Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 classics...check!

So I literally have not found 5-1o mins out of my day to even share my wonderful weekend of movies with you. I hope before reading this you have read my last post about my current favorite movie, I had a lil fun with that one and that night!! This weekend was a little different, I saw 3 very different, yet touching classic movies..lets discuss them!
The first one I saw was The Silence of The Lambs on Saturday night. What a great film! Of course, over my 24 years of living I have heard so much about this film, just never had the guts to actually watch it and in October I really wanted to, just never found the time ya know, but now I did! It was a true classic and Anthony one could have played a better Hannibal Lector than that guy! Oh and seeing Ted Levine as a serial killer-tranie-psycho who tucked his goods in to look like a woman, now that just took me by surprsie, esp. cause I love him at Detective Stottlemeyer on Monk.
Next film was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's that was one of my favorite films. So sad, but so deep and amazing and just touches your heart and soul. Jack hell of an actor!!! I mean I love him as The Joker and in The Shining, but this film..I was speechless. I was forewarned that it was sad, I just didn't realize how sad. Those guys looked up and admired him. I fell in love with Danny Devito...Oh man, he was a riot!!! He was so little and played mental really well, esp. when they would play cards and bet a dime. My favorite scene, well I had a lot, was when "Chief" was playin basketball, and he was supposedly deaf, dumb, and mute, which I am glad he really wasn't...that was so funny!
Lastly, I really got to thinking after seeing Do the Right Thing. What a powerful film and had so many deep messages. My mom claims I saw it when I was younger, but I don't remember at all. I have to say watching the film I definitely remember hearing references to different characters, like Radio Raheem...I have heard someone mention him at some point in my life. It was so funny cause during the film I was texting my brother about scenes I thought were funny cause I know he has seen it and he was reciting a few lines, so I was like "Oh seems like you are very familiar" and he was like, "Yeah I have seen that film since I was 5, so I have 20 years of familiarity." Then I said back, "Well I guess that makes me 20 years behind!" It was so true though, cause films like that I took zero interest in when I was younger and I am so proud of myself every time I watch one of these classics, I feel like I have accomplished if I am living life now.
I think my 2 favorite scenes in Do the Right Thing were all the racial slurs they had for every race. The other one was towards the end when Mookie comes to get his money from Sal, it was so powerful, because despite all that happened the night before with the murder and rioting and a family losing there life so to speak, here comes a young kid that needs to support himself and family comes to ask for his money. Well at that very moment you get upset cause its like WTF... then the scene soon progresses and you realize he is just about his money. He needed to get paid for hours he worked, nothing more and nothing less. I mean I could go on about that scene and people can interpret it any way they wish, but it was very powerful. And of course, the ending with Smiley...priceless!
What I really loved or enjoyed about all these films, was watching actors that I have seen in more recent roles, I have talked about this before, but these 3 films were perfect examples of seeing older actors in there debut roles or first major role. Its just an exciting thing. I love movies! LOL!!
So that was my weekend of fun, I told you in November I wanted to watch movies that affected me in some sort of way or were true classics. I am determined to get a lot of films watched this I am on my way! TTFN
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
-The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not!
You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

"Hey, Sal, how come they ain't no brothas on the wall?"
-Do The Right thing (1989)

1 comment:

  1. "i just killed ur fuckin radio" hahaha funni part for such a sad scene. yea sissy, Do The Right Thing was KRAZZY. i havent seen it recently but i remember some parts
