There was a Kings game and R.Kelly concert and this movie premiere. It was bananas, I even said to Eric after the concert let out, it was like a Ghetto Convention in town. That was OK for me to say right... since I am black? He cracked up so hard, but couldn't believe I even said that, I mean come was stilettos, pumps, outfits like they left the club, pimps and hoes, crackheads, ok not crackheads, but fresh perms and press-on nails, finger waves and weaves, and the skankiest outfits. I'm just sayin...R.Kelly knows how to attract a crowd.
Now to the movies...G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra was sooooooooooooo freakin amazing. I am almost certain its one of my favorite movies right now, if I would have seen it over the summer that and The Hangover and The Proposal would have been my favs. By a landslide. The whole time I was thinking about Transformers and decided I actually liked G.I. Joe better. Yep, didn't think that was possible, but it was!! And come on, you know how much I love Channing Tatum...he definitely didn't dissapoint! Marlon Wayans was funny, sorry Brandi, but he did a fine job. I just love all the action and the fact that it was surprise after surprise. There was no predictability. I give it an A+ and I was so happy I got to see it on the big screen.
Now Star Trek...great film. As we all can guess, I am no Star Trek fan,but I thought it was a fine film. Great story line, great actors. Although I hate "Sylar" from Heroes, he played a wonderful and perfect Spock. Don't get me wrong, somehow I know all the characters, just never watched it. I do remember being younger and at a hotel for whatever reason. It was late at night and there was nothing on at all and I came across Whoppi Goldberg on the tube and ended up watching whatever she was in, come to find out it was an episode of Star Trek, so that and prolly like one other one I have seen in my entire life.
So yeah, that was my Thursday night and I paid for it on Friday. All day, after seeing a trillion students I felt hungover and I didn't even have a sip of alcohol. But, needless to say, after 2 great FREE films,1 dollar popcorn and drinks, a great Yardhouse dinner,good company, good laughs and getting home at was all worth it and I would do it over again. TTFN.
"Vulcan Salute:Live Long and Prosper"
-Star Trek (2009)

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