Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cable Guy!!!!

Well I did it, watched a few movies this weekend...not any from the list, but some pretty good ones. I hate that I hadn't done that in a while because I shouldn't need the cable to go out for me to watch a movie or 2 or 3. So this weekend I had the pleasure of watching 3 awesome and completely different films from 3 different genres: Comedy, Drama, and Animation!!

First off, Friday night my roommate informed me that the cable guy wouldn't make it until Sunday (the day I was leaving for the holiday), so I walked right into Ralphs and rented my first 2 movies from the was pretty freakin awesome! I rented The Dilemma and The King's Speech. I had vaguely heard anything about The Dilemma, but it had one of my favorite actors; Vince Vaughn, so of course I had to check it out...HILARIOUS!!! He and Kevin James had me cracking up and the fact that my hubby Channing Tatum was in it...well it was already a winner in my eyes. Speaking of this comedy, I was having a discussion with my brothers this weekend about comedies back on the day, the "Jim Carrey comedies". We were watching Liar, Liar and I have to say that is one of my favorite films, I mean Jim Carrey is my all time favorite actor, but anyways I was saying that comedies are not like they used to be, now we have these "dramedies" like Funny People, Hangover or even Pineapple Express aren't straight comedies to me, they have this dramatic element where it drags on and has a lull, comedies like Liar, Liar that were an hr and a half tops, may have had a lil drama, still did it with humor. Let me know if I am losing you here, but while I think the aforementioned comedies are funny as hell, they are still not as good as the "Jim Carrey comedies" of the world. I guess its a different kind of comedy, the kind that adds sarcasm in a dry way and are still hilarious! Definitely going to add to the collection!!

Now lets get a lil bit more serious and talk about the Oscar Winning film: The King's Speech. AMAZING film!!! I clearly see how it won Best Picture, Director and Actor. I am by no means a history person, I don't memorize facts, not well versed in historical time lines or geography, but watching this film I didn't feel I needed to be. It wasn't boring or too long, just a great historic film and I loved it. I watched it in segments because I decided to pop it in the player at 11pm on a Friday after work and cooking a full meal...not smart; but waking up Saturday morning to finish it was like waking up to watch my Saturday morning cartoons...worth it!!

Lastly, after a fun pool party, I watched Despicable Me...can I just say I was pissed I had that in my possession for so long before watching it, because it was AWESOME!!! I loved every second of it. So cute and funny and a lil emotional. Those girls stole the show, esp lil Miss Agnes...too cute for words!!! I must say when this movie first came out , I told Tom I wasn't watching it until it came on TBS...that's laughable!! I love my cartoons, so I have no clue why I was so against it!! These animated films are taking on a whole new genre, they are more like cartoons for adults!!

So that was my 4th of July weekend of movies, I didn't get around to any on the list for several reasons, but I most definitely will! Probably in the next couple of days, esp because my cable and internet are up and running which means I can stream some of those movies through instant Netflix!!!

Well I highly recommend all 3 films...if u don't really like comedies...see The Dilemma. If you aren't really into history...see The King's Speech. If you weren't going to...see Despicable Me! TTFN!!!

"Nick, great moments come from great opportunities. And that's what you've earned here today. It's what you've earned here today."
-The Dilemma (2011)

"[re the stuffed unicorn] It's so fluffy, I'm gonna *die*!"
-Despicable Me (2010)

"If I'm King, where's my power? Can I form a government? Can I levy a tax, declare a war? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? Because the nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can't speak."
The King's Speech (2010)

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