Monday, December 21, 2009

The Way You Make Me Feel December!

Hi everybody! I like to think that I am doing pretty well in December with my movie watching, but I am not so sure of that. I feel like I have watched a lot of films, but after looking at my list I am not so sure. I would like to knock out 2 from "The list" today to start my Christmas movie marathon, so hopefully that is achieved. This is my last day of work until the New Year, so my blog promptness may not be up to par, but I will try! I have to watch every movie I set out to watch on this December list and I have 7 more left...
This weekend I laid down 3 different times to watch The Natural. It was a great feel good sports movie, most sport movies are, although Bang the Drum Slowly wasn't that great, however I really enjoyed this one. Robert Redford was hot as usual and Glenn Close did a fine job. I definitely liked her role in Fatal Attraction a lot more, but she played a wholesome character in The Natural. I was just so happy that it had a happy ending, because I was worried there for a bit.
So far, what I noticed about the movies I picked for December, not one of them has really hit me like, OMG I loved that movie or that was such a great freakin movie! I haven't that feeling yet, except for maybe Officer and a Gentlemen, that was the only one so far, but even that didn't affect me like other months did where there were so many to choose from that it was hard to pick a fav, but don't worry I have like 7 more films to maybe I will get that tingling sensation. Well TTFN and we will meet again after Christmas and hopefully before the New Year, but If I don't talk to you again...

"Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight"
-Truman Show (1998)

Friday, December 18, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I know u guys missed me, well Sky and Marques because I am sure you are the only 2 people that actually still follow me! I think the world should follow me cause I got some stuff to say and I love movies, yes I do!! So much that I watched 2 last nite, (on a school nite..I know) and I watched one the other night, just haven't been able to discuss it because my computer was getting that good ole' Microsoft 7 upgrade! Now I am back and ready to chat...
The other night, I received a very nice present from a new friend (a bed frame) and decided to attack it alone for about 3 hours then watch On the Waterfront. I have had this movie for about a week and a half and I guess just looking for the right time to watch it, don't know why this day was ,but it happened and still not so sure about the movie. I again loved Marlon Brando, but the movie was a little better than OK, but not amazing and wonderful and all the other adjectives I have used. So I chalked that one up as " I was too tired to enjoy it type of movie."
Well that very same night, I guess somewhere I decided that I was no longer tired, although I was really tired, but maybe after On the Waterfront it was like 9pm and in my mind that was too early, so I attempted to watch Say Anything, especially because it was only an hr and 36 mins so I figured I would be in the bed before midnight. Anyways, I never got through the movie because the DVD kept skipping. That sucks huh? Yeah I got to the 18 min. mark and it skipped, so I fast forward about 5 mins, attempted to watch it, got through it, and skipped again like 4 times. I later cut it off and the next day reported a problem to Netflix, they shipped another copy and I finished watching it last night!
Say Anything was a good film, I loved John Cusack as a younger actor, although I think he is a lot cuter now. It was also cool seeing Joan Cusack play his sister in the movie, I just love her! I thought it was a really well made film, kinda your typical 80"s film too, but from beginning to end i fully enjoyed it. what was cool too was that it actually wasn't that predictable and the ending was fun!
Lastly, after Say Anything I finally watched National Lampoon's Vacation. That movie was a long time coming because for so much of my childhood I heard references to that movie from my parents. Parts like the stirring of the Kool-Aid and Walley World. So of course that movie was good and super funny. I loved it and I was so close to watching National Lampoon's Christmas, but was too tired! Next week for sure.
Speaking of next week, I am taking a few days off to relax and have a 2 day Christmas movie marathon. I have over 15 Christmas movies that I need to crack open, if I can I will start this Sunday!! I love movies and I love Christmas and putting them together...well I can't think of a better pastime. TTFN!

"You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am"
-On the Waterfront (1954)

Monday, December 14, 2009

On My Way!!

What a weekend, not the best, but hey I dealt with it! Finished Brothers and Sisters, that made me sad because I love that show, but I guess now I can continue to focus on the prize...200+ movies before my 25th birthday, I am on my way though!
So after a 3 hr long clean-up session, I had to get my home in order because it was a hot mess, I finally took a load off and watched An Officer and a Gentleman. Such a great film from beginning to end. I don't know if you guys know this but I can be a lil obsessed with time. Its very hard for me to watch a film without knowing the running time and sometimes thats how I decide what film I am going to watch and this movie pretty much won because it was the longest, so I figured watching it on Sunday would make sense right? So anyways, I normally glance at the time on the DVD player whenever watching a movie, however, with this movie the first time I glanced at the DVD player was at an hr and 21 mins, isn't that pretty cool. That just goes to show you how much I loved the film!!
Richard Gere was stellar and this was the second time I have seen Debra Winger and I think she was awesome and so cute, even though I still loved her better in Terms of Endearment. The ending was the best and this film had all the right stuff; drama, love, tears, laughter and just that overall good feeling. This is a true classic in my book. TTFN!!

"Don't you do it! Don't! You... I got nowhere else to go! I got nowhere else to g... I got nothin' else."
-An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Its a Boy..No its a Girl!!

So last night, I came home pretty wiped out, chilled a bit, watched Housewives of ATL: Lost Footage, then I went back and forth deciding if I wanted to watch the new episode of Housewives of Orange County, since I missed last week...then as I was talking on the phone I proceeded to watch it, and it was good. After that I was starved so I made a lil din-din and then opened up the 3 latest movies I got from Netflix, having 2 already there and decided on an exciting film last night.
Well, now I bet you are wondering what that exciting film was...Fatal Attraction!! Oh now that was a thriller! It was so good, and it was amazing to see Glenn Close in that role because I have only seen in her in older roles, kinda like Meryl Streep until I saw Sophie's Choice. I loved this film, it was funny because when I read who was in it, I thought to myself isn't Demi Moore in this, then a friend showed me the way and told me she is in Indecent Proposal, so I was getting those two films mixed up, same director though. What I loved about this film is that it was the catalyst for many newer films that adopted some of the same plots or bathtub-I- am-still-alive or let my wife shoot you scene. I just loved it from beginning to end!!
Now lets get to the part of the film that I was so hung up on and confused about...yes the fact that their daughter looked like a straight up boy. She has no girlie features. Nope. None at all, I was trippin cause I was like did they have a boy play this role and if so, why wasn't it their son. So during my shock and awe that the kid's name was Ellen and not Allen, I was talkin to Sky and he did a lil research, basically saying the girl was picked out of 1000's because of her tomboy look, and then I read the same thing. Don't get me wrong, she was a good lil actress, just through me for a loop.
Well, I have 4 more films at home I cannot wait to sink my teeth into, so hopefully I can knock them out this wknd when I get back from rainy Magic Mtn...wish me luck! TTFN!!

"We were attracted to each other at the party, that was obvious! You're on your own for the night, that's also obvious... we're two adults."
-Fatal Attraction (1987)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Que Sera, Sera!

So I seriously had a very nice Sunday of movies!! On Saturday afternoon I saw New Moon and wanted to take a nap and watch one or 2 movies when I got home, but instead I gabbed on the phone all day and all night and didn't really do anything productive, so I made a vow to watch a film or 2 on Sunday and I managed to watch 3 amazing films and 6 episodes of Brothers & Sisters.
The first movie I watched was The Apartment. OMG, what a film!! I absolutely loved this one, it was great from beginning to end. Although I have watched quite a few black and white films, I still have issues with watching them and immediately clam up the minute I see one, but Oh man...I should not have doubted this film. Jack Lemmon was extraordinary and I love Shirley Mc Claine, especially because this is the first role I have seen in her younger days, she was and still is so beautiful and elegant. I guess that's why this won the 1960 Best Picture Oscar...Two thumbs way up!!!
After that movie I watched the movie Heathers, but before I discuss that one, I will jump to my last movie that was hilarious and just as good as the first:Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. All I can say is hilarious!! Ben Stiller had his crew of crack-ups and it made for a fun, cute, and great film. That is definitely on the must have list for my DVD collection.
Next I decided to switch it up with a lil with a teen flick called Heathers. What a movie! I had no clue what to expect, it was like Natural Born Killers meets Bonnie and Clyde in high school. It was such a dark, yet great film. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, although crazy, were at the top of their game. I wish everybody would watch this film.
During the film I found a new song that I loved and downloaded called Que Sera, Sera (whatever will be, will be). I have heard this before, but for some reason, it really hit me when I heard it this time, as if the song was talking to me. I decided that was gonna be my motto, especially in the new year...whatever is supposed to happen in my life will happen...not to get all personal since this is a movie blog, but the last couple months of my life has surprised me a bit, in a good way. Old friends are coming up, things I wish and pray for are happening all around me. I don't question it, I do not know how it will end, but I know I am going to just ride it out and Que Sera, Sera. TTFN!
"That's the way it crumbles... cookie-wise."
The Apartment (1960)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh the 70's

So after 2 days of attempting to finish one movie, I finally did and ehhh...
On Monday I started to watch Bang the Drum Slowly and slowly is drummed on and on of fast talking baseball players. I didn't really care for it, Robert De Niro did a fine job, but I expected more. It was listed as a tearjerker in the Sports genre, but I didn't tear up at all. I only wish it would have explained Hodgkin's disease more and if it did, they were so fast talkin all over the place that I really didn't understand it. Also, I have noticed that it is very hit or miss with me for the 1970 movies, I either love em or hate em (Monty Python...hated it...One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...loved it)
Yeah, so that's my first movie of December...24 more to go! TTFN!

Bruce Pearson: Everybody'd be nice to you if they knew you were dying.
Henry Wiggen: Everybody knows everybody is dying; that's why people are as good as they are.
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

OMG, my favorite month is here, seriously this is the best month ever. Its just such a great time for family, friends, laughter and happiness. Its like nothing can go wrong in the Christmas spirit just makes everything OK. When you go outside, everything just seems a littler brighter and the world seems a little nicer!! I love this month. I love the holidays and I love movies!! And since I love movies, this month my goal is to watch 25 and I think that is possible!! Maybe not 25 from the "The List" but overall 25 movies, esp because its the holidays, so I will have more days off...I gotta watch some Blockbuster hits in the theaters and classic Christmas 25 is realistic don't ya think? Well, you will be happy to know that November so far what my strongest month of movies!! I watched a total of 19 films/TV DVD's, 13 of which were from "The List." They are as follows: Chinatown, Dirty Harry, Do the Right Thing, Jacob's Ladder, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, October Sky, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, Terms of Endearment, The Princess Bride, The Silence of the Lambs, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
And the other films and or TV on DVD were lots of Brothers & Sisters, The Mentalist Precious, The Ugly Truth, GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra and Star Trek.
What a month right? I wanted to watch 18 just off "The List", but sometimes that is just not possible, I mean with my addiction of Brothers & Sisters and The Mentalist it makes it a tad bit impossible. Luckily for me I only have 3 more discs of Brothers & Sisters and Season 1 of Private Practice only has 9 episodes, after that all my time will be devoted to films.
Speaking of films, I have decided to watch 2 films from half the genres including 1 from the Yahoo movie section on my list (so 7/14 genres+1 Yahoo=15 films minimum) Possibly more from the Family genre because it is December and a minimum of 2 of those overall films have to Best Picture Academy Award winners. Intense, I know, but of course nothing is set in stone; that is just my goal and it sounds good in my head! Yeah, I know that's deep, but I do well with structure and it makes it easier for me to reach my goals instead of super random picking. So you can see my updated list on the right-hand side; right where I left it!
Also, this month is open season where I am allowed some changes, such as taking films off and if I add one, a movie must be taken off, I cannot possibly add anymore without taking some away, so if you have any suggestions I can email my list upon request...the deadline is December 31st 11:59pm.
And the results are in:80/273...December here I come...go hard or go home!!! TTFN!
***(Editors note: Before starting this blog, I checked off that I have seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs..since that was when I was super young, I decided that it should not be included, therefore my numbers were off in the beginning and the 80/273 movies watched are correct.)

November Favorite: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Terms of Endearment.
November Non List Favorite: G.I.Joe and Precious.
November least favorite: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

November Favorite Quote:
"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not!
You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Last time I cried!

Alright, so last night was my last attempt to watch another November movie! My next post will have my summary of November and my December plan of attack, but before that lets discuss my last movie of November...
Since I was so determined to watch one or two more films(almost got through 2)...I decided on Terms Of Endearment!! OMG, this maybe one of my favorite films and yes...I cried!! Sure did, the ending was so sad, but man that was such an amazing film. The relationship between Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger it was had me in tears, my mom is one of my best friends so I could relate! And a mother should never had to bury their child (sorry for those who never seen it), but seriously, that is one of the hardest things to do. I just loved their relationship! I swear on everything I have seen like 5 mins. of that movie before, but I see why it won the Academy Awards in 1983...stellar performances, stellar story line and just so touching. A true classic and tearjerker! And how could you not love Jack in this movie!!!
So...bye, bye November and Hello December!! TTFN!

"Don't worship me until I've earned it."
Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment (1983)
"I know you like me. I know it. For the last year or two, you've been pretending like you hate me. I love you very much. I love you as much as I love anybody, as much as I love myself. And in a few years when I haven't been around to be on your tail about something or irritating you, you could... remember that time that I bought you the baseball glove when you thought we were too broke. You know? Or when I read you those stories? Or when I let you goof off instead of mowing the lawn? Lots of things like that. And you're gonna realize that you love me. And maybe you're gonna feel badly, because you never told me. But don't - I know that you love me. So don't ever do that to yourself, all right?"
Debra Winger in Terms of Endearment (1983)
**Too good for just one quote