Monday, November 30, 2009


Good morning and Happy post Turkey day!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, as did I...So during this holiday long weekend, I planned to watch a lot of movies, but did not get around to it, however I did watch 2 very good movies.
After work, I came home, ate and cuddled up to watch Jacob's Ladder. It was a trip, good movie, good concept. I enjoyed the acting and how it just kept me on my toes. Tim Robbins was a delight to watch in a role like this.
And on Sunday I watched the mother of all classics...Schindler's List. What a powerful movie. I took 3+ hours out of my Sunday afternoon to really sit and watch such an epic film. I hated, hated, hated Ralph Fiennes in this movie, killing was such a sport to him and it disgusted me. Liam Neeson was amazing and what he did for the Jews...priceless. I must say, I wish I would have paid more attention in school learning about The Holocaust, because I think ultimately this is a film I must re-watch again so I could understand a bit more. I didn't cry, which I thought for sure I was going to, I guess for movies like this I need to just be totally in that mindset to cry, like very emotional. I normally cry during a movie when something just hits me or its an emotional time. Gosh, this was such a sad film, but I am so happy I finally watched it. There was no way I could have ever watched this at any other age but now.
So tonite, the end of November I must watch another film, I wish I had it in me to watch 2 more...but there is no way and plus Gossip Girl is on tonite and I am addicted to Brothers and Sisters, I mean that is what set me back from watching more films...TTFN!!

"It's Hebrew, it's from the Talmud. It says, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."
Schindler's List (1993)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks!

Every year, around this time is a very special holiday. Its a time for food, fun, laughter, happiness, joy, family and most importantly giving thanks. I would like to take this time to talk about a very special film I saw this month that moved and touched me in more ways than I can ever express. Its the kinda film that you give thanks for all the things you take for granted. Its the kinda film that makes you love your mother even more for all the love and sacrifice she has given to give you the best possible life; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that makes you love your daddy so much and always want to be a young and innocent little girl that was able to sit in their dad's lap and have him protect you from harm; you give thanks for that. Its the kinda film that allows you to appreciate the neighborhood that you grew up in. Appreciate the toys you would open up on Christmas. The friends you had, the friends you have, and the friends you lost; you give thanks for that. The film I am talking about that I give thanks for the ability to watch films everyday, to fantasize about the fairy tales and give a sigh of relief for films that are not a true story. Because you think how could a mother or father do that to their own child. Their own flesh and blood. Those are the films I am thankful for my sight and sound. I am thankful for my mind and intelligence that allows me separate the good from that bad. The happiness from the sad. This film is Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire.
Precious, just a simple independent film did all that for me. It was raw, gritty, dark, and heartfelt. I left that film in awe, I couldn't believe that life could ever be that dark for someone, although it didn't say "Based on a True story..." i believe that is a true story somewhere for some girl. Although I could never relate in the least bit to any part of that film, I certainly sympathize and know that I am thankful for my life and the journey I am on to continue to live a solid and healthy one. Lets all give thanks! TTFN

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious."
Precious (2009)


Oh Re-runs...

So last night all my shows were re-runs, therefore I decided to knock out two films and boy that was a bust! I mean you call these 2 films classic, well they went classically wrong for me. Without making this a long trashing blog, let me just lay down the facts.
Well, I finally watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail because I heard so many people love this film, and its a classic and its so funny and all these wonderful things..NOT!! It was crazy and ridiculous, however, I talked to a few colleagues and we all agreed that British humor is so different from normal humor. I think for this movie you have to dig really deep to get that roaring laughter..well I guess I just didn't dig deep enough.
Now to top it off, I tried to finish a film that I previously feel asleep on, well I guess I should have just stayed asleep. I have no intention of being some film critic with this blog, just what went on in my brain while watching Chinatown. Yes, Chinatown, man I was looking forward to this one too and it just didn't do it for me. I also realized that I am not into Noir type Crime-Drama films. I love Crime-Drama, just not that type.
And the best part of my night, I decided to put in a film I knew and liked, so I went through all my DVD's and picked out Broken Arrow. Turned off the lights, got under my covers, got about 5 mins. into the movie and realized I didn't remember any of the movie, especially because I thought Christian Slater was the bad guy, not Travolta...even though he plays one hell of a bad guy. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie...I just didn't remember any of it! LOL!!
As you can see my night was a bust, well not a complete bust because I knocked out 2 more films off "The List"...but geez, I was hoping for 2 good films, but like I always say...they all can't be good! TTFN.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
-Chinatown (1975)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Almost There...

So this wknd, I did a little catching up! Between this weekend and Monday I saw 3 movies..I know just three, but I also watched 3 shows on DVD which translates into 11 episodes which translates into about 91/2-10 hrs of time I could have been watching some more DVD's...oh well! I still have complete confidence that I will achieve me goal...
So first off, I finally watched Sophie's Choice. Good film, bu didn't make me cry. I actually fell asleep in the last 20 mins., then had to wake up when I heard someone screaming and good thing I did because that was the best part of the whole film. That was the part when Sophie had to "choose." Definitely sad, but I was ready to cry, I mean like grab a tissue type of crying because it was listed as a tearjerker and I feel like so many people cry after watching this film. Since I was a tad bit confused, esp when it jumped to her past, thats probably why I wasn't filled with so much emotion. Meryl Streep was stellar!
Next, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!! Soooo good, well of course, I have seen it when I was younger, but there were so many parts I didn't remember. I have to say it was much sadder than I remember. I mean I know she ends up living in the end, but the fact that there was a funeral and all made me so sad. I was like, wow...Snow White is a deep and sad film, but loved it and is a true classic!
Lastly, on Monday I decided to play a lil hooky and I watched The Princess Bride! That was such a cute film that had all the elements of a classic. Good actors, humor, happy ending and true love. Who doesn't want true love right? It was so much fun seeing Mandy Patinkin from Criminal Minds as a Spaniard fighter avenging his father's death...that was classic! I love feel good films and that was definitely one!!
I have to say I saw a good lil run of films and have about 3 more coming this week, hopefully before the 30th I can knock out more than last month..I was supposed to watch 18 this month, but I highly doubt that will happen!!
I will probably not watch another film before Thanksgiving, but tomorrow expect an extra special blog!! TTFN!!
-The Princess Bride (1987)

Friday, November 20, 2009

This One's For You!

Hi Marques! Yes I am talkin to u since I think ur the only that still follows my blog and keeps me on my toes!!! So this blog is for
Well last night I purchased a new TV that I have been wanting for some time and I decided that since I wake up 5 days a week and have been dealing with 10-12 students a day for the past month or so and not to mention walk-in Fridays have been out of control, that I should reward myself with a new I DID and I decided to break it in with my first love..A MOVIE!!!
So after playing around with all the fun features I popped in The Ugly Truth, I was waiting for a few friends before I watched it, but that never last night was the perfect time. It was such a great movie, I compared it to The Proposal only because that was the latest movie that could relate to it the most, you know with 2 costars in which the movie is only going to work if there is chemistry on the screen and this movie was full of it and hot guys!! I was so excited to see the Gay Priest from Brothers and Sisters, he screams hot! And since I don't watch Grey's Anatomy I am still able to be a fan of Katherine Heigel (cause I hear most people aren't anymore). It was a cute film, kinda predictable..but nowadays what isn't? I loved it though!!
On another note, I did watch a few films last wknd that I never blogged about, I guess because neither one was a film off "The List" but good films indeed, so I guess I will do another for those two!
So I bet ur wondering what do I have in store for this wknd...well quite a few things! I have 3 discs of 3 different TV shows (Brothers and Sisters, Criminal minds and The Mentalist) I plan to knock those out and I rented one "List" film..Sophie's Choice. I am excited for that; never seen it, but heard it was a true classic. I own or borrowed a few other classics, so hopefully I get through a couple of those because I am a little behind!! Anyways, on top of that, I am really going all out and will try to have a themed day where I watch either Disney movies or action movies, Haven't decided yet...but its gonna happen. So Lil ya go!! TTFN!!
"Here's Looking at you Kid"
-Casablanca (1942)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 classics...check!

So I literally have not found 5-1o mins out of my day to even share my wonderful weekend of movies with you. I hope before reading this you have read my last post about my current favorite movie, I had a lil fun with that one and that night!! This weekend was a little different, I saw 3 very different, yet touching classic movies..lets discuss them!
The first one I saw was The Silence of The Lambs on Saturday night. What a great film! Of course, over my 24 years of living I have heard so much about this film, just never had the guts to actually watch it and in October I really wanted to, just never found the time ya know, but now I did! It was a true classic and Anthony one could have played a better Hannibal Lector than that guy! Oh and seeing Ted Levine as a serial killer-tranie-psycho who tucked his goods in to look like a woman, now that just took me by surprsie, esp. cause I love him at Detective Stottlemeyer on Monk.
Next film was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's that was one of my favorite films. So sad, but so deep and amazing and just touches your heart and soul. Jack hell of an actor!!! I mean I love him as The Joker and in The Shining, but this film..I was speechless. I was forewarned that it was sad, I just didn't realize how sad. Those guys looked up and admired him. I fell in love with Danny Devito...Oh man, he was a riot!!! He was so little and played mental really well, esp. when they would play cards and bet a dime. My favorite scene, well I had a lot, was when "Chief" was playin basketball, and he was supposedly deaf, dumb, and mute, which I am glad he really wasn't...that was so funny!
Lastly, I really got to thinking after seeing Do the Right Thing. What a powerful film and had so many deep messages. My mom claims I saw it when I was younger, but I don't remember at all. I have to say watching the film I definitely remember hearing references to different characters, like Radio Raheem...I have heard someone mention him at some point in my life. It was so funny cause during the film I was texting my brother about scenes I thought were funny cause I know he has seen it and he was reciting a few lines, so I was like "Oh seems like you are very familiar" and he was like, "Yeah I have seen that film since I was 5, so I have 20 years of familiarity." Then I said back, "Well I guess that makes me 20 years behind!" It was so true though, cause films like that I took zero interest in when I was younger and I am so proud of myself every time I watch one of these classics, I feel like I have accomplished if I am living life now.
I think my 2 favorite scenes in Do the Right Thing were all the racial slurs they had for every race. The other one was towards the end when Mookie comes to get his money from Sal, it was so powerful, because despite all that happened the night before with the murder and rioting and a family losing there life so to speak, here comes a young kid that needs to support himself and family comes to ask for his money. Well at that very moment you get upset cause its like WTF... then the scene soon progresses and you realize he is just about his money. He needed to get paid for hours he worked, nothing more and nothing less. I mean I could go on about that scene and people can interpret it any way they wish, but it was very powerful. And of course, the ending with Smiley...priceless!
What I really loved or enjoyed about all these films, was watching actors that I have seen in more recent roles, I have talked about this before, but these 3 films were perfect examples of seeing older actors in there debut roles or first major role. Its just an exciting thing. I love movies! LOL!!
So that was my weekend of fun, I told you in November I wanted to watch movies that affected me in some sort of way or were true classics. I am determined to get a lot of films watched this I am on my way! TTFN
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
-The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not!
You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

"Hey, Sal, how come they ain't no brothas on the wall?"
-Do The Right thing (1989)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

In this case the V was for the "Vulcan salute" instead of "Victory!"

You know what? Its great to be a Trojan and you want to know why? Because we got to see free movies at the new Regal Cinemas at LA. Live! Yes, if you are a USC student,last Thursday night Eric and I saw 2 great flicks. All summer I wanted to see G.I. Joe, but then the summer just flew by and besides Eric went off to vaca and we just never got around to seeing it, then of course, of all days that I decide to take a lil stroll around campus they are advertising USC free Movie Night!! Well my P.I.C. was gonna be outta town that day and besides she really didn't wanna see G.I. Joe anyways, so I dial up my other summer moviegoer P.I.C (partner in Crime) and guess what... he was totally down!
So anyways, it was a great night, we thought we could only see one movie, bu then when we realized that there were later times, we were so sneaky, I put my hair down,he threw on his hood and we high-jacked another ticket to see Star Trek. Well, I am pretty sure the guy recognized us, but we didn't care. And BTW lets not leave out the fact that it was ridiculously crazy at LA. Live. There was a Kings game and R.Kelly concert and this movie premiere. It was bananas, I even said to Eric after the concert let out, it was like a Ghetto Convention in town. That was OK for me to say right... since I am black? He cracked up so hard, but couldn't believe I even said that, I mean come was stilettos, pumps, outfits like they left the club, pimps and hoes, crackheads, ok not crackheads, but fresh perms and press-on nails, finger waves and weaves, and the skankiest outfits. I'm just sayin...R.Kelly knows how to attract a crowd.
Now to the movies...G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra was sooooooooooooo freakin amazing. I am almost certain its one of my favorite movies right now, if I would have seen it over the summer that and The Hangover and The Proposal would have been my favs. By a landslide. The whole time I was thinking about Transformers and decided I actually liked G.I. Joe better. Yep, didn't think that was possible, but it was!! And come on, you know how much I love Channing Tatum...he definitely didn't dissapoint! Marlon Wayans was funny, sorry Brandi, but he did a fine job. I just love all the action and the fact that it was surprise after surprise. There was no predictability. I give it an A+ and I was so happy I got to see it on the big screen.
Now Star Trek...great film. As we all can guess, I am no Star Trek fan,but I thought it was a fine film. Great story line, great actors. Although I hate "Sylar" from Heroes, he played a wonderful and perfect Spock. Don't get me wrong, somehow I know all the characters, just never watched it. I do remember being younger and at a hotel for whatever reason. It was late at night and there was nothing on at all and I came across Whoppi Goldberg on the tube and ended up watching whatever she was in, come to find out it was an episode of Star Trek, so that and prolly like one other one I have seen in my entire life.
So yeah, that was my Thursday night and I paid for it on Friday. All day, after seeing a trillion students I felt hungover and I didn't even have a sip of alcohol. But, needless to say, after 2 great FREE films,1 dollar popcorn and drinks, a great Yardhouse dinner,good company, good laughs and getting home at was all worth it and I would do it over again. TTFN.
"Vulcan Salute:Live Long and Prosper"
-Star Trek (2009)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feelin Lucky?

So last night I knocked out two films on my list!! OH yess!!!
I watched October Sky and Dirty Harry, Both were very different films, yet very good films!! October Sky made me tear up a bit and Dirty Harry, well its Dirty Harry right? I am excited about my future films to come, this looks like its going to be a very successful month of films. That's pretty much all I have to say, solid films, none of my best but glad I watched! Clint Eastwood was pretty hot I must say and he had some classic lines. So headed home, got some TV to watch and maybe another film, if I am feeling lucky! TTFN.

"I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
-Dirty Harry (1971)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye October...Welcome November!

So when I was thinking of my films for October, I thought about the holiday surrounding October and that was Halloween so nothing was more fitting than scary movies right? Now November is a month of family and giving thanks because of Thanksgiving, therefore I am going to dabble in a little bit of everything related to feeling good and making one appreciate life..therefore I want to watch mostly family movies, a few comedies and tear-jerkers. I didn't get through all of my October list, so I may borrow a few from there such as October Sky, Chinatown, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Silence of the Lambs, in addition to that I will have a few others that you can check out on my Monthly list located on the right hand side of my blog page.
As far as October, I think I watched more movies than I did in September... I watched 7 from my list and 6 others for a total of 13 films. This month I manged to improve by watching 9 films from my list such as: The Sound Of Music, Twelve Monkeys, Se7en, Psycho, Stand by Me, The Thing, Poltergeist, The Shining, and Peggy Sue Got Married. In addition to those films, I also saw a couple discs of Brothers and Sisters, The Mentalist, Law Abiding Citizen, Observe and Report, Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D, The Proposal, Obsessed and a Lifetime Film: Sorority Wars (which I loved)! I saw soooo many great films, that it was really hard to choose a favorite!
So that puts my total for October at 18 films including the discs of Brothers and Sisters and The Mentalist.
And the Results are in:68/273 films watched! I really would like that to be at 100 by the end of 2009, which means I would have to watch 38 films in 2 months...wish me luck! TTFN!

October Favorite: Se7en and The Shining. (The Proposal: "non-list" film favorite)
October Least Favorite: The Thing.
"Build it and They Will Come"
-Field of Dreams (1989)

Fall Back...

So yesterday was November 1st and Daylight Savings Time! I love that time of the year, esp in the fall because we get an extra hour of sleep and fun! I actually had a fun-filled Sunday and a fun-filled October! Threw a birthday/Housewarming Party that was a success, had a few game nights and watched 2 1/2 scary/thriller type movies on Halloween night! Now that it is November, I get to do my October summary of films, but before that, lets talk about the last 3 films I saw...
On Halloween night, my goal was to have a scary movie marathon, not slasher movies scary, more like older movies on my list. So I cuddled up with Sky and we got through Poltergeist and The Thing. Started on Psycho, but fell asleep and finished it on Sunday. Poltergeist was scary good. I am pretty sure I saw very little of that when I was younger, because I remember the short old lady that still freaks me out a lil. I felt the little girl was super creepy, with her long blond hair and that voice, but it was a damn good movie!!
The Thing, that was Sky's choice and I have to say..not a good one! I didn't enjoy it, thought it was gory and gross and a tad bit confusing. There were too many characters to keep up with and all the guessing just grew tired. So those sci-fi/horror ones...not really my thing!
Lastly, Psycho! Sooo good! I am really enjoying these black and white films. I totally called the killer though, but it was still a good movie. I am so glad I finally get to understand the references to Norman Bates and the Bates hotel. So 2 out of 3 were really good.
Well, I guess watching those confirmed that I could stomach certain films that I had no clue I could! I definitely want to see more Hitchcock, so he will be on the list for November. TTFN.

"They're Here"
-Poltergeist (1982)

"We all go a little mad sometimes."
-Psycho (1960)