Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'll Be Back!

Ok last one for today...this is my start of January post, the one where I determine what movies I am going to watch for the month. My list is kinda random, I just went through the "The List" and picked some that seemed interesting, still keeping in with the theme of a little from each genre. You can view those movies on the right hand side of my blog!
Well with 6 days into January I have managed to see 2 films already and I am pretty proud of that accomplishment...18 more to go to get my average for the month! I watched The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day so far.
The first Terminator was good. I thought it was pretty dark and didn't expect all the killing and violence, yeah I know the title is the terminator, but still. Last night it was explained to me that it was meant to be a horror film... and that it was! I enjoyed it though and felt accomplished to have watched 2 of the best action films of all time.
Well, since I thought The Terminator was good, little did I know, the 2nd one was WAY better. It was bigger, better, brighter and faster. I love my blockbuster hits and that was so good. I was way into it last night, eating my cheesecake and other food I rather not name...LOL. I guess I just really enjoy Arnold as a good guy versus a bad guy and that shape changer was awesome!!! And can we talk about the fact that James Cameron, the one that brought us Titanic is the shit, I mean like really! I need to see Avatar, because I heard its phenomenal.
Tonight I am looking forward to either the new Terminator: Salvation or keep in theme with "The List" and watch Heat or Caddyshack. We shall see!!! TTFN!

"I'll be Back"
-The Terminator (1984)

"Hasta La Vista, Baby"
-Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

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