Friday, December 11, 2009

Its a Boy..No its a Girl!!

So last night, I came home pretty wiped out, chilled a bit, watched Housewives of ATL: Lost Footage, then I went back and forth deciding if I wanted to watch the new episode of Housewives of Orange County, since I missed last week...then as I was talking on the phone I proceeded to watch it, and it was good. After that I was starved so I made a lil din-din and then opened up the 3 latest movies I got from Netflix, having 2 already there and decided on an exciting film last night.
Well, now I bet you are wondering what that exciting film was...Fatal Attraction!! Oh now that was a thriller! It was so good, and it was amazing to see Glenn Close in that role because I have only seen in her in older roles, kinda like Meryl Streep until I saw Sophie's Choice. I loved this film, it was funny because when I read who was in it, I thought to myself isn't Demi Moore in this, then a friend showed me the way and told me she is in Indecent Proposal, so I was getting those two films mixed up, same director though. What I loved about this film is that it was the catalyst for many newer films that adopted some of the same plots or bathtub-I- am-still-alive or let my wife shoot you scene. I just loved it from beginning to end!!
Now lets get to the part of the film that I was so hung up on and confused about...yes the fact that their daughter looked like a straight up boy. She has no girlie features. Nope. None at all, I was trippin cause I was like did they have a boy play this role and if so, why wasn't it their son. So during my shock and awe that the kid's name was Ellen and not Allen, I was talkin to Sky and he did a lil research, basically saying the girl was picked out of 1000's because of her tomboy look, and then I read the same thing. Don't get me wrong, she was a good lil actress, just through me for a loop.
Well, I have 4 more films at home I cannot wait to sink my teeth into, so hopefully I can knock them out this wknd when I get back from rainy Magic Mtn...wish me luck! TTFN!!

"We were attracted to each other at the party, that was obvious! You're on your own for the night, that's also obvious... we're two adults."
-Fatal Attraction (1987)

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