Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sooooooooooo behind....

I don't know what happen to my inspiration. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying all these movies, but I haven't been motivated to just write about it, I guess cause I feel like its all repetitive and no one even gives me feedback, not that I really even care and I know I have 2 strong supporters and I love you guys for that. I guess Janet was right that its prolly a lil more exciting to read about someone's life rather than movies, but I don't have all these issues or exciting things to discuss. I am not married, have no kids, not in a relationship, so quite frankly a blog about myself would be boring as well. But anyways, enough of that...I watched 3 movies over the past week, so here ya go:

I finally, finally finished Field of Dreams! It was such a good movie, I don't know why it took me 3 different times to watch it, but when I finally did I enjoyed it. I feel like I haven't seen Kevin Costner in a new movie in so long and I just loved the little girl in the film, she was so cute and adorable. James Earl Jones is amazing and I wanna hear his voice or see him in films more often. I am a very imaginative person as well, so movies like this make me happy.
Don't ask me why I even rented it, but I also watched Surrogates the other night. Pretty freakin bad, like pretty bad. Why was that movie even made and why did I watch it? Enough said.
Lastly, I watched My Sister's Keeper over the weekend and I loved it. It made me laugh and cry, but only towards the end. I just love how it was made, going back and forth between the past and present. I thought Cameron Diaz was great as a bitch of a mother, not to her kids, but just overall like her role in Any Given Sunday. I am so glad I don't really read books, cause apparently I would have hated this movie if I did!
So I am way, super duper behind on my 20 movies for the month because as you can see I have only seen 1 qualifying movie. I have 4 at home, so hopefully I will get around to them. TTFN.

"If you Build it, He will come"
-Field of Dreams (1989)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Someday My Prince Will Come

With all this focus on movies from "The List" and reaching my goal of 20 movies this month, I seem to have forgotten a great film that was very near and dear to my heart this month and I listed as one of my favorite films, even though I didn't give it enough respect to write about it...
The Princess and The Frog was the first Disney black Princess film and it was soooo good!! On a Saturday afternoon, my mommy came down to L.A. and took me to see the film. I was 24, but I felt like I was 7 years old going to see a Disney movie with my mommy. It was such a great film and had all the right elements of a classic Disney Film. To this day I still love Little Mermaid as my all time favorite film and I cannot wait until I have a little daughter that I take to see her first and hopefully favorite Disney movie.
I also loved during the film she wasn't a frog the whole time, nor was she human; it was a little bit of both. I loved the relationship she had with her best friend, man I just loved all of it!! The music, the singing, the acting and the storyline.
I am so sorry for not writing about you sooner, but I hope you know that I truly loved this film and can't wait until my mommy buys it for me on DVD to add to my collection. TTFN!!

"Daddy never got what he wanted... but he had what he NEEDED: love! He never gave that up, and neither will I!"
-The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Happy Month...February is for Blacks and couples... I got one of those down!

Welcome February and goodbye were sooooo good to me!!! I hope this month is gonna be a good one. I thought about this the other day and I am going to make this month strictly comedies, romance and any other Black or minority driven films that I have yet to see. So before I get started on Feb, lemme breakdown January.
Well, I did sooooooooooo good last month!! I saw 19 films off "The List." I have to say that is the most and I was only one short of 20...agghhh!!! Its OK though, because it actually wasn't that hard, but then again I picked some darn good films. I think there were only 3 or 4 that I didn't care for, but 15 others that I really enjoyed and its going to be really hard to pick my favorite film of the month and even harder to top that next month. I know I have many more films on "The List" that will be amazing, but I just don't know if I may have picked all the best ones in this one month...probably not!!
So here is a list of all the films I saw this month: 12 Angry Men, The Jerk, American History X, True Romance, Star Wars, Imitation of Life, It Happened one Night, An Affair to Remember, Crimson Tide, Vertigo, Hero, Cape Fear, Valley Girl, Rocky, Witness, Heat, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Caddyshack, I Can Do Bad all by Myself, Fame, Terminator: Salvation, Its Complicated, The Lovely Bones and The Princess and the Frog. That would be 25 total films for January...pretty good!!!!
With all the constant changes or human errors, my new total is now 115/272 films...what ya got for me February? TTFN!!

Favorite list films: American History X, 12 Angry Men and An Affair to Remember
Least Favorite List films: Rocky and Vertigo
Favorite non-list film: I Can Do Bad all by Myself, It's Complicated and The Princess and the Frog
Least Favorite non-list film: Terminator: Salvation

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
-Heat (1995)

Last Weekned of January and I Came up Short...

So this was the last weekend I had in January to watch a total of 20 films for the month and I was one short...I had Field of Dreams in my possession, had already started it another day, could have easily watched it Saturday or Sunday morning, but decided on Taken (which I love) instead! I am a lil disappointed in myself, but hey I saw 19 older films...that is one hell of an accomplishment. To round out the last, here ya go...
I saw True Romance Friday night and that film was pretty awesome. I read the summary and was like, oh this is going be good. You really can't go wrong with Tarantino and an all-star cast like Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Brad Pitt, Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Christopher Walken, Samuel L. Jackson, James Gandolfini, Chris Penn, Tom Sizemore and a few other actors that I really like. First off, I had no clue all those people were in it, but when I saw them on the credits, I was pretty excited and interested in the roles they were going to play. I was especially surprised by Brad Pitt as a pothead. He was sooooo funny and very believable.
I wasn't offended by any means, but this film raised my curiosity about Tarantino and his obsession with the word "Nigger" because I noticed he refers to it in several films. I read a lil about it on Google and then didn't really think about it too much. He is so great though and what I loved about this film, that it was violent, but not all the violence was shown and it had a happy ending for the "bad guys" and my boy Michael Rapaport didn't die..I love him!
On Saturday, the day I was supposed to watch my last two films I watched Hero. I really liked that one too! I thought Dustin Hoffman was great, but you couldn't help but feel sorry for him, especially after he was the true hero and no one would even fathom that idea. I loved Geena Davis and I wish I could see her in more films. I feel like after her TV show bombed she just disappeared and that makes me sad, cause she is a great actress. Hero, which is another film I saw a little of when I was younger was truly a great film. It had comedic elements, but also a lot more drama which I really enjoyed!
So that was the end of January. I did pretty good and saw soooooooooooooo many amazing films. I will discuss and lay out my February plan in the next posting. TTFN!!

"Hi. How are you? My name's Elliot, and I'm with the Cub Scouts of America. We're... we're selling uncut cocaine to get to the jamboree."
-True Romance (1993)