Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cage in the 80's

So I don't how I did it, but I managed to pick 2 duds in a row...watched Valley Girl last night! Um...wasn't a fan! The description made it seem like so much fun, but it was pretty lame.I really thought it was going to be a modern day Romeo and Juliet, but it fell short. Oh and what was up with the stepmother and that kid her daughter liked...that went nowhere! I know it was titled Valley Girl, but they killed the word "like" and it became super annoying. I am convinced I would not be a Nicolas Cage fan today If I would have seen his films in the 80's. I hated him in Peggy Sue Got Married (although I did love him in Raising Arizona) and he was pretty lame in this film as well! I love him now as the bad-ass actor or the action good guy! So hopefully the next few films I pick will be as good as the first few that I watched! I am almost there, I need to watch 11 more films to average 20 this month...TTFN!

"Like, it's not cool at all! Like, it's all this stuff that tastes like nothing and it's supposed to be so good for you. Why couldn't they, like, open a Pizza Hut or something?"
-Valley Girl (1983)

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