Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sooooooooooo behind....

I don't know what happen to my inspiration. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying all these movies, but I haven't been motivated to just write about it, I guess cause I feel like its all repetitive and no one even gives me feedback, not that I really even care and I know I have 2 strong supporters and I love you guys for that. I guess Janet was right that its prolly a lil more exciting to read about someone's life rather than movies, but I don't have all these issues or exciting things to discuss. I am not married, have no kids, not in a relationship, so quite frankly a blog about myself would be boring as well. But anyways, enough of that...I watched 3 movies over the past week, so here ya go:

I finally, finally finished Field of Dreams! It was such a good movie, I don't know why it took me 3 different times to watch it, but when I finally did I enjoyed it. I feel like I haven't seen Kevin Costner in a new movie in so long and I just loved the little girl in the film, she was so cute and adorable. James Earl Jones is amazing and I wanna hear his voice or see him in films more often. I am a very imaginative person as well, so movies like this make me happy.
Don't ask me why I even rented it, but I also watched Surrogates the other night. Pretty freakin bad, like pretty bad. Why was that movie even made and why did I watch it? Enough said.
Lastly, I watched My Sister's Keeper over the weekend and I loved it. It made me laugh and cry, but only towards the end. I just love how it was made, going back and forth between the past and present. I thought Cameron Diaz was great as a bitch of a mother, not to her kids, but just overall like her role in Any Given Sunday. I am so glad I don't really read books, cause apparently I would have hated this movie if I did!
So I am way, super duper behind on my 20 movies for the month because as you can see I have only seen 1 qualifying movie. I have 4 at home, so hopefully I will get around to them. TTFN.

"If you Build it, He will come"
-Field of Dreams (1989)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Someday My Prince Will Come

With all this focus on movies from "The List" and reaching my goal of 20 movies this month, I seem to have forgotten a great film that was very near and dear to my heart this month and I listed as one of my favorite films, even though I didn't give it enough respect to write about it...
The Princess and The Frog was the first Disney black Princess film and it was soooo good!! On a Saturday afternoon, my mommy came down to L.A. and took me to see the film. I was 24, but I felt like I was 7 years old going to see a Disney movie with my mommy. It was such a great film and had all the right elements of a classic Disney Film. To this day I still love Little Mermaid as my all time favorite film and I cannot wait until I have a little daughter that I take to see her first and hopefully favorite Disney movie.
I also loved during the film she wasn't a frog the whole time, nor was she human; it was a little bit of both. I loved the relationship she had with her best friend, man I just loved all of it!! The music, the singing, the acting and the storyline.
I am so sorry for not writing about you sooner, but I hope you know that I truly loved this film and can't wait until my mommy buys it for me on DVD to add to my collection. TTFN!!

"Daddy never got what he wanted... but he had what he NEEDED: love! He never gave that up, and neither will I!"
-The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Happy Month...February is for Blacks and couples... I got one of those down!

Welcome February and goodbye were sooooo good to me!!! I hope this month is gonna be a good one. I thought about this the other day and I am going to make this month strictly comedies, romance and any other Black or minority driven films that I have yet to see. So before I get started on Feb, lemme breakdown January.
Well, I did sooooooooooo good last month!! I saw 19 films off "The List." I have to say that is the most and I was only one short of 20...agghhh!!! Its OK though, because it actually wasn't that hard, but then again I picked some darn good films. I think there were only 3 or 4 that I didn't care for, but 15 others that I really enjoyed and its going to be really hard to pick my favorite film of the month and even harder to top that next month. I know I have many more films on "The List" that will be amazing, but I just don't know if I may have picked all the best ones in this one month...probably not!!
So here is a list of all the films I saw this month: 12 Angry Men, The Jerk, American History X, True Romance, Star Wars, Imitation of Life, It Happened one Night, An Affair to Remember, Crimson Tide, Vertigo, Hero, Cape Fear, Valley Girl, Rocky, Witness, Heat, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Caddyshack, I Can Do Bad all by Myself, Fame, Terminator: Salvation, Its Complicated, The Lovely Bones and The Princess and the Frog. That would be 25 total films for January...pretty good!!!!
With all the constant changes or human errors, my new total is now 115/272 films...what ya got for me February? TTFN!!

Favorite list films: American History X, 12 Angry Men and An Affair to Remember
Least Favorite List films: Rocky and Vertigo
Favorite non-list film: I Can Do Bad all by Myself, It's Complicated and The Princess and the Frog
Least Favorite non-list film: Terminator: Salvation

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
-Heat (1995)

Last Weekned of January and I Came up Short...

So this was the last weekend I had in January to watch a total of 20 films for the month and I was one short...I had Field of Dreams in my possession, had already started it another day, could have easily watched it Saturday or Sunday morning, but decided on Taken (which I love) instead! I am a lil disappointed in myself, but hey I saw 19 older films...that is one hell of an accomplishment. To round out the last, here ya go...
I saw True Romance Friday night and that film was pretty awesome. I read the summary and was like, oh this is going be good. You really can't go wrong with Tarantino and an all-star cast like Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Brad Pitt, Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Christopher Walken, Samuel L. Jackson, James Gandolfini, Chris Penn, Tom Sizemore and a few other actors that I really like. First off, I had no clue all those people were in it, but when I saw them on the credits, I was pretty excited and interested in the roles they were going to play. I was especially surprised by Brad Pitt as a pothead. He was sooooo funny and very believable.
I wasn't offended by any means, but this film raised my curiosity about Tarantino and his obsession with the word "Nigger" because I noticed he refers to it in several films. I read a lil about it on Google and then didn't really think about it too much. He is so great though and what I loved about this film, that it was violent, but not all the violence was shown and it had a happy ending for the "bad guys" and my boy Michael Rapaport didn't die..I love him!
On Saturday, the day I was supposed to watch my last two films I watched Hero. I really liked that one too! I thought Dustin Hoffman was great, but you couldn't help but feel sorry for him, especially after he was the true hero and no one would even fathom that idea. I loved Geena Davis and I wish I could see her in more films. I feel like after her TV show bombed she just disappeared and that makes me sad, cause she is a great actress. Hero, which is another film I saw a little of when I was younger was truly a great film. It had comedic elements, but also a lot more drama which I really enjoyed!
So that was the end of January. I did pretty good and saw soooooooooooooo many amazing films. I will discuss and lay out my February plan in the next posting. TTFN!!

"Hi. How are you? My name's Elliot, and I'm with the Cub Scouts of America. We're... we're selling uncut cocaine to get to the jamboree."
-True Romance (1993)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Long Overdue like a Library Book

Hey!! So I saw some great movies this past weekend, just haven't taken the time to really talk about them. I know thats been my pattern lately, but I guess I just had some other stuff on my mind...hey it happens right? So here ya go...

Star Wars:
Yeah, not my thing! Was a good movie, I guess...but it just confirmed that I am for sure not a Star Wars fan and will never be one. It was great to finally see the movie and watch all the characters that people have followed and talked about for soooooooooooo many years, so that was exciting....but I just don't plan on watching any other Star Wars...EVER!!!

Definitely a film I had to see, but I did not like it at all. I am looking forward to seeing other Hitchcock, just that one did absolutely nothing for me. Hopefully I will better luck next film!!

Imitation Of Life:
Now that movie was added around Christmas when my mom bought me the movie, so I finally watched it on her behalf and I really loved it. It was so sad because this little girl who looked white, but had a black mother wanted to be white her whole life so she was passing. She practically killed her mother who died of a broken heart because her daughter was ashamed of her. It was such a heart-wrenching film, and hit close to home because I am going to have bi-racial children, so I do wonder about the struggles they will have. For example, will they play with the white dolls or black dolls? Its going to be a challenge, but I believe I will be the best black mom I could possibly be, esp if my child looks a little on the whiter side! LOL

Crimson Tide:
Soooooooooooooooooooo good!!! I loved, loved, loved this movie. I am so not into submarine/war movies, but you put Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman on a screen together and I will watch it! They were sooooo good and the movie just had all the right moves. It had me on the edge of my seat, upset, and excited to see how it was all going to play out. I am pretty sure I saw that movie back in the day, but not when I could really appreciate it! Great film!!

An Affair to Remember:
Possibly my favorite movie of the bunch. Amazing film, simply amazing!!! I loved it so much. In the beginning, I was like Eh..this movie is ok, but after they got off the boat and agreed to meet each other at the Empire State Bldg, I was like...oooh this is a movie now! And everything after that, with her accident and she not wanting him to know she was crippiled to the very ending when he finds out, oh so beautiful. This is the very reason why I am having so much fun watching these older films, because it's making me appreciate the films I love now. The films that take from these older films and make it their own and now its nice to see the original. I am so in love with these classics that watching all of them has been really exciting. Oh and did I mention, I balled my eyes out, yeah I haven't done that in a while with a film, but this one really hit me hard. And thanks Sky for the Sleepless in Seattle clip, that was classic, I was cracking up because that is how I described the film after seeing it. Check it out on youtube!! Oh and that was my first Cary Grant film...loved him!!!

So That was That weekend, now I have to discuss the following weekend, because this is long overdue!!! TTFN!!

"Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories... And we've already missed the spring!"
-An Affair to Remember (1957)

"May the Force Be With You"
-Star Wars (1977)

Friday, January 22, 2010

You a Jerk, Do the Jerk...Part 2


Navin R. Johnson: Well I'm gonna to go then. And I don't need any of this. I don't need this stuff, and I don't need you. I don't need anything except this.
[picks up an ashtray]
Navin R. Johnson: And that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this. The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. And this. And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.
[walking outside]
Navin R. Johnson: And I don't need one other thing, except my dog.
[dog barks]
Navin R. Johnson: I don't need my dog.

[Speaking to Marie in bed while she sleeps]
Navin R. Johnson: I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.

-The Jerk (1979)

You a Jerk, Do the Jerk...

Last night I got 5 movies from Netflix to get ready for the weekend and achieve my goal of 20 movies this month and I am well in my way. I opened up all the movies, like when you open presents on Christmas and have an idea of what you are getting, but still want to open all of them and be sure, well that's what I did and decided to watch The Jerk last nite. What a stupid, yet hilarious film. Just reading the summary I knew I wanted to watch it. The fact that he thought he was black, had me crackin up and the fact that he had no rhythm and when he found he set to discover the world. My favorite part was when he hit rock bottom and decided that he didn't need anything except the random stuff he kept picking up stuff around the house. Or when he thought the dog was a lifesaver. There were so many great parts int hat short film. It also reminded me a bit of Elf. Steve Martin is sooooooooooo freakin funny. I had no clue what I was in for when I selected it on my list for this month, but I enjoyed it. So I am super excited for my films this weekend and gearing up for Star Wars, since I have never seen one! TTFN.

"Huh? I am not a bum. I'm a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and... uh... my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi."

"Don't call that dog "lifesaver;" call him "shithead."

"I'm not? You mean I'm gonna STAY this color?"
-The Jerk (1979)

Weekend of Movies

Yeah, yeah, I know...its been a while and no I haven't been slacking off, just haven't felt inspired and besides takes over my life...Last weekend, starting Friday night, I watched 5 movies, 2 from "The List" and 3 newer movies. So here I go...

Terminator Salvation:
Didn't care for it. Was kinda confused and possibly I should have watched the third one, but I figured I would be OK since I watched Terminator 1 and 2. Christian Bale was cool, I kinda just wanted to watch it because it was a new release and I like action films, even though this one didn't do it for me. I was just kinda waiting for it to be over.


Good and cute film. I enjoyed the singing mostly and there was some good acting by the older generation or actors. I didn't think the kids were the best actors, but they played their roles well if that makes any sense. I kinda want to watch the older one so I could compare the two films, but overall I enjoyed it.

I Can Do Bad All By Myself:

OK so best movie of the weekend and probably one of my favorites period. I enjoy Tyler Perry movies, but most of the time I just watch it and laugh or cry or whatever and that's that, but oh this one... It is definitely tied for first with The Family That Preys. I just had no clue that it was going to be this good, especially because it was very under-rated or possibly it came out around the wrong time with a whole host of good movies: I don't know because all I do know is that it was so freakin good. The acting was great, the music was amazing, the tears were a coming and the jaws were a laughing. I also love the fact that Madea was in half of the film and the rest of it was left to the other actors. I called my friend while she was at Target to buy it for me the same night I watched it and have seen it 3 times since. Good job Tyler Perry!

Cape Fear:

This film was creepy good. Robert DeNiro was an excellent psycho and he really freaked me out a little. I enjoyed all the acting and it was so suspenseful you didn't know what was gonna happen next and I am convinced he lived at the end. So two thumbs way up for that film.

It Happened One Night:

I really enjoyed this film. It was great from start to finish and that Clark Gable it such a heartthrob. I definitely see why it won the Academy Award! I am really, really enjoying these black and white films, they don't seem to bother me at all anymore. Guess I am maturing.

So that was last weekend and this weekend seems to be shaping out to be the same way. I got 4 movies at home waiting for me and a few others in my collection that I want to check out. So with that good rain, good movies, good food and hopefully good conversation... it should be a good weekend. TTFN!

"You're a sucker to go through with this. That guy Warne is OK. He didn't want the reward. All he asked for was $39.60, what he spent on you. Said it was a matter of principle. You took him for a ride. He loves you, Ellie. He told me so. You don't want to be married to a mug like Westley; I can buy him off for a pot of gold. And you can make an old man happy and you won't do so bad for yourself. If you change your mind, your car's waiting at the back gate"
-It Happened One Night (1934)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Yes, Its Complicated...

So sadly I did not get around to a DVD last night, instead I saw a great movie and I think everybody should see it!! It's Complicated was amazing from start to finish. iI had all the right components of a great movie. I laughed so hard my throat hurt! I fell in love with Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin and Jack Krasinski, he makes me wanna watch The Office and of course Meryl Streep was at her peak and she made me wanna run home and watch The Devil Wears Prada.
What I loved about this movie that it could have easily fallen short in so many ways, esp if they had a wedding for the engaged daughter or if the young wife was in a few more scenes and I think it would have went horribly wrong. I don't think there was a scene I could say, oh that was boring or cheesy or lame. It was such a great film and I think everybody should see it!!! TTFN!
***IMDB had no quotes for this film, so I decided to give u one of my own...

"I am not trying to sell myself here, but I am a pretty good investment"
Markisha Lea, on the complications of dating (2010)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cage in the 80's

So I don't how I did it, but I managed to pick 2 duds in a row...watched Valley Girl last night! Um...wasn't a fan! The description made it seem like so much fun, but it was pretty lame.I really thought it was going to be a modern day Romeo and Juliet, but it fell short. Oh and what was up with the stepmother and that kid her daughter liked...that went nowhere! I know it was titled Valley Girl, but they killed the word "like" and it became super annoying. I am convinced I would not be a Nicolas Cage fan today If I would have seen his films in the 80's. I hated him in Peggy Sue Got Married (although I did love him in Raising Arizona) and he was pretty lame in this film as well! I love him now as the bad-ass actor or the action good guy! So hopefully the next few films I pick will be as good as the first few that I watched! I am almost there, I need to watch 11 more films to average 20 this month...TTFN!

"Like, it's not cool at all! Like, it's all this stuff that tastes like nothing and it's supposed to be so good for you. Why couldn't they, like, open a Pizza Hut or something?"
-Valley Girl (1983)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of the Greatest Movies of All Time...Think Again!

Its seems that I may not have the same taste in films as others do...I say this because I watched Rocky last night for the first time and pretty much wanted to fall asleep. I thought it was a snooze-fest and pretty annoying. I am all for the underdog stories and people having their chance, but now that we have entered 2010, I have seen far better movies than this! My lil bro, a lover of movies and huge sports fan didn't care for it either. Blame it on our generation or whatever, but this movie had me feeling nothing but excited for it to finish so I could watch American Idol! I would have appreciated more boxing and it could have easily been just an hour and half instead of 2 hrs. I was not a fan, but I am happy I finally watched it. I feel satisfied in that sense. So I will not be watching anymore Rocky movies in the near future. TTFN!

"Yo, Adrian!"
-Rocky (1976)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Some Powerful Stuff

Ok, so this movie, oh man where do I begin...
I just don't know, this movie made me laugh (a lil), cry (a lil), and hurt (a lot). I don't think in my 24 years of living have I ever seen a more crucial, more raw, more real film. I watched it with my little brother and told him there was no way I could have seen this film when I was younger or even a year ago probably. The acting was absolutely amazing, powerful, and superb. I thought it was going to make me hate Edward Norton, but despite his hate and malice and prejudice, in the end I felt for him. I rooted for him. Not to say I forgot what he did or the hate that spewed from him, but I empathized and wanted so bad for their to be a happy ending for him and his family.
This film made me do a lot of thinking, just the way it made me feel and some of the things said, I just sat there in awe, like WOW! Like, there are really people out there like that and it makes my heart hurt. There were so many scenes that really made my heart and soul hurt. Not just the killing or hate towards the blacks, but the way he was treated in jail. Or the dinner scene with his family. Or the ending. Or to see where the hate started, because kids somehow inherit that. Just so much of that film affected me.
I honestly can say that I really cannot relate because personally I have never felt discriminated against. Maybe when I was younger, but I know my parents shielded me from all that. It was normal for me to be around all white people and play with the white kids. I had no problem with it. I had no problem with being the only white kid in the class, at the party or in the Girl Scout troop. I guess I was called a Nigger once, but laughed cause I had no clue what that was until I asked my parents. I was fortunate enough not to grow up around all that hate, even now when I date white guys, I feel so comfortable in their environment because that's all I personally know. Don't get me wrong, I am very aware of my "blackness," my history, and where I come from, but I have not experienced any of the adversity that comes with being black.
American History X is a movie every American of all race, creed or color should see because it is a paramount film that I can't help but love in a way any movie lover would. Many times when I watch a movie I have to tell myself, this is just a movie, and while this was just a movie it was one that leaves you breathless and stuck in a reality that you hope isn't your own... TTFN

"Danny Vinyard
: So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. Derek says it's always good to end a paper with a quote. He says someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong. So I picked a guy I thought you'd like. 'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.' "
-American History X (1998)

What a Month so Far!

Can I just say...WOW!! I picked some darn good movies for January so far! I have loved every movie I have seen and still have like 14 more to go....
This past weekend I watched 3 movies and two out of the three were AMAZING!!!

First off, I loved 12 Angry men...what a film! The acting was superb, the story was powerful and it had you captivated from start to finish; just anticipating all 12 jurors to change their minds and at what moment. The scene that I loved so much was when that racist man was talking all kinds of nonsense and every single man stood up or ignored him. He felt so ashamed and so that was a powerful scene. This film did well because their was such strong acting filmed in this small room, so they couldn't help but be good. I just loved this film!

Later in the weekend I watched Witness with Harrison Ford. Good, not great, but good. I liked the story line, only wished there was more action and drama. Good concept, but I have just seen better. I definitely do not like Danny Glover as a bad guy though.

The last film I saw deserves a blog all to itself, because it was that good! But oh man, I am loving so many of these films. I have been meaning to do a "Best of... blog, so watch for that soon!! Off to the next blog...TTFN!!

"It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don't really know what the truth is. I don't suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent, but we're just gambling on probabilities - we may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty man go free, I don't know. Nobody really can. But we have a reasonable doubt, and that's something that's very valuable in our system. No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's SURE. We nine can't understand how you three are still so sure. Maybe you can tell us"
-12 Angry Men (1957)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good versus Bad..Who Do You Choose?

So after updating my blogs i was so insprired to watch 2 movies and it did help that there was nothing on TV...Last night, I watched 2 great and verey different films. One was a crime drama and the other was a comedy, one of the best comedies and I fully enjoyed both.
First off, I watched Heat...ooohhh soooo good!!! I didn't realize it was going to start off that slow, I thought it was all shoot em up bang, bang, but it wasn't and for this movie I enjoyed that! While watching I updated my Facebook status stating that I hate when I watch a movie with actors that I love and they are against one another, its like who do I root for? Do I root for Al Pacino, the good and dedicated cop or Robert DeNiro, the bad criminal with a heart? I think I secretly rooted for the bad guy, but man do I love Pacino. He just has so much swag. I loved this movie, the shootout scene was one of the best ever and what an amazing cast!!! Definitely one of my fav movies, yep...just decided that!!! I love when a movie can have great action and a great story and not feel like 3 hours!!!
Then, around 9:30pm I realized I wasn't all the way tired, so I popped in Caddyshack, which was hilarious! It was a great comedy, definitely looked aged in the picture, but that didn't bother me too much! Rodney Dangerfield was of course amazing and hilarious! I see why its one of the best comedies of all times. Bill Murray had me crackin up and Chevy Chase is so cool, calm and collected. After I make it through this list I need to watch the sequel. This movie definitely made me miss the late great Dangerfield and also made me wanna watch Ladybugs!
Last night was such a great night of films! So far January is shaping out to look pretty good!! TTFN!!!
"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Now, if you're on me and you gotta move when I move, how do you expect to keep a... a marriage?"
-Heat (1995)
"Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac... It's in the hole! It's in the hole! It's in the hole!"
-Caddyshack (1980)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'll Be Back!

Ok last one for today...this is my start of January post, the one where I determine what movies I am going to watch for the month. My list is kinda random, I just went through the "The List" and picked some that seemed interesting, still keeping in with the theme of a little from each genre. You can view those movies on the right hand side of my blog!
Well with 6 days into January I have managed to see 2 films already and I am pretty proud of that accomplishment...18 more to go to get my average for the month! I watched The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day so far.
The first Terminator was good. I thought it was pretty dark and didn't expect all the killing and violence, yeah I know the title is the terminator, but still. Last night it was explained to me that it was meant to be a horror film... and that it was! I enjoyed it though and felt accomplished to have watched 2 of the best action films of all time.
Well, since I thought The Terminator was good, little did I know, the 2nd one was WAY better. It was bigger, better, brighter and faster. I love my blockbuster hits and that was so good. I was way into it last night, eating my cheesecake and other food I rather not name...LOL. I guess I just really enjoy Arnold as a good guy versus a bad guy and that shape changer was awesome!!! And can we talk about the fact that James Cameron, the one that brought us Titanic is the shit, I mean like really! I need to see Avatar, because I heard its phenomenal.
Tonight I am looking forward to either the new Terminator: Salvation or keep in theme with "The List" and watch Heat or Caddyshack. We shall see!!! TTFN!

"I'll be Back"
-The Terminator (1984)

"Hasta La Vista, Baby"
-Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Great Scenes from The Big Lebowski (1998)

Walter Sobchak: OVER THE LINE!
Smokey: Huh?
Walter Sobchak: I'm sorry, Smokey. You were over the line, that's a foul.
Smokey: Bullshit. Mark it 8, Dude.
Walter Sobchak: Uh, excuse me. Mark it zero. Next frame.
Smokey: Bullshit, Walter. Mark it 8, Dude.
Walter Sobchak: Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.

The Dude
: Walter, ya know, it's Smokey, so his toe slipped over the line a little, big deal. It's just a game, man.
Walter Sobchak: Dude, this is a league game, this determines who enters the next round robin. Am I wrong? Am I wrong?
Smokey: Yeah, but I wasn't over. Gimme the marker Dude, I'm marking it 8.
Walter Sobchak: [pulls out a gun] Smokey, my friend, you are entering a world of pain.
The Dude: Walter...
Walter Sobchak: You mark that frame an 8, and you're entering a world of pain.
Smokey: I'm not...
Walter Sobchak: A world of pain.
Smokey: Dude, he's your partner...
Walter Sobchak: [shouting] Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!
The Dude: They're calling the cops, put the piece away.
Walter Sobchak: Mark it zero!
[points gun in Smokey's face]
The Dude: Walter...
Walter Sobchak: [shouting] You think I'm fucking around here? Mark it zero!
Smokey: All right, it's fucking zero. Are you happy, you crazy fuck?
Walter Sobchak: ...It's a league game, Smokey.

The Dude: It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...
Donny: I am the walrus.
The Dude: You know what I'm trying to say...
Donny: I am the walrus.
Walter Sobchak: That fucking bitch...
The Dude: Oh yeah!
Donny: I am the walrus.
Walter Sobchak: Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!
Donny: What the fuck is he talking about, Dude?


Happy New Year!!

Wow!!! Happy New year, geez it has been so long since my last post!! I have so much to catch up on, maybe that's why it has taken me so long!! Well, the new year has been great so far, waiting for a few things, but I am tryin to be patient ya know! As far as my movie watching, oh man I did a lot of that and saw some excellent films. So we are just going to go one by one and I will only discuss the ones on the "The List" and just give a lil blurb about the ones not on there!! Here we go...
A Christmas Story: So I decided that this is one of my new all-time favorite Christmas films. I am just so ashamed that it took me so long to watch it! I think I would record it on my DVR and then never watch it each year...but oh man it was funny. Just a classic, great film from beginning to end. My favorite part was when he was helping his dad change the tire and cussed and explained what he really said. Then it was so touching when his dad bought him the BB gun he had been wanting and it literally shot his eye out! Oh man, I loved that film!!! Possibly the best of December, lets see...
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Keeping in theme with Christmas I decided to watch this...wasn't that great. Not really a fan! In the beginning I was crackin up cause I thought I was being smart by saving it for Christmas when it was actually a Halloween movie, so I thought...but It was Christmas, but not a very good one. I think you have to be a special person to really enjoy that film.
Memento: What a trip this film was!! It was good, very confusing, but I actually enjoyed it. My lil bro watched it with me and we were like...huh? I was mad at the ending because all you could do is speculate as to who really killed his wife. I prolly wouldn't put it on my all time favorite list of films, but it was cool.
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid: So this movie confirmed that not even 2 great actors will help me enjoy a true western. Didn't care for this one. Robert Redford and Paul Newman were amazing and hot and all the things they are supposed to be, but man I just really cannot get into Westerns. I did enjoy Tombstone, but I think because its a newer western and has classic one-liners. Oh and I thought Unforgiven was good, but this genre maybe my least fav...
Gone With the Wind: What a damn good film. I mean, AMAZING. I clearly see why it is one the best films ever and a true classic. I was so scared to watch this film once I saw its running time of 3 hours and 53 minutes, I kept tellin myself, there is no way I will be able to sit through this. There is no way, esp after reading the description. Especially after sitting through Sound of Music was so hard because of its length even though it too was a great film. But hey, I got through it in two days. The disc were separated in parts, so that made it so much easier! I am not a big fan of Vivien Leigh, esp in Streetcar...but she played a great Scarlett O' Hara and of course Clark Gable was amazing!!! Again, I timeless true classic.
The Big Lebowski: Ok, so I saved this one for last, esp cause it was the last one of December I watched and possibly my fav...unfortunately I didn't get around to Godfather II or Raider's of the Lost Ark like I planned. This movie is close to my heart, not only because it was funny, but because when and who I watched it with. I rented this movie intending to watch it for January, however, during New Years I had a friend over and come to find out this is his favorite movie and everything he has said to me over the phone... he got from The Big Lebowski. I had no clue, and he had no clue I had it in my possession. So funny!! I wanted to to watch it a second time, by myself so I could truly appreciate it, but I didn't get a chance, so imma just buy it...but what a great film!!! "The Dude" had me crackin up and I love John Goodman and Steve Buscemi; I could watch him in any film. Gosh, freakin hilarious!!!

Well those were the films off "The List" that I watched and really enjoyed. It looks like I saved all the best films for the end of Other movies I watched during the break were...Up, 500 Days of Summer, The Hangover (4 times now), A Christmas Carol, Four Christmases, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and some other fun Christmas movies and other movies I have seen this year. All of those were great films and Up was so sad, had no clue it was gonna be that sad, but good!
I had a great December! only missed 2 movies that I planned to watch, but watched another, so that makes 15 films from "The List" and 7 other films (Night at the Museum 2 and New Moon), making my total 22 movies I had never seen during the month of December.
So to do a summary, I have watched 96/273 movies..yeah I am way behind! I need to get on it if I am going to realistically watch 177 movies in 9 months, which is an average of 20 movies a month!! Man, I have got to do it!
***And not that any of you have actually seen the list, but Sky made some changes to it where he took some off and replaced them as well, I still kept my total at 273 though, so the numbers maybe a little off, since one of the added ones I have seen already. Just and FYI!

Favorite film(s) of December: A Christmas Story, The Big Lebowski, An Officer and A Gentleman, and The Apartment.
Favorite non-list film: New Moon and Four Christmases.
Least Favorite film(s) of December: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Stuck in the Middle: Gone with the Wind and National Lampoon's Vacation.

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"
-Gone with the Wind (1939)

"Ralphie: Oooh fuuudge!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!
Mr. Parker: [stunned] *What* did you say?
Ralphie: Uh, um..."
-A Christmas Story (1983)

"The Dude
: God damn you Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?"
-The Big Lebowski (1998)