Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sooooooooooo behind....

I don't know what happen to my inspiration. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying all these movies, but I haven't been motivated to just write about it, I guess cause I feel like its all repetitive and no one even gives me feedback, not that I really even care and I know I have 2 strong supporters and I love you guys for that. I guess Janet was right that its prolly a lil more exciting to read about someone's life rather than movies, but I don't have all these issues or exciting things to discuss. I am not married, have no kids, not in a relationship, so quite frankly a blog about myself would be boring as well. But anyways, enough of that...I watched 3 movies over the past week, so here ya go:

I finally, finally finished Field of Dreams! It was such a good movie, I don't know why it took me 3 different times to watch it, but when I finally did I enjoyed it. I feel like I haven't seen Kevin Costner in a new movie in so long and I just loved the little girl in the film, she was so cute and adorable. James Earl Jones is amazing and I wanna hear his voice or see him in films more often. I am a very imaginative person as well, so movies like this make me happy.
Don't ask me why I even rented it, but I also watched Surrogates the other night. Pretty freakin bad, like pretty bad. Why was that movie even made and why did I watch it? Enough said.
Lastly, I watched My Sister's Keeper over the weekend and I loved it. It made me laugh and cry, but only towards the end. I just love how it was made, going back and forth between the past and present. I thought Cameron Diaz was great as a bitch of a mother, not to her kids, but just overall like her role in Any Given Sunday. I am so glad I don't really read books, cause apparently I would have hated this movie if I did!
So I am way, super duper behind on my 20 movies for the month because as you can see I have only seen 1 qualifying movie. I have 4 at home, so hopefully I will get around to them. TTFN.

"If you Build it, He will come"
-Field of Dreams (1989)

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