Monday, December 7, 2009

Que Sera, Sera!

So I seriously had a very nice Sunday of movies!! On Saturday afternoon I saw New Moon and wanted to take a nap and watch one or 2 movies when I got home, but instead I gabbed on the phone all day and all night and didn't really do anything productive, so I made a vow to watch a film or 2 on Sunday and I managed to watch 3 amazing films and 6 episodes of Brothers & Sisters.
The first movie I watched was The Apartment. OMG, what a film!! I absolutely loved this one, it was great from beginning to end. Although I have watched quite a few black and white films, I still have issues with watching them and immediately clam up the minute I see one, but Oh man...I should not have doubted this film. Jack Lemmon was extraordinary and I love Shirley Mc Claine, especially because this is the first role I have seen in her younger days, she was and still is so beautiful and elegant. I guess that's why this won the 1960 Best Picture Oscar...Two thumbs way up!!!
After that movie I watched the movie Heathers, but before I discuss that one, I will jump to my last movie that was hilarious and just as good as the first:Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. All I can say is hilarious!! Ben Stiller had his crew of crack-ups and it made for a fun, cute, and great film. That is definitely on the must have list for my DVD collection.
Next I decided to switch it up with a lil with a teen flick called Heathers. What a movie! I had no clue what to expect, it was like Natural Born Killers meets Bonnie and Clyde in high school. It was such a dark, yet great film. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, although crazy, were at the top of their game. I wish everybody would watch this film.
During the film I found a new song that I loved and downloaded called Que Sera, Sera (whatever will be, will be). I have heard this before, but for some reason, it really hit me when I heard it this time, as if the song was talking to me. I decided that was gonna be my motto, especially in the new year...whatever is supposed to happen in my life will happen...not to get all personal since this is a movie blog, but the last couple months of my life has surprised me a bit, in a good way. Old friends are coming up, things I wish and pray for are happening all around me. I don't question it, I do not know how it will end, but I know I am going to just ride it out and Que Sera, Sera. TTFN!
"That's the way it crumbles... cookie-wise."
The Apartment (1960)

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