Monday, December 21, 2009

The Way You Make Me Feel December!

Hi everybody! I like to think that I am doing pretty well in December with my movie watching, but I am not so sure of that. I feel like I have watched a lot of films, but after looking at my list I am not so sure. I would like to knock out 2 from "The list" today to start my Christmas movie marathon, so hopefully that is achieved. This is my last day of work until the New Year, so my blog promptness may not be up to par, but I will try! I have to watch every movie I set out to watch on this December list and I have 7 more left...
This weekend I laid down 3 different times to watch The Natural. It was a great feel good sports movie, most sport movies are, although Bang the Drum Slowly wasn't that great, however I really enjoyed this one. Robert Redford was hot as usual and Glenn Close did a fine job. I definitely liked her role in Fatal Attraction a lot more, but she played a wholesome character in The Natural. I was just so happy that it had a happy ending, because I was worried there for a bit.
So far, what I noticed about the movies I picked for December, not one of them has really hit me like, OMG I loved that movie or that was such a great freakin movie! I haven't that feeling yet, except for maybe Officer and a Gentlemen, that was the only one so far, but even that didn't affect me like other months did where there were so many to choose from that it was hard to pick a fav, but don't worry I have like 7 more films to maybe I will get that tingling sensation. Well TTFN and we will meet again after Christmas and hopefully before the New Year, but If I don't talk to you again...

"Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight"
-Truman Show (1998)

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