Friday, January 15, 2010

Yes, Its Complicated...

So sadly I did not get around to a DVD last night, instead I saw a great movie and I think everybody should see it!! It's Complicated was amazing from start to finish. iI had all the right components of a great movie. I laughed so hard my throat hurt! I fell in love with Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin and Jack Krasinski, he makes me wanna watch The Office and of course Meryl Streep was at her peak and she made me wanna run home and watch The Devil Wears Prada.
What I loved about this movie that it could have easily fallen short in so many ways, esp if they had a wedding for the engaged daughter or if the young wife was in a few more scenes and I think it would have went horribly wrong. I don't think there was a scene I could say, oh that was boring or cheesy or lame. It was such a great film and I think everybody should see it!!! TTFN!
***IMDB had no quotes for this film, so I decided to give u one of my own...

"I am not trying to sell myself here, but I am a pretty good investment"
Markisha Lea, on the complications of dating (2010)

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