Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Wow!!! Happy New year, geez it has been so long since my last post!! I have so much to catch up on, maybe that's why it has taken me so long!! Well, the new year has been great so far, waiting for a few things, but I am tryin to be patient ya know! As far as my movie watching, oh man I did a lot of that and saw some excellent films. So we are just going to go one by one and I will only discuss the ones on the "The List" and just give a lil blurb about the ones not on there!! Here we go...
A Christmas Story: So I decided that this is one of my new all-time favorite Christmas films. I am just so ashamed that it took me so long to watch it! I think I would record it on my DVR and then never watch it each year...but oh man it was funny. Just a classic, great film from beginning to end. My favorite part was when he was helping his dad change the tire and cussed and explained what he really said. Then it was so touching when his dad bought him the BB gun he had been wanting and it literally shot his eye out! Oh man, I loved that film!!! Possibly the best of December, lets see...
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Keeping in theme with Christmas I decided to watch this...wasn't that great. Not really a fan! In the beginning I was crackin up cause I thought I was being smart by saving it for Christmas when it was actually a Halloween movie, so I thought...but It was Christmas, but not a very good one. I think you have to be a special person to really enjoy that film.
Memento: What a trip this film was!! It was good, very confusing, but I actually enjoyed it. My lil bro watched it with me and we were like...huh? I was mad at the ending because all you could do is speculate as to who really killed his wife. I prolly wouldn't put it on my all time favorite list of films, but it was cool.
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid: So this movie confirmed that not even 2 great actors will help me enjoy a true western. Didn't care for this one. Robert Redford and Paul Newman were amazing and hot and all the things they are supposed to be, but man I just really cannot get into Westerns. I did enjoy Tombstone, but I think because its a newer western and has classic one-liners. Oh and I thought Unforgiven was good, but this genre maybe my least fav...
Gone With the Wind: What a damn good film. I mean, AMAZING. I clearly see why it is one the best films ever and a true classic. I was so scared to watch this film once I saw its running time of 3 hours and 53 minutes, I kept tellin myself, there is no way I will be able to sit through this. There is no way, esp after reading the description. Especially after sitting through Sound of Music was so hard because of its length even though it too was a great film. But hey, I got through it in two days. The disc were separated in parts, so that made it so much easier! I am not a big fan of Vivien Leigh, esp in Streetcar...but she played a great Scarlett O' Hara and of course Clark Gable was amazing!!! Again, I timeless true classic.
The Big Lebowski: Ok, so I saved this one for last, esp cause it was the last one of December I watched and possibly my fav...unfortunately I didn't get around to Godfather II or Raider's of the Lost Ark like I planned. This movie is close to my heart, not only because it was funny, but because when and who I watched it with. I rented this movie intending to watch it for January, however, during New Years I had a friend over and come to find out this is his favorite movie and everything he has said to me over the phone... he got from The Big Lebowski. I had no clue, and he had no clue I had it in my possession. So funny!! I wanted to to watch it a second time, by myself so I could truly appreciate it, but I didn't get a chance, so imma just buy it...but what a great film!!! "The Dude" had me crackin up and I love John Goodman and Steve Buscemi; I could watch him in any film. Gosh, freakin hilarious!!!

Well those were the films off "The List" that I watched and really enjoyed. It looks like I saved all the best films for the end of Other movies I watched during the break were...Up, 500 Days of Summer, The Hangover (4 times now), A Christmas Carol, Four Christmases, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and some other fun Christmas movies and other movies I have seen this year. All of those were great films and Up was so sad, had no clue it was gonna be that sad, but good!
I had a great December! only missed 2 movies that I planned to watch, but watched another, so that makes 15 films from "The List" and 7 other films (Night at the Museum 2 and New Moon), making my total 22 movies I had never seen during the month of December.
So to do a summary, I have watched 96/273 movies..yeah I am way behind! I need to get on it if I am going to realistically watch 177 movies in 9 months, which is an average of 20 movies a month!! Man, I have got to do it!
***And not that any of you have actually seen the list, but Sky made some changes to it where he took some off and replaced them as well, I still kept my total at 273 though, so the numbers maybe a little off, since one of the added ones I have seen already. Just and FYI!

Favorite film(s) of December: A Christmas Story, The Big Lebowski, An Officer and A Gentleman, and The Apartment.
Favorite non-list film: New Moon and Four Christmases.
Least Favorite film(s) of December: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Stuck in the Middle: Gone with the Wind and National Lampoon's Vacation.

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"
-Gone with the Wind (1939)

"Ralphie: Oooh fuuudge!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!
Mr. Parker: [stunned] *What* did you say?
Ralphie: Uh, um..."
-A Christmas Story (1983)

"The Dude
: God damn you Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?"
-The Big Lebowski (1998)

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