Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Month...February is for Blacks and couples... I got one of those down!

Welcome February and goodbye January...you were sooooo good to me!!! I hope this month is gonna be a good one. I thought about this the other day and I am going to make this month strictly comedies, romance and any other Black or minority driven films that I have yet to see. So before I get started on Feb, lemme breakdown January.
Well, I did sooooooooooo good last month!! I saw 19 films off "The List." I have to say that is the most and I was only one short of 20...agghhh!!! Its OK though, because it actually wasn't that hard, but then again I picked some darn good films. I think there were only 3 or 4 that I didn't care for, but 15 others that I really enjoyed and its going to be really hard to pick my favorite film of the month and even harder to top that next month. I know I have many more films on "The List" that will be amazing, but I just don't know if I may have picked all the best ones in this one month...probably not!!
So here is a list of all the films I saw this month: 12 Angry Men, The Jerk, American History X, True Romance, Star Wars, Imitation of Life, It Happened one Night, An Affair to Remember, Crimson Tide, Vertigo, Hero, Cape Fear, Valley Girl, Rocky, Witness, Heat, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Caddyshack, I Can Do Bad all by Myself, Fame, Terminator: Salvation, Its Complicated, The Lovely Bones and The Princess and the Frog. That would be 25 total films for January...pretty good!!!!
With all the constant changes or human errors, my new total is now 115/272 films...what ya got for me February? TTFN!!

Favorite list films: American History X, 12 Angry Men and An Affair to Remember
Least Favorite List films: Rocky and Vertigo
Favorite non-list film: I Can Do Bad all by Myself, It's Complicated and The Princess and the Frog
Least Favorite non-list film: Terminator: Salvation

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
-Heat (1995)

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