Thursday, June 30, 2011

That's right...Markisha is back!!!!

So its official...I'M BACK!!!! I decided last night that this is something I needed to start back up, especially with the start of summer. I have had this beautiful Blu-Ray player since New Years and I am pretty sure I have only seen 25 movies since then (if that)...that is unacceptable!! Its the cable, it has taken over my life. I record everything and I am pretty much obsessed with TV shows, also last year I missed a lot of my favorite shows, so I was playing catch up, but really there is no excuse for a lover of movies like myself to be such a major slacker...

So here is my master plan: I am going to continue to watch from my original list of 272 movies. Apparently I have only watched 115 movies from this list alone...I definitely have a long way to go, but I am not putting any limitations on my movie watching this time. Why? Because that's how I previously got burnt out from watching older movies. Ideally, before I turn 30 I would like to have watched all these films, all the Oscar Winning Best Picture films, Highly rated nominated films and films on the AFI Top 100. I will start with only films before 2000 and eventually move into great films after 2000, but that's a whole separate list! While that is very ambitious, I am giving myself a 5 year plan. Silly, I know, but before I can truly call myself a "guru" or lover of movies, I must be well versed in all the "classic" films, cult classics, and films that have changed the course of history...

I am really excited to get back on the saddle and hopefully not fall off the wagon. (wagon...saddle, its all the same) Do not expect me to watch a movie everyday, I definitely have to get used to it again, but I am going to start off with 12 a month and see how that works. I mean I still got all my TV to watch and newer films, but its time to dust off my Blu-ray player, take some movies off the shelf and ride this until the wheels fall off...Wish me luck!!!! TTFN!!

***So I know this clearly came out after 2000, but I absolutely love this film. This quote below is by far one of my favorite scenes and it just resonates with me right now. ENJOY!

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out."
-The Notebook (2004)


  1. I've watched 99/100 on the AFI list from 2007. Most of them are really good; I think Blade Runner was really the only one I didn't like. But some of them are horribly boring even if they are good. I've been stuck on 1 to go for about a year. Just can't get motivated to watch Intolerance...

  2. thats awesome!!! 99/100...yeah I was going to just go off the top 100 list, but one of my good friends decided to make me a list of my own pulling form all kinds of sources and thats how I got to the list I have today!!! Its really exciting going through the films!!
