Monday, September 28, 2009

3 Movies Are Better Than One!

Good Morning!!! Its been a while, but this weekend I was finally able to watch only a couple classics...still recovering from the long week! I had plans of watching at least like 5 movies, just cranking them out, but I fell short!! Managed 2 classics and 1 new movie. I have to say 1 outta the 2 classics were great and the other not so much! My new new movie was so cute and fun, but I am such a sucker for those movies. So let's proceed to talk about them!!

After sleeping in until 2pm on Saturday, I finally woke up, cleaned around the house and eventually laid up and watched Steel Magnolias. I was really excited about this one because it was a tearjerker, feel-good kinda movie with amazing actors!! And that it was! Such a great movie, I didn't cry immediately when tragedy struck, but I certainly cried once Sally Field gave her speech! I thought Dolly Parton was just a delight and Julia Roberts did a phenomenal job. I would love to have this movie in my collection. What's funny is I expected Tom Cruise to pop up at anytime, until I went inside my brain and realized he was in Magnolia, not Steel Magnolias. Haha! Silly me...

Now to the not so great "true classic..." A Streetcar Named Desire was not that great. I was very excited about this movie since I am getting used to the old films with the dramatic porcelain looking actresses that are always in distress and the hot, young white male there to inject their manpower...well I got all of that, just not in a good way! I thought Marlon Brando was great, hot and did I, but the lead actress was soooooooooo annoying. She irritated me and I was kinda lost. Like was she mental? Did doctors come to pick her up in the end? Was she a prostitute? It all kinda didn't make sense to me and I had the volume on about 50, which I never ever go that high because they were all kinda hard to understand. So that was my first bomb. Its ok, I can't possibly like them all right?

Lastly, which I actually stayed up late Saturday night watching was 17 Again. Of course I loved it. It was cute, very predictable and humorous, all the things I actually love in a family/teenage movie. Zac Efron did not disappoint and the good thing about it, I thought it was a totally different movie, but the actual plot was better then what I thought it to be if that makes any sense? It does to me, it always does! So thanks Mom, it was a great buy!!

So that was part of my weekend. In the next couple days, since September is almost over I have to compile my October list of movies and see how many I watched this month! Any suggestions? Well I know I have been gone for a while, but baby I am back!!! TTFN!!

"I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got. "
-A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
-Steel Magnolias (1989)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How it Feels to be a Year older...

Good freaking morning everybody!!! Wow, what a wild 5 days full of birthday frenzy!! Yes that's right, I had a birthday! I am sure the whole world knew it was my birthday and that I celebrate all month long...if u think its over, ur sadly mistaken!! So the word belated, doesn't fit in my vocabulary,according to me you can still wish me a Happy Birthday!!

So as you probably guessed I am a little behind on life, I mean when its my birthday everything else stops. LOL... including my movie and TV watching. However, I do have good news, actually 2 things...I saw a movie this weekend I can blog about and secondly, my parents went shopping at home and gave me about 10-13 movies on my list that I will be watching in the next few weeks to get the ball rolling, especially if I just chillax this weekend!!

Neways, so this weekend we saw All About Steve in Arizona. Wasn't impressed. It was definitely cute, but fell short. The previews made it seem a lot more funnier than what it really was and I felt like the actors were very limited, its like they couldn't really go there, to their full potential. Bradley Cooper was yummy to look at, but other than that...BOMB!!

Well my birthday never ends cause I am going to see Britney Spears again tonite!!! Yayy!! Its gonna be so awesome and esp. with a true, die hard Britney fan! So no movie tonight, but don't worry I will make up for it this weekend, I promise u that!! TTFN

"This Pinky nucca , I gotta pee pee"
-The Friday After Next (2002)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Get the Party Started!

TGIF!!! Good morning! So I am dead tired, but usually that always just gives me more energy because I tend to get all hyper. Besides, I have no reason to be tired because me and my great friends leave for AZ tonite to attend a Pink and Ting Tings concert on Sunday and I get to my best friend!! I am super excited to see my brother! So good news...I finally finished Season 2 of Gossip Girl and it was amazing. So much drama and swagger and power and sex and AWESOMENESS!! I absolutely love that show and I plan to watch the season premiere today before we start on our journey.

This season of Gossip Girl kept me on the edge of my seat every episode, I hated some characters and fell in love with others. One of my favorite scenes that didn't involve scandal or sex or drama...just realness was this: Ok so... the other night, there was a scene where Blair had just learned her fate of not getting into Yale. After this news broke she seeks comfort in her first love Nate Archibald. They were sitting in an empty room and she talks about how her life should have not turned out like that especially because she planned her whole life out. Then Nate asked her, "Why is it that you watch you favorite movie over and over again?" And Blair answered with, "Because I always like knowing how it ends." After hearing that I remember telling myself that was such a powerful scene and it made me think about my love for movies and how it relates to life.

I love movies because you can escape into another world. Comedies allow you to laugh so hard that you head hurts and you start to cry. It brings such a bright spot to your life. Family movies allow your heart to melt. They are life comfort food because after you watch it, you know its going to make you feel good and full of life. Thrillers/suspense allows to imagine the impossible and takes you on a ride. It allows you to imagine there is life on another planet or that every suspicious person in you life probably works for the CIA. Chick flicks/Romance allows you to love. It allows you to dream that one day, you can have the love like Rose and Jack (The Titanic) or Noah and Allie (The Notebook). Scary movies allow you to scream and let it all out. They may give you nightmares, but the thrill of thinking Jason is going to murder you, then you sleep with all the lights on and eventually it makes for a great reason enough to watch. Dramas allow you to be real. Those films touch your heart and warm your soul. They makes you cry more than they make you laugh. They make you think about your life and relate to the characters in so many ways. All of these genres allow you to go deeper than you ever thought you could.

Without movies who would we be? Where would we go? What would we strive for or dream about? Who would we love and hate? Who would we root for? I too watch movies over and over again because I love knowing how it ends, but sometimes I never really know how its going to end... TTFN

You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
-Sunset Blvd. (1950)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Hey Guys! So again no new movie, I am still finishing up Gossip Girl; got 2 more discs, so after the weekend and my birthday I will be back on track!

Last night, falling asleep I thought about my blog and was disappointed that I would have nothing to report. During my thought process I realized I had something to blog about: my night routine that always involves a movie! OK, so in order for me to fall asleep at night I need the TV or music on and since my Ipod is broken, the TV is my only option. Well, after Gossip Girl I got up, prepared it for a Netflix return, and put in my nightly movie. For the past few weeks that movie has been Harriet the Spy. Yes, I absolutely love that movie. It just makes me so happy falling asleep and I realized I only have 5 movies that I rotate between...Hook, Any Given Sunday, Harriet the Spy, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and A Little Princess.

So why those movies? Because they are comfort movies and I have probably seen them a 100 times. BTW, I am so intense with this that I even have
"rules" for movies I am able to fall asleep to...Never a cartoon..they are too bright for the screen. Never a comedy...they are too funny (exception:Ace Ventura:Pet Detective). Never a movie I haven't seen...Don't ever wanna wake up on the wrong part. Never a scary movie...possible nightmares. Never a suspense or thriller...too loud or again, possible nightmares of murder and violence. I already have intense, realistic dreams, I do not need some movie adding to that. therefore, only non-cartoon kid/family movies, sports movies, or slower dramas. Pretty legit right?

So if u ever sleep over; don't expect a wild ride! TTFN.

Ole Golly: The time has come, the walrus said...
Harriet M. Welsch: To talk of many things...
Ole Golly: Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax...
Harriet M. Welsch: Of cabbages and kings...
Ole Golly: And why the sea is boiling hot...
Harriet M. Welsch: And whether pigs have wings!
Ole Golly: Do you have any wings?
-Harriet the Spy (1996)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

First off I would like to take a moment of silence to remember the late great Patrick Swayze...
He will truly be missed, but his legacy will forever live on through his movies. Man, I was so sad yesterday when I heard the news because it made me think of all the greats we have lost this year. I will definitely watch Ghost this week in memory of him!

So last night after watching the season premiere of One Tree Hill, I also wanted to watch the premiere of Gossip Girl even though I didn't finish the last season. So I watched the recap and realized that I wanted to finish last season and then catch the premiere online. After making that decision, it motivated me to really watch State Of Play. I love movies like that with murder, conspiracy, infidelity, twist and turns and great actors. Between Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, and Jason Bateman the movie was very successful. Not my favorite of those types, but fully enjoyable. Its definitely a movie that you must pay attention to every single detail. Its about time Ben did a good film.

So that was the last of my non-classic movies for a while, I have slacked off long enough and besides I have 3 more discs of Gossip Girl I need to finish. Let the challenge continue...TTFN

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"
-Dirty Dancing (1987)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Big F's...

Good morning readers!! Have u missed me cause I have missed me?? Haha...kidding! Well I really have no movie to blog about cause I spent the weekend getting spoiled by the big F's...Family, Food and Football! So movies didn't quite fit in there; however, I did get to watch Superbad, one of my ultimate favs. I attempted to watch State Of Play, but I was too busy and will probably catch it in its entirety this week, after I finish last season's Gossip Girl... of course!! OMG, its so addicting!
So that was the shorten version of my weekend, I plan to catch up on some more flicks this week, especially because my Dad let me borrow some Clint Eastwood Classics! Have a wonderful Monday and TTFN!!

Jules: You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours.
Seth: Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.
-Superbad (2007)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So talk about dedication on my part...I was out all nite shopping, came home and ate some yummy Chipotle, like it was so freakin good, but too good cause I woke up with a tummy ache and tryin real hard to get through the day. Neways, so yeah after that and trying on all my lovely clothes; tryin to decide if I really need everything I bought and I came to the conclusion that I did. Well except one thing, but it was the least expensive thing and because of that I convinced myself that it looked good, when in fact it didn't. So in the midst of all that I watched the new episode of Top Chef and was sad that I missed the premieres of Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and America's Next Top Model, but its was worth it! So back to the dedication part of this whole thing, after all that I should have gone to bed since it was past midnight, but I didn't!! I stayed up to watch Risky Business! Yep, I sure did, and you want to know why? Because I told you guys I would watch it last nite and I am trying to be committed to this and keep my word...and I did!!!! Yes I would like Scooby snack, Thank You!

So lets talk about this movie...I really don't know how I felt about it, I mean there were parts that were good. A young Tom Cruise is never a bad thing!! I guess it just felt random. Like the whole basis of the movie and I think parts should have jumped off earlier, for example, Tom Cruise should have become a "business man" way earlier in the film. I think my favorite part was when her pimp stole all the stuff outta the house and then sold it back to him. Oh and for sure the famous underwear dance scene.

I am totally enjoying watching older movies because I get to see actors I enjoy now or see in newer films kinda in their prime. while watching the movies, I get that moment like...."oh they are in this movie?" So another film down...sadly, I will prolly take a couple days break with films on "The List" and watch a newer movie and catch up on season 2 of Gossip Girl! TTFN!

"Say "WTF."... If you can't say it, you can't do it."
-Risky Business (1983)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I just wanted to say Happy 9-9-09! its just a pretty cool day and actually I wish I was at home watching 9 movies, maybe like 9 Disney movies, (Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, Lion King, Aladdin, Mary Poppins, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Jungle Book, and Peter Pan) that would be pretty awesome. I have done that once (only 6 though) and it was seriously one of my favorite days because as everyone knows I love Disney and my favorite movie is The Little Mermaid. Its just a wonderful movie and the running time is an hour and 18 minutes. Haha, that is how I was able to fit in a bunch of movies in one day.

Well this is why decided to write a blog today because 9 is a very significant number in my family. You know how people have a family crest, well through out birthdays (not including the years) we have a family number which is 9, and I will explain how:
Mom: 11/9/54
Marvin: 2/9/84
Marques: 8/9/90
Shervin: 4/19/74
Me: 9/22/85
Dad: 1/26/54 (if u add 1+2+6=9) He is a lil tricky, but works!!

So yeah, Happy 9-9-09!! I will not be seeing the Tim Burton film Nine tonite, but I plan to watch Risky Business tonite!! TTFN!!!

"Of course time is just a counting system... numbers with meanings attached to them."
The Number 23 (2007)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's a Day Without Labor?

Good morning everyone and I hope we had a wonderful 3 day weekend, I know I did! I pretty much relaxed and watched movies that I had and ones on Lifetime. I get sucked into those Lifetime movies sometimes because they are all so cliche and so predictable, yet amazing. Its like you still want to find out what happens, do they ever find the killer? Is the stepsister that is the best friend really sleeping with the husband and did they stage my murder to look like a suicide? Yes they did and yes we will find the killer and in some way that would never think of right? But somehow, someone still gets away. And I love how you seem to always recognize someone, like I was so shocked to see Alec Baldwin, Jeff Goldblum, and Luke Wilson in a Lifetime movie, I thought to myself...can I find Mini's First Time on Netflix. BTW...what a lame title...Mini's first time for what u ask? I guess you will just have to find out yourself.

So that Lifetime movie is not the focus of this entry, just a FYI kinda thing. There is one reader in particular that would appreciate this a little bit more because he is the one that actually bought me this movie. I received it as a gift for my USC graduation about a year and some months ago. It was so fitting even though it had no relation to me graduating... yep, none other than The Graduate. On my lovely day off I watched a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but the feature film was The Graduate starring an adorable Dustin Hoffman. I really enjoyed the film since I have heard about it for sooooo many years, I mean who doesn't know about Mrs. Robinson? If you haven't then do not invite over to your rock that you have been living under! Man, what I would give to be a Mrs. Robinson and seduce some young, fresh meat...well if I continue my career at USC I just might have the chance.
What a great Labor day, thank you Benjamin and Mrs. Robinson!! TTFN!!!

"Look, maybe we could do something else together. Mrs. Robinson, would you like to go to a movie?
-The Graduate (1967)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

California Love

Alright last blog of the night, and btw let me know if you like the way I am doing this. I mean would you rather have one long blog that summarized each movie or each individual blog, wait...I like each individual one, so your advice is kinda lost on me. Neways...The last movie I watched was yet another great one starring some of the best,I mean the best of the best. These 3 actors are "The Untouchables of Hollywood!!" Kevin Costner, Robert DeNiro and Sean Connery invented swag. Yes, they were portraying the real characters such as Elliot Ness and Al Capone,however, they sure did a fine job. As I stated before I am not here to be a movie critic only to share what goes on in my head while watching these films and you will never guess what went on in my head during this one.

So I was just laying in my bed watching the film and realized I recognized the name Elliot Ness. I was like,"hmmm that sounds so familiar." Then I started mumbling a song verse in my head. I knew it was a rap song or something, but all I could make out in my head was "Untouchable like ElliotNess, drum through your eardrums like through your chest, no joke it sounded like that, all mumble, jumbled in my head and coming outta my mouth. I said it over a few times, until I finally found the rhythm and then the chorus. It turned out to be Tupac's "California Love." After I googled the lyrics I realized I have been singing that song for years and really had no clue who or what they were talking about. Yes, Elliot Ness, Kevin Costner in The Untouchables.

Well I have to say by far the best scene was in the train station with the baby and Andy Garcia just popping a cap in this guy's head...1,[BANG, BANG]... 2!! I would love to end this with a quote from the movie, however I have found a much better one! TTFN!!!!

"Yaaah, ha-ha! I stole the baby, I stole the baby, ha-ha! Yah!
-Willow (1988)

Who Let the Dogs Out??

So it officially begins, I know I have been talking about all these movies I am going to watch on my list and have yet to write about one of them...well, well, well its about time I do and not just one, but two!

Judging by the title of this blog some of you may have an idea of what movie I am talking about, if not let me give you a little hint...What movie has 6 guys all dressed in black and have the coolest names EVER, some are colors of the rainbow and one I am not sure EVEN constitutes as a "real" color. I define "real" colors as something you can get out of a Crayola crayon box, is there Blonde?

Ok enough of the guessing games, the movie I am referring to is Reservoir Dogs. Yes what a swagged out film. If I had to pick my favorite character it would be none other than Mr. Pink. Especially when he goes off as to why he has to be named Mr. Pink, but he is willing to take Mr. Purple, like that is any better? (Why is it that Steve Buscemi always seems to get away in like every movie)? I was so shocked to see Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) because I only know him has a small screen actor on the new show "Lie To Me" Looks like I need to get out more (of my bubble that is) because apparently he is more than some new actor...Well I am pretty sure everyone reading this blog has seen Reservoir Dogs. So as the phrase goes, "I am probably preaching to the choir here" and if you haven't I suggest you do and do it real fast.

After seeing this movie, I only wish I would have seen it before meeting Mr. Brown in the flesh, yes I met Quentin Tarantino and it was epic, right at The Bridge. I was so star struck that all I could do was shout out his name and he flashed me the greatest smile. Thank you Mr. Tarantino for all the greatness that you do. From Reservoir Dogs, to Pulp Fiction, to The Kill Bill Volumes...I bow to you! TTFN...
P.S. So many AMAZING LINES, but I love this one...

"Oh Ladera Heights that's the Black Beverly Hills. Its not the Black Beverly Hills, its the Black Palos Verdes"
-Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Got Milk...

Before I started this whole blog thing a few months ago I decided I wanted to watch all the 2008 Oscar nominated films for Best Picture, Actor and Actress because there was so much talk and hype over this year's films...well after watching Milk I definitely saw why it was a winner. Sean Penn was an amazing actor; and watching He and James Franco kiss seemed to be a lot better than Jake and Heath..sorry Brokeback, you didn't deserve it that yr! I was actually rooting for Scott and Harvey.

I just love it when I can watch a movie and relate to it, for me it was enjoyable and also saddening to watch because I knew the history of Harvey Milk. During my senior year of college my American Studies advisor and once a colleague of mine suggested I take a special topics 499 class. I figured ok, since it substituted my 498Sr. Seminar class (such a snore). Well, the topic happened to be "Queer Studies." Yep, USC was a school that offered all kinds of classes from The Beatles to Stage Makeup to Wheel-throwing to Queer Studies. There was only 6 of us in the class and we were all females. It turned out to be one of the best and most interesting classes I have ever taken and Harvey Milk was a Iconic figure to all; gay or straight! I am so honored to have had the pleasure of learning about him and later seeing a film that portrayed him in a beautiful light.
An the Best actor goes to...SEAN PENN AS HARVEY MILK!! TTFN!!

"How do you teach Homosexuality? Is it like French?
-Milk (2008)

Friday, September 4, 2009

48/258...Gotta Challenge on My Hands!!

I know... 2 postings in one day...its just an update because I know you guys are dying to know just how many movies are on this "list" (man I wish I could attach it), if you would like me to email you a copy just leave a comment!
So I finally looked and there are 258 movies on my list and I have seen 48 so far, a few I would like to re-watch...if I have time. So I have 210 movies to watch in 383 days!! I can totally do it.
Also, I have this "100 Movies to Watch Before You Die" list by Yahoo, but I didn't include those movies yet, however I think in the next few hrs I will see how many are on both list and see if its possible to combine the ones that are not...whatcha think? Ok TTFN!!

"I don't care about what anything was DESIGNED to do, I care about what it CAN do."
-Apollo 13 (1995)

**Footnote: There are about 45 movies on the Yahoo lists that are not on my other list, however I have decided to only add the following to my list...
2001:Space Odyssey (1968)
All About Eve (1950)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Bridge on River Kwai (1957)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Enter the Dragon (1964)
The French Connection (1971)
Goldfinger (1964)
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
The Lady Eve (1941)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Star Wars (1977) I know!
The World of Apu (1959)


Oh How you Have Failed me Netflix!!

So I have to say I am a lil ticked off at Netflix right now... I turned in a movie on Tuesday meaning they should have received it Wednesday morning and I have not yet received the expected email at 6am saying "Netflix has received I Love You, Man, and we will be shipping Steel Magnolias because we know its on your list and you need to meet a deadline." Nope...didn't receive that email even though I sit and wait by my cell phone like a boy crazy teenager waiting for my crush to ask me to the Back-to-School Dance. Yes Netflix, I have a crush on you. So now it probably will not be until Tuesday, being a holiday weekend and all, that I will receive another movie.
Oh well, this problem can be solved because I purposely put movies that I own on my list to watch during September, so I guess that's why I collect movies, to watch them... Not sure what my mood is going to be this weekend, but I am feeling a little dangerous; maybe Godfather II, Scarface and The Untouchables? We shall see...TTFN (TA TA FOR NOW)!!

"Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time."
-Old School, 2003

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I never read a book...

Good Morning everybody and I would like to thank those that are following me right now, I am so excited and really looking forward to this challenge!! Last night, I was going over and over in my head how I was going to accomplish this and not get too overwhelmed or lose interest and I think I can accomplish it. I have over 280 movies on my list (which I have no clue how to attach to this blog), and I have watched about, I am gettin there!!

So last movie I watched..."Final Destination 3-D" it was pretty awesome! I have never seen a movie in 3-D and it totally trips you out, as if the objects are coming at you. During the movie my friend was thinking how awesome it would be as a writer to sit around and think of ways for people to die because they are so creative! The acting was horrible, but that is expected, just guts and glory!!

Watching this movie reminded me of a great memory I had of seeing "Final Destination 2"... I was in my Sr. year of high school and me and my best friend decided to ditch that day, go to IHOP and see the movie afterward. Well going to an IHOP and movie by campus wasn't the best idea since we saw the school Librarian after we ate. We ducked in the car, but I am pretty sure she saw us because we later found out she told on us!!! Needless to say I never checked out a book after that and resorted to watching movies...TTFN!!
"[picking up phone and shouting] Stop breaking the law, asshole!
-Liar, Liar (1997)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi ladies and Gents...lend me your ears...ok that was kinda lame, but I have always enjoyed that kinda sorta quote from Julius Ceasar (its a lil botched)...well, well, well I bet you all thought I would never do the whole blog thing...or many of you prolly thought I already one..NOPE!!
So I am for sure so new to this stuff, but I hope to continue this and keep it flowing and make it Markisha Style (funny and animated and totally random), well that's what I think of myself, don't know about my audience... and I am tall but I can't exactly make this tall. Wow, serious tangent.
Neways, here is the purpose and sole focus of my blog... Somehow I was convinced by Geinel that seeing Julie and Julia would be a good idea last Sunday and I am always down for a movie, however I am all about the popular actor or actress, blockbuster, hard -hittin, top box office kinda movies...none of this Indie or Independent films madness; I leave those possibly for Netflix, but they never get around to getting viewed..oh well another day, another blog. Ok, yeah so we were at The Grove and I decided to see this film and can I say..AWFUL movie...I mean it was just a snore and a bore and anything else that rhymes with that. Meryl Streep was fun and quirky, but Amy Adams (aggghhh)!!! Her life was so boring. So after all that, I was actually a little inspired to start a blog and I rememeber whispering to Geinel, like "Oh I wanna start a blog" and she said "on what?" With a slight chuckle, I said, "work." Haha...well that idea soon turned into this....
I know its long, but I gotta get all my thoughts out. So last yr sometime around June, Sky (my dearest friend) sent me an all- time guru list (cause I was all into the AFI Top 100), tailored to my interest of the classics and must see movies in order to recieve my Movie Guru Certificate, I mean I own over 560 movies and had never seen some of the classics that shall not be named, cause I was a lil embarrassed, but have no fear I am doing an amazing job of watching those.
Now If I can figure out how to attach my movie list then I will. So (taking a breathe)...I am now making a committed effort to complete that list before my 25th birthday (September 22, 2010). Its going be hard, but it will be accomplished!!
So now I must leave you with this first blog and come join me on my incredible journey! TTFN!!
"[Readers], I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
-Casablanca, 1942
