Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh the 70's

So after 2 days of attempting to finish one movie, I finally did and ehhh...
On Monday I started to watch Bang the Drum Slowly and slowly is drummed on and on of fast talking baseball players. I didn't really care for it, Robert De Niro did a fine job, but I expected more. It was listed as a tearjerker in the Sports genre, but I didn't tear up at all. I only wish it would have explained Hodgkin's disease more and if it did, they were so fast talkin all over the place that I really didn't understand it. Also, I have noticed that it is very hit or miss with me for the 1970 movies, I either love em or hate em (Monty Python...hated it...One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...loved it)
Yeah, so that's my first movie of December...24 more to go! TTFN!

Bruce Pearson: Everybody'd be nice to you if they knew you were dying.
Henry Wiggen: Everybody knows everybody is dying; that's why people are as good as they are.
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)

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